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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. I'd say the SR-007's main character is to be unimpressive which is very impressive at the same time. They aren't trying to force some given "sound" down your throat since their character changes on a dime with the music they are playing at that moment. This is why the Mk2/A annoys me so much since Stax should have taken this design a step further and not introduced some, quite frankly, stupid colorations on what was a pretty much blank canvas.
  2. Reflective Grado pads are about as bad an idea as messing with the dimensions of electrostatic earpads by even 1mm.
  3. Once you've lived with a BH then those traits are easy to spot. I quite like them though and for the price the 717 is a steal to say the least. The reason for the sound has to be partially the PSU and that it is why I've been wondering about simple CRC psu's instead of fancy regulated units.
  4. You should know that you might end up liking the 717 more if you prefer a bit of color in your life.
  5. The Master is just a basic EL34 push-pull amp with a Stax socket/bias supply bolted to it. The signal is taken off the OPT primaries and fed through some caps/resistors before reaching the Stax socket. This is a great solution if you are looking for an EL34 speaker amp and just happen to have some Stax sets hanging about but if that isn't the case, you'd be better off with a dedicated amp.
  6. My motives are nothing but questionable...
  7. Ditto!
  8. The caps and wires soldered to the PSU plugs are just precious. Desoldering them would take a minute or two, well if she even knows how to desolder that is. Same can be said about mounting the caps on a perfboard.
  9. Just ask and you'll have some BH PCB's in the mail...
  10. Happy Birthday!!!
  11. It's great to hear that the amp is up and running again. Working on SP amps does give clusterfuck a whole new meaning...
  12. To open up a SR-007 you simply pull off the earpads and loosen the screws in the black backing plate. That was the easy part, getting them back together isn't...
  13. I'll also be making some different bias boards soon to use in the ES amps which will be adjustable plus have a voltage divider. Not as fancy as the DC-DC units but should be quite a bit cheaper and smaller.
  14. I really like the cut up Uberbias board and the air mounted fuse connector. I really need to order up the parts for the Vulcan though...
  15. Being OT is the HC way!! I got both the disk and the new drive from the Meridian distributor up here who ordered it directly from them. All you need is a null modem cable and the software Meridian have up on their site. It's been a while but I believe the player went from being V1.02 to V1.52 or something like that.
  16. FIRE UP THE VULCAN!!!!! The bad part about Riken resistors is that empty feeling if they were to burn up...
  17. You can use the newer DVS drives in the G08 if you upgrade the firmware. Before I sold mine I replaced the drive and was sent a new version plus a disk with the firmware.
  18. Perhaps they just shipped it with the Japanese power cord. They are almost the same after all. If you are worried then just replace it with a any IEC powercord.
  19. If it is a Japan model then it is quite normal. They don't have ground in the receptacle over there (hence the ground lug on the back).
  20. Moar broken stuff = moar tech skillz!!
  21. Yup, find the speaker you want and build from there.
  22. It's been too long and now I can't find the schematic. The caps in the bias supply are rather big at 1uf so that could be a factor.
  23. Yes and no on that one. I've owned 4 ET-1000's and only half played off a Stax box perfectly while the others had issues with the bias supply. No worries though, I have the Beyer bias supply schematic somewhere around here if you need it...
  24. If the 909 mono's are just bridged stereo amps then they should be able to do it.
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