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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. So... it's about time to sell your body on the streets for some MOAR DACS??
  2. That's a lot of heat in more ways then one.
  3. The old Blue Hawaii sounded simply sublime with that set.
  4. That's the worst of the lot IMO, it's just bland which strange given how well the same drivers perform in a Lambda chassis. I believe the had a KGSS, big black thing with no tubes? Btw. it's O2 as in Omega2...
  5. This one seems to have only one primary on the transformer i.e. the input voltage can't be changed like on the old one. \
  6. Happy Birthday!!
  7. What Sigma did you listen to and off what amp? The Sigma 404 isn't like the other ones and you need a serious amp to drive them, even the normal bias unit needs a BH. I almost entirely listen to rock, metal etc.
  8. It's rather, O2Mk1>modded Mk2, Ω/007> SR-Ω > HE60 > HE90 > Sigma/404 > K1k
  9. The Omega's do retain most of their qualities regardless of the amp but the BH just makes it all moar better. Btw. Great impressions.
  10. There is a set on A'gon right now.
  11. I want.... If I'm not mistaken, that amp is so loaded with Black Gates that it would shame even the most hardcore modders.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Those are some proper, manly speakers which make amps run and hide.
  14. It's better to be utterly smashed because of the taste and since the brenniv
  15. Yup. It does taste terrible though and should only be consumed when numbed by excessive drinking.
  16. Screws to mount BH boards to some rather large heat sinks...
  17. Some rotten shark and brenniv
  18. Happy Birthday Todd!!!
  19. Very power hungry to say the least since they are so... ehhh... small. A nice ESL63 would be a very nice option but do get them off the floor. Despite what Quad says, the new speakers are just redressed 63's with some extra panels on the 9 models. They must have asked Mikhail for help since MOAR!!! is always better...
  20. Can you imagine using the 4070 all day for monitoring duties? That's why it was designed in the first place, commissioned by one of the Japanese TV stations. I should have the review somewhere on the HDD but it's over two years old and I've learned quite a bit since then.
  21. Hmmm implanted ESP amps... the new frontier for RSA now that nobody has been stupid enough to buy the A-10? I'd love to build one of Franks amps but the concept of a SE solid state amp with a transformer on the back came up which would be just too cool.
  22. Hehe... How about you lot team up to build me an amp, Kevin has this new SS design with +/-900v PSU (the BHSE is +/-400v). It's a lot cheaper then the T2, that's for sure.
  23. Ok, it's official now. I'm not looking forward to my next CC bill...
  24. Hehe, I couldn't even write a comparison review of all the Lambdas. After about two pages of technical drivel and history then I had almost nothing to say about the sound... I've also had more then one set of nearly every one of those with something like 14 Lambda Signatures, 12 L-Pro's and countless Gamma/SR-X units. Let's face it... I had a problem.
  25. Well here goes but I'm bound to forget quite a few. I wish I still had the list which was in my HF profile before the epic crash... Stax SR-1 SR-3 SR-3N SR-5 SR-5N (gold) SR-5NB SR-X Mk2 SR-X Mk3 SR-X Mk3 Pro SR-Sigma SR-Sigma Pro SR-Sigma 404 SR-Lambda SR-Lambda Pro SR-Lambda Signature SR-Lambda Spirit SR-Lambda Pro Classic SR-Lambda Nova Basic SR-Lambda Nova Classic SR-Lambda Nova Signature SR-202 SR-303 SR-404 SR-SC1 Sr-Gamma SR-Gamma Pro V1 SR-Gamma Pro V2 SR-Alpha Pro SR-Alpha Pro Excellent SR-Omega SR-Omega/007 SR-007 SR-007A SR-007 Mk2 4070 Sr-001 Mk1 SR-001 Mk2 SR-003 SR-30 SR-30 Pro SR-40 SR-50 SR-60 SR-80 SR-80 Pro (gold or something like that) Sennheiser HE60 HE90 Unipolar (both of them) Koss ESP6 ESP7 ESP9 ESP9b ESP10 ESP950 Sony ECR400 ECR500 ECR600 Jecklin PS0 PS1 PS2 (and they all hurt like hell so I never spent much time with them) All of the Stax OEM cans (Marantz, Magnavox, Realistic etc.) Aurex HR-1000 Beyer ET-1000 A-T ATH-9000 Phillips N6325 (and some of the many OEM versions) Infinity Micro-Seiki AKG K340 One of the Minifon models (very similar to the Infinity and M-S) Jade There was also a prolonged modding phase where I came up with all sorts of whaky shit. Some were never 100% functional though...
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