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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. Resistance is futile!!!
  2. Have you tried to remove the damping? It will give you a baseline as to just how much can be done to the sound. I'd also put some Jena wire on them because it is teh bezt!!
  3. I think it just dries up with time, that is certainly true with the foam lining Stax uses. On old sets like the Koss ESP6/7/9 then the foam is nasty to say the least and destroys all it touches when it breaks down.
  4. Yup You can do better for the price. A SRM-T1/Lambda Signature combo can be found for that price.
  5. That's the PC-OCC model and Nate is wrong, they had had 5 pin Stax sockets for at least 6 years when this cable was introduced. I bought one of these new with my first SR-007 back in 2003 and they still had the 6-pin socket.
  6. Congrats to Vicky!!!!!! Damn shills overrunning this place...
  7. If it is brown then you have the SRE-15n which does have have PC-OCC conductors and is a very nice cable. The reason for the different connectors on each end is simple, make one extension that fits both types of bias since Stax was selling NB phones until 1990 at least. This does mean you can plug the NB phones into a Pro outlet...
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. Happy birthday!!!
  10. The 200mA fuses are for the power rails so these sit at 400v!! I should perhaps try these pig ugly red JJ EL34's that were included with my amp. Why would anybody make something this ugly... Ditto. The BH boards are up and running, fully dialed in and I only need to have some aluminum cut to make a chassis. Then of course Kevin presents the T2 PSU which would work perfectly in my BH...
  11. Apparently understated looks are on their way out in favor of "MOAR LITGHZ!!!" so a revision is clearly in order. Ohhh and Dinny, don't buy the AudioZone Dac-1. It has only one LED (a tiny 2mm one) and no switches.
  12. I suspected you were up to no good so put the phones into one of the ovens in the bakery for a "reverse cryo" treatment before I even touched them... Those are beyond expensive due to their rarity. I've seen a closely matched quad go for 1300$... I've always liked the SED's best of the new stuff but they can't match even the RFT's. Have you tried either GE or Sylvania 6CA7's yet?
  13. We really need to get to the bottom of that dam squealing issue. \ I've never seen the stock Koss bias supply but there may be some clues there... Excellent... The transformer scene is really heating up now with some crazy DIY stuff being worked on.
  14. I don't buy it for a second. This all smells of the usual audiophile nervosa crap...
  15. Just be grateful I don't activate that small bit of plastic explosive I used to seal the baffle on the Jade... Yup...
  16. Happy Birthday!!
  17. There are few versions of these transformers, one with a roughly 5k primary impedance which would work for Stax. I have no idea about the capacitance but I'm guessing they didn't pay much attention to it but given the price, these are hard to beat. Hammond has some very nice units as well but no capacitance values there either.
  18. Well said my friend. 11-12 o'clock from a balanced output (4V) seems to be about right. I'm using the T2 at roughly 12 o'clock from the APL's 2V SE output.
  19. It's a shame that the amps have been butchered like that. The caps are old so they have to go but why on earth would they swap out the transistors?
  20. I almost pulled the trigger on some of those for use as Stax transformers a while back...
  21. Good to hear that everybody is doing ok now.
  22. Interesting but I also found the SR-Ω to be an excellent match with the old BH. I always found the amp to hold the SR-007 back a bit but that wasn't the case with the older brother. It did have the tendency to sound a bit bright and edgy at times, very slightly and especially when the volume is pushed but this is due to the design of the phones since some of it also holds true for the SR-Ω/007. You should not discount the tubes as a factor here since they change the sound quite a bit. If you can access the trimpots on the BH PCB's then it is easy enough to tuberoll it.
  23. It should be very interesting to compare the SR-404LE to the Airbow since that is a truly great headphone compared to the other, current Lambda's.
  24. I've been doing some digging and it turns out the 7308's installed in the amp were not the cheap crap I assumed they were. They are Gold Aero and presumably hand selected Amperex units, quite sought after today. I will have to give them a another go with the OO XF2's. As it stands now the amp could be a bit more engaging.
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