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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. spritzer

    slow forum

    This stuff should be required reading over on HF...
  2. It's been a year since I paid for my BHSE (ordered it months before) but I suspect Justin is taking his sweet time with mine since he knows I won't bother him about it. It's also not like I need any more amps...
  3. Easy fix, just build a BH.
  4. That's too cool. There have been some talk of late that we drop our current democratic government and adopt the pre 1264 system again. It will never happen but it would be cool none the less.
  5. I'm going to go all national pride on you and say, Snorri Sturluson since he's credited for writing my favorite book, Egils Saga. It may be 750 years old but it's just brilliant and even funny at times. Pretty hard to make the main character likable when he's a greedy SOB who killed his first man at the ripe age of 7 but he pulled it off.
  6. Could be a Pass X1000's since they all look the same...
  7. Yup, a SR-007 coupled with a good amp will do just that, transcend into something much more then "just" a headphone.
  8. Thanks for that Nate. I'm getting a quote from the TKD factory on both the 2500 and 600 series. It's not like we couldn't use a small 4-gang pot...
  9. Happy Birthday!!!
  10. You can adjust the bias on a KGSS to 650V+ so this would be easy enough to do.
  11. There is no way to install a Koss socket on the amp since it isn't a stock design.
  12. You need panel area to make truly deep bass but for something like 200Hz you could get away with something small(er).
  13. How about making a planar woofer?
  14. Last I knew.
  15. If you aren't going up to the SR-007 level then it's hard to go wrong with the Koss ESP950. If you want Stax then the stock SR-404 is horrible (same goes for the SR-303) so I'd say 404LE, SR-202 (if you can find it solo) or Airbow SR-SC1 for the current production models.
  16. The upgraded caps are better and will let more detail through but I'd rather just go for the KGSS since there are no caps in the first place. Soft Jazz doesn't put any strain on a system so it will not show off a good system or embarrass a mediocre one. That's why it's used so much by dealers and manufacturers. Same deal with cartoons on crappy flat panel TV's.
  17. Me not being clear as usual. What I meant to say was a cluster of holes with T2 squared inside that cluster, made with smaller or larger sized holes. Well I can tell you what those machines do to cakes, the most perfect cut one can imagine with almost no water residue. Either way works for me.
  18. What about T2 square in the middle of the plate? Ohh and laser FTW!!
  19. The stock T2 runs about as hot as my old BH so I'm with Justin here, more holez!!!!
  20. It's slowly dawning on me just how fucking big that amp is.
  21. spritzer

    slow forum

    That's very cool and always nice to see just how messed up the European borders really are.
  22. Pffft... who needs a BHSE? Old school BH FTW!!!!
  23. I do think that the P+G won't be cheap but if you could check Nate, then that would be great. The low impedance isn't a problem for me but for others it might be. As for TKD, a 4-gang 2500 series is roughly 180
  24. He used Quad ESL57 parts so for the tweeter that would mean 3.5um Mylar-C, quite a bit thicker then the 1.5um stuff used in the original Omega. As for copying the orignal Omega drivers, I believe that was my comment. Some of the older He phones borrowed heavily from the SR-Omega in terms of stator design but he always used velour earpads so it can't have sounded good.
  25. I have no idea what he's saying there but that driver won't sound anything like the stock drivers. Very different materials and he doesn't show how the made the diaphragm and treated it.
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