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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. You don't need to change the bias and some like the effect while other don't. To change the bias in a KGSS/BH then you need a good meter (Fluke or similar) and preferably with those hook probes. A trimpot tool is also a good idea since if you drop it, nothing will short out. There is a trimpot in the PSU which you will adjust and you place the black probe to ground while the red probe is connected to one leg of the ballast resistor (located next to the tim pot). You place it on the end of the resistor which faces the trimpot as the other end will just give you gibberish.
  2. I haven't opened up one of the new speakers but from what I've heard nothing has really changed. The brace is there but it doesn't do a whole lot since the panels are essentially floating inside the speaker.
  3. The SR-Lambda is in high demand and short supply so probably not.
  4. The largest Mouser order I've ever placed plus PRP and Mills resistors for the T2.
  5. I wouldn't say my fellow mafia members are beating him into submission but one has to make a choice, endlessly follow the dynamic dragon or stop and try electrostatics to see if you like that sound. The SR-007/717 is something that makes it easy as they will go quickly on the used market and could be the last system you'll ever need. As for SP amps, if you know what you are doing then you can easily turn them into something great with a bit of work. The question of value does come up though if you'd ever want to unload the amp later on.
  6. The Mk2's have one Pro and one Normal bias outputs.
  7. That's not bad and kudos for getting through to them. Most aren't so fortunate... Never tried gorilla glue, no such thing exists here. I got mine here locally but can't remeber what it was called, it was a large container which I had to cut up into small quantities so that it wouldn't set.
  8. Getting all those pieces to fit perfectly together is a mammoth pain in the arse when reassembling the drivers. The polyurethane just makes it worse but it is the best adhesive for the job.
  9. You can remove the black mesh from the stator assembly but it will take some tricky gluing to get it back together. See here how the drivers/baffle is built up on the newer drivers but the old ones are essentially the same. The foam will always crack on the older phones. Stax does ship out replacements to the distributors but I usually just remove it, with no audible effects to these ears.
  10. Please get a quote on the sockets for us. The socket you sent me requires next to no force while plugging in the cable so nothing to complain about there. Ohh and I do have one of those items you were asking me about earlier.
  11. The drivers are glued onto the baffle so no way to move them. If the foam in the earpads is gone then you you have a good view of about 95% of the front dustcover.
  12. Most excellent!!
  13. Peter Daniels uses these in his builds so contacting him on DIYAudio could help. I quite like this Vampire part, I have a few which I bought from Justin and I could measure them for you.
  14. Happy Birthday!!!
  15. They are just ESL63's. Same design except they have some major issues putting parts in the right place on the main PCB, at least on the two pairs I've seen.
  16. I like the SR-Omega/007 even moar...
  17. Moar DACSES are needed?
  18. Cheers
  19. Needs that tacky gold plated SP amp.
  20. Yup, you are right. Brand new (preferably not even available yet) or OOP stuff.
  21. You could get a used SRS-2050 system for that price which is hard to fault or Some vintage lambda/SRM-1 mk2 setup.
  22. I meant with the HF mob. They were the second coming and now... nothing
  23. I this case it just means that these are fine headphones but poor value since you can get this level of performance elsewhere for less. Nothing new though since to me all Sennheiser's are poor value, save for the HD580. The Stax Omegas are a faithful representation of what you feed them so in effect nothing special. Both the SR-Omega and SR-007Mk2/A add a little bit of color, each in their own way, but the phones are essentially devoid of colorations. This is what I listen to every day and the HD800 doesn't come close, far too colored. It isn't a bad effect though if you are into that kind of sound. The wow factor can be very misleading and is often why people choose MP3's over lossless encoders as the MP3 isn't as linear and can be "impressive". Aside from the soundstage the HD800 isn't impressive so that might be why they fell out of favor so quickly.
  24. The 404LE has the wide PC-OCC cable and thus the largest cable Stax uses. Same as the Omegas, Signature models, 4070 and the extension cables.
  25. Yeah the plug didn't fit in my BH, no matter what I tried. Not happy about that... Aside from major hurdle it was the soundstage that annoyed me the most. I guess I'm rather sensitive to this whole diffused thing but there are ways to get a great soundstage and not have it sound like that, the SR-Sigma for instance.
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