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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. I just measured my O2 (replaced the cable last year) and it is 18.53mm
  2. If people don't understand gain then they really don't need an honest answer anyway.
  3. If it isn't a planar then the 8ohm impedance is truly retarded. Welcome to the 60's!!
  4. Happy Birthday!!
  5. I'd say those were mint and the pads look to be in perfect condition too. The cable is indeed the only known place where they do fail and it is something which Stax took care of with the Mk2. Using them with an extension cable will increase it's life by giving it ample slack. I always hang mine for the headband on a Stax stand and after 7 years (fuck that's a long time ) the elastic band is just like new.
  6. Ditto! Take pics of the earpads so that we can see what condition they are in. We want this set to be running at 100%.
  7. Happy Birthday!!!
  8. It's more the amps that they haven't been so good at repairing but even Stax Japan makes some blunders like my SR-Omega/007 hybrid. Easy to fix though...
  9. Progress...
  10. It was nr. 213 so it was probably written as a possible series finale if the show hadn't been picked up.
  11. Same here, except it's Fedex.
  12. They won't fit in a Lambda chassis but I'm sure Smeggy could make something for you if you asked nicely. Without retracing the rather odd E-10 circuit it is hard to know why the caps are there. Probably some compensation but with Koss, you can never be sure.
  13. The change is indeed very minor but there is an audible difference for some strange reason. For instance I've run the SR-007@800V with little to no change.
  14. I never quite warmed up to the Sigma Pro to be honest. Simply the wrong drivers for this role. The SR-Sigma and 404 on the other hand...
  15. I never studied the ESP10 circuit in detail so I can't be sure what they did nor remember the values. The original plan was to ditch the cups and build something new and just use them with Stax Pro bias but then I got an offer for them and...
  16. Stainless is a must. I never use anything else on my gear.
  17. There plenty of them made but they aren't everywhere like L-Pro's. In other news, I bought a SR-404 today so I feel a Sigma modding session happening soon...
  18. Ehh silver will be just fine...
  19. I just removed the caps from inside the housings and converted them to Stax. It was a time of great abundance of headphones so I didn't spend any real time with them...
  20. Wait, what!!!!! I thought we'd talked about some gold screws to make it moar awesome??
  21. Nope, sold them without the transformer box. I had no use for it (and nobody wanted it) so I thought I could use the box for something else.
  22. Worked on my longest running DIY project, how to cram an amp into a Koss ESP10 energizer chassis. Not easy but it will be some form of the differential amp (ECC83's and 7n7's) with the old KGSS psu (i.e. what PCB I had at hand). Should be a cool little balanced amp if I ever finish it (2+ years and counting now)...
  23. I never measured the stock T2 knob but its size was pretty absurd. 1x1.5 would be cool though.
  24. That's pretty much what I think of them, the ESL57 is limited but what it gets right, is spot on. The ESL63 is more versatile and clearly a "better" speaker if it doesn't have the magic of the 57. What I'd love to hear is the Stax F-81 which is supposed to be even better in the midrange (and even more limited elsewhere) and a fully rebuilt 57 with thinner diaphragms.
  25. Moar bass is easy enough to produce by adjusting the crossover a bit...
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