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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. If you have a SR-Sigma normal bias kicking about, try it. No wonder the old man liked them so much as they come alive with some power. That reminds me, I need to bug Justin about some Aristaeus PCB's because I clearly need more amps...
  2. After an hour or so sweat can start to build up (even up here in the cold) but no sweat with the Mk2 pads.
  3. We were clearly a large part of the nazi warmachine. Damn Allied troops thwarting our dreams of world domination...
  4. Seems like somebody had the same idea
  5. The Omega pads are easy to open, the leather is just rolled over the foam. See here. On the SR-007 you get a bit more punch in the bass and most of all, you sweat a lot less with the Mk2 pads.
  6. It's more to do with the thicker leather and the different design then the slightly stiffer foam.
  7. Hmmm that's a good point. For 5k$ more I can supply a small oven to cook the headphone before use for the ultimate burn in accessory.
  8. Well for 30K we could put in BG's and V-caps which seems to be all the rage now in upgrading the SRM-007t's and ship it with some burn in adapters so you don't have to wear out your headphones.
  9. The Pacific Pt1 and Pt2. Great series but for some reason they think Iceland was occupied by Germany as seen on a map in the briefing room. While in reality US troops were stationed here (since we didn't ask them and were neutral, technically occupying us) a few months before Pearl Harbor.
  10. Right...
  11. Ditto, I will never go back to the Mk1 pads.
  12. You can see the nominal gain of a tube type in the data sheet under u or mu. It's only a guide though as for instance the nominal impedance of a speakers but it's fine for this purpose. The ECC tubes are high gain tubes so and not really something you need for this role. Edit: A 6SN7 as the input tube would indeed be a good place to start as Marc pointed out. If you know how to solder then I'd definitely replace that 100R resistor (just make sure all the caps are discharged before doing any work inside the amp) and fitting a simple DPDT toggle switch on the back would give you two inputs and the third pair of RCA's could be wired as a loopout. It would be a great beginners project as some older switches are huge and easy to work with. From the looks of the lead wires this amp has a Plitron transformer and with the birdge rectifiers mounted on the chassis this amp could give you years of trouble free service.
  13. It also means I can run Class A beasts all day without feeling guilty. Hehe, good point. This one is pretty small though but could turn nasty if it were to spread into the volcano next to it. It's amazing just how widespread the effects can be from something like this. In 1783-1785 we had a terrible eruption up in the center of Iceland, the largest in recorded history. It not only devastated our countryside but also was a contributing factor in the French revolution a few years later. So much ash and gas was released into the atmosphere that harvests all over Europe failed.
  14. Yup, 99% of our electricity and heating are "green" with hydro and geothermal plants. Even in areas believed to be "cold" we have started to drill deeper and deeper (2000+meters) and discovered hot water, enough for heating our homes. Where I live we don't have enough groundwater so instead we use 90
  15. It's actually Eyjafjallaj
  16. I woke up to this. Pretty cool and mostly harmless since it is situated right between two glaciers which means little to no flooding.
  17. Ok, better then most but R53 will not last much longer and might even be way out of spec by now. It's a 100R so any 2W resistor would work there as 1/2W is clearly not enough. The preamp output is taken from the headphone jack but the ground is shared with the input sockets so you might be dealing with a ground loop. They are more likely in the P2P wired amps but certainly possible in these amps since Mikhail never could solder worth shit. If you a 1/4" to RCA cable then you test if it is the ground that is causing the hum. You also have no input selector so the inputs are all connected together. You need a 3P4T switch for that which is dirt cheap and simple enough to wire up. I would also cut the loudness taps on the volume control if there is any danger they are shorting to ground.
  18. Open it up and post pics. With SP one never knows what to expect so it could be something simple or very complicated but pics would be the best way to go.
  19. Started work on yet another 'stat amp, KG's gas tube beast. 10 tube's per channel should be fun and make for a nice glow. Also started work on a new front panel for my BH, 10mm FTW!
  20. It's always fun to see some old Stax stuff which was clearly made in very limited numbers as it wasn't a part of the normal range. SRA-3S non-integrated version.
  21. Happy Birthday!!
  22. Happy Birthday Al!!
  23. No sonic difference except the normal difference in the output levels of the two types. The RCA input is just the - side of the amp grounded so half the output level of the XLR input all things being equal.
  24. That could be a plan.
  25. The ESP950 is indeed more neutral and that's why I always rank them above any Lambda. The bass is leaner but it also lacks the bass boom all Lambdas have.
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