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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. Applied for my US visa
  2. How about those small and cheap Hammond input transformers? Not ideal but it gives the option of a SE input... I could but it requires milling and all I have is a drill press. I did find a place locally which could help me with that and the KGSSHV would be a good choice as any for them to make a chassis for me. There is also the option to just mount the connectors to the chassis as we usually do. Since I use SE inputs exclusively that is almost given with any amps I build. You wouldn't be the first. n3rdling IIRC bought his first Stax setup from me and now I'm racing to finish my old BH for him...
  3. 6mm for the back plate, that's about the max most RCA's will fit. I'd probably wire most of the stuff off the board which leads to the next PM...
  4. You can expect one massive beast (10mm panels) featuring these boards ASAP being built up here.
  5. Happy Birthday guys!!!
  6. Yeah, any CEO should know exactly what is going on at any time let alone when you are going to release something which can make or break the company. Now if PJW had just stayed on for a couple of years and finished those sphere speakers...
  7. Yup, but they won't work in my KGSS chassis. The problem is the thick aluminum I used for the front panel (10mm+4mm spacer) so the pots just aren't long enough to mount a knob to them. I might modify the front panel by cutting out a 45mm hole in the front panel but with such a thick panel it isn't an easy thing to do (plus the center hole is too large for the center drill of the cutting bit). I did fit one of the Alpha pots instead of the RK27 and it was a pleasant upgrade. One of the smaller TKD's has been fitted in the Stax SRM-Xh as I'm making the amp fully balanced and I'm upgrading the PSU. Tiny, fully balanced, fully discrete electrostatic amp FTMFW!!
  8. +/-350V being considdered boring just shows how utterly bonkers we really are...
  9. You could post the instructions here along with some internal pics and we can perhaps guide you along... Thanks for sharing that and the Quad design is just too cool. It's a shame PJW retired and didn't carry on like his contemporary in Japan.
  10. Nobody here has compared them head to head that I'm aware of. From memory they sound pretty similar to me but that is all but worthless...
  11. Here is the TKD and here is the Alpha.
  12. The RK27 is a dreadful pot so either those pots which you should receive soon or the TKD 4CP-601. The TKD is tiny so perhaps better for a tiny balanced desktop amp?
  13. Given how well the 404LE sold I do doubt they are having any trouble selling everything they make. Also look at the saturation of Stax in the UK and they must be selling a bunch over there. I think the real problem is Yama's wasn't up to the task. There were plenty of dealers but when they called Yama's to order nobody answered the phone. Stax has had endless trouble with the US distributors which is why the market has never been as strong as for instance Germany.
  14. I aim to please... If you get a good deal on ESL988's then go for it but they are the same speaker as the 63...
  15. Running it open would be the main issue here. "No touching of the pretty LEDs!!!!!!!!!!!" Having the heatsinks on either side is a neat idea and would look great with the amp placed on a single shelf instead of being stacked.
  16. Dual box but then you already knew that...
  17. Get some rebuilt ESL63's, same speaker but a rebuilt unit should be far better.
  18. Worked and then went to the first ever mini headphone mini meet in Iceland with me and stuartr. Bunch of electrostatics, vinyl, Grado's and I converted his Melos Maestrobator over to 230v. Excellent to say the least.
  19. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    Everybody must have some good days but he does raise an important point which is so often overlooked, misunderstood or simply chalked up a synergy.
  20. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    There is no rush...
  21. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    Ahh ok, thanks for the clarification Ed.
  22. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    So... do you have any 5XL then? Yeah, but I'd get rather furious and try to put out that damn volcano...
  23. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    Not so much if it keeps me stranded here...
  24. I have no idea how much we export but some researcher for the QI show unearthed this. It appears to be true as we have a lot of greenhouses and we even gave some banana plants to Greenland a couple of years ago when they gained a bit of independence from Denmark.
  25. Hey!! We are the largest exporter of bananas in Europe!!
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