Indeed. I for one would love a serious contender to the SR-007 just to make Stax bring out something new to crush it. Well that and I want them to increase the bias since it's limiting new amp designs...
The cable it self is fine but in terms of ergonomics it is terrible. Too stiff, heavy and it extends far enough from the housings to drag across the top of my shoulders if I moved my head. Something like what Smeggy is using would be much better.
Damping could fix it but also altering the earpads and making sure the fit is better i.e. a better seal around the ears.
I'm already forgetting what amp I tried them with but it was all of the Woo amps (I had pretty much free reign there for an hour and a half) and I think Scott's Dynamight. Damn I want to build one of those...
Too forward, edgy and tiresome too listen to basically.