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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. The new ones have solid PVC film for dust covers on both sides (which shouldn't let anything past if they aren't damaged) but the older sets (pre 1993) have PVC on one side and woven nylon mesh on the other.
  2. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    I'm not responsible for that one...
  3. Load isn't an issue here and the amp will run just fine without one. No need to turn down the volume when switching headphones but some are less/more sensitive then others so beware of that. The bias is 580V and no need to alter anything here. It will drive any of the high bias headphones just fine like that. The modern Stax headphones do not need the dustcover but something like the Sennheiser HE60 needs one. If you have any specific questions then just PM me ohh and welcome to the mafia.
  4. If we can make cases cheaply then the SRX based amp also comes into play. It is the same board size but with CCS on the output and the same PSU.
  5. Sounds like I'll have to make that Mayberry meet... Just checked the direct flights from Iceland and holy fuck they are expensive. So how do you like the 7403's Frank? I have some 3d21a's too plus 807's and some other tubes Marc made me buy...
  6. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    Many of the electrostatics are wired out of absolute phase and I can certainly hear it. HE60 comes to mind and a number of the older Stax models...
  7. Are those 7403's? Other then that, no comments from me besides basic questions about the circuitry.
  8. So true...
  9. Indeed. I for one would love a serious contender to the SR-007 just to make Stax bring out something new to crush it. Well that and I want them to increase the bias since it's limiting new amp designs... The cable it self is fine but in terms of ergonomics it is terrible. Too stiff, heavy and it extends far enough from the housings to drag across the top of my shoulders if I moved my head. Something like what Smeggy is using would be much better. Damping could fix it but also altering the earpads and making sure the fit is better i.e. a better seal around the ears. I'm already forgetting what amp I tried them with but it was all of the Woo amps (I had pretty much free reign there for an hour and a half) and I think Scott's Dynamight. Damn I want to build one of those... Too forward, edgy and tiresome too listen to basically.
  10. I bit late to the party but yay for Fitz!!!!
  11. No vomiting on Friday that I'm aware of but then again he was in experienced hands. Some pasta, water and a couple of hours of sleep made all the difference.
  12. The only difference using XLR's is more input voltage and thus more ultimate voltage swing. That's it.
  13. I like my bass on the lean side, full but lean. I did spend some time with Doug's set and they aren't half bad but it did take me some time to get the best fit. The earpads aren't the best in the world...
  14. Me hating ortho's couldn't be further from the truth. Hell I started the ortho thread here... The HE-5 is far from acceptable so let's not count that but Colon's TP's were just awesome from Scott's Dynamight. Not perfect but like so many truly great headphones, more good then bad and the "bad" just gives them character and doesn't detract from the overall experience. That can't be said about HE-5's... The LCD-2's need work and if they won't fix potential issues such as with the height system and the shitty cable (how hard is it to get 4 strand braided 24awg wire and cover it in multi filament) it could blow up in their face and I for one don't want that. The bass also needed taming but some people do like a little bit of bloat...
  15. I came home at about 8am my time after a rather long trip. Good to be home but it also means less drink...
  16. Never heard any difference with or without the foam. It is as open cell as you can get so it should have no effect on the sound what so ever. I've tired the new pads and they are obviously different. Has nothing to do with the inlay as they are built the like the old prototype pads. Edt: Seal is everything with the SR-007 so I wouldn't recommend using them with glasses.
  17. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    Jacob did ban me like 3 times in his infamous "shut the fuck up, I'm talking" mode. About to board the plane. Yay for emergency exit with plenty of legroom for free. I also bought some Senn CX250 for use with the ALO...
  18. I can't believe I missed this amp and Doug during the meet... Damn drinking...
  19. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    I do what I can... you bloody drunkard!!
  20. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    I didn't do enough raping and pillaging though...
  21. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    Hey!!! I have no recollection of that and at the advise of counsel (Al naturally) I deny everything!!! I do admit to buying a shitload of booze and sharing it freely...
  22. Yup, the reward is bear hugs...
  23. You have a BHSE in there so I'm not feeling sorry for you. I'm back at Logan after a quick trip to Boston and getting very, very lost. Went to Ratshack and bought a SPL meter and just ate some sbarro pizza. I'm looking at the IEM's in the airport store wondering whether I should spring for one of them over the MX500. Why doesn't anybody sell the Ety's? Still 2 hours until I fly off...
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