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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    Fair point but swapping in another tube type changes a lot of other things besides just the output power. I take it no adjustment is done to the amp besides changing the tubes?
  2. Something like that...
  3. Well ideally I'd want to fit an amp like that with an active cooling system. Think amp with a freezer attached... It's the only way to get silly power levels from Class A. All the electricity here is green and renewable so I can waste it at will.
  4. Happy Birthday!!!
  5. There is onething we could build that would make the T2 look very small, a liquid cooled Class A speaker amp...
  6. One must remeber one thing about BNC, that there isn't just one standard out there. There is also a 50 ohm version which most of the higher end connectors seem to be designed for... That basically covers it but Toslink has its own problems but not the more advanced optical systems. I for one just use a transformer coupled BNC system with a true 75ohm coax.
  7. A better question would be, what the hell did KG pull that thing out off? Now where is the pic of that insane multi kV supply you sent me Kevin?
  8. Yeah, the fuse blew for a reason. Meets and B22's don't mix well so taking pix of the amp boards for use to see could be a good move. Look for charred parts next to the large heatsinks...
  9. I'm sure it can be done and has been done with the large SS power amps. Is this part of some new collaboration with Rudi?
  10. Ditto. Not great by any means but it didn't totally suck...
  11. Hmmm I could go all Rudistor and attach power resistors to the chassis fed off a spare filament transformer controlled by a thermostat... "Forget preheating the valves, I preheat the chassis!!!"
  12. One thing computers do very poorly is ground plus noise and other garbage riding on the power rails. I for one have a unit that offers the ability to use a separate PSU and there might be a small difference compared to powering it off the USB bus. Now my PSU cost me absolutely nothing (old Iomega Zip power brick) so why not use it...
  13. That's one of the reasons why this is a prototype. The heat has an easy route up and away from the boards but the main heatsinks might be a different matter. There is also the issue of warmup as this massive billet might take a while to heat up...
  14. I do have access to some crazy expensive thermal camera if I ask nicely enough quite frankly I'm not too worried about the thermal properties of this thing. We'll see when I get the boards mounted though. As you might have spotted already, that riser in the side of the chassis doesn't work to fix the transistors in place. I'll have to a spreader and then mount that to the chassis.
  15. The B22's have an annoying habit of burning up under some circumstances so ditto on it just being a blown fuse.
  16. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    Yup, pretty much anything can give enough voltage for the "moar loudz" idiots but the rest is trickier.
  17. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    The rated sensitivity of the transducers tells you everything about how much real power they need to reach a certain volume level. This naturally doesn't account for wild changes in impedance and the crap that goes with it. I also hate the crap about this amp can drive full size cans just because it is loud enough. Fucking retarded idiots have no idea what they are talking about...
  18. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    Simply stating some power rating is highly simplifying the matter IMO. How the amp handles the load is far more important than some number taken out of thin air. Can the amp retain it's full voltage swing into any given load or is it far from linear?
  19. spritzer

    Audeze LCD-2

    Shit for brains barely covers kw's level of stupidity...
  20. I like that... Hehe, there should be plenty of it left over once all of the "production" chassis are done.
  21. The TKD 2500's are available with a motor...
  22. Pictures can't really describe just how nuts this chassis is. Ohh and worst case Antonio, I'll take a look at the 717.
  23. Here is one of the many projects I'm working on and it is intended as the last stand for the classic BH design. The back story ties in with the whole T2 project and that Torpedo was invaluable in acquiring the amp for me. Now we started talking about building a Blue Hawaii for him using the pile of boards I have here and to cut a long story his friend Paxti got involved as well which is a is a good thing since he owns a machine shop. We all had the same vision which is to go stark raving mad with this project using the best parts and not to cut any corners. Now the ultimate chassis has to be something milled out of solid aluminum and that's exactly what we decided to do: What we have here is a 16kg lump of special aircraft grade aluminum machined to perfection. Now this is only the prototype for me to do test fits and to iron out issues but it is a beast to say the least. The PSU will be in a similar chassis as well though probably not as big. The "production" version of the amp chassis will also be smaller with quite a few changes but this gives a good idea of just how impressive these amps will be.
  24. It was indeed never a production item as Stax went bust and all R&D not involved with the earspeaker line was dropped. There are small nuggets of info all over the place which hint at what they were trying to do.
  25. If you want something truly insane I'd recommend DIY'ing the ESL horn system Stax were working on in the early 90's.
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