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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. ...and it's pretty much done. Runs very hot, front panel at 60°C after an hour. Hardly surprising given 0.8A@12V times four plus the regulators. I need some new resistors...
  2. Where there is will, there is a way.
  3. Pffft on the Sabre, I won't touch anything that isn't ladder based.
  4. Story of the tiny chassis continues: Moved the regulators and swapped out the 3300uf main PSU caps for 33000uf. I also added servo's to the amp boards (modified version of the Dynalo/KG servo) to keep the offset in check. I'm using TL072's now as there were some just sitting on my desk but I'll probably put in some OPA27's. I have some of those on the left. Bought from a local store so European origin probably...
  5. A one off dac would also make it much harder to dismiss the source as something it isn't. We might do a Mafia dac one of these days as we have a very good I/V stage for it...
  6. Well we could use the Darkstar PCB's for something...
  7. The filaments are indeed the big headache. Using AC and a balance pot is possible but I'd rather use something nicer.
  8. What can I say, I like small amps and all the problems they bring... First up is to unfuck this Icepower amp and get this Le Monstre working at reasonable temps..
  9. Ditto. Seem to have been PM notifications but that's working just fine now.
  10. If you use the isolated parts then thermal paste would be fine but you need to insulate the bare metal tabs. No way around that... Here is the same chassis I'll be using for the mini HV: This is a Hiraga Le Monste being test fitted to see just how hot it gets. The regulators get burning hot so I'll probably relocate them to the side sinks and add servo's, Nice transformer hum as well...
  11. In related news I'm working out the details to make a tiny KGSSHV. The box is only about 15*10*25cm so I have to use a BH power supply as even my tiny HV supply won't fit. With 500V caps I should be able to do 440V or something like that.
  12. Happy Birthday Nate!!!
  13. Gotta love chefs... I'm going to introduce bread that is 100% air soon...
  14. Yeah, that should be enough.
  15. The cheap stuff really isn't good enough for high voltage. You can get away with a cheap meter but a Fluke would be a far better buy. They last for a long time as well. For soldering, I've got two of the cheapest stations Conrad offers (they are also sold here) and they are ok but something like my OKI stations is far, far nicer.
  16. Nothing concrete really but one will have only two DHT's in it, rest will be transformers. Not meant to sound nice though, it's just supposed to be bonkers. Well that and very, very expensive.
  17. Is it this one? If so I would account for a bit more room as the knob might not sit perfectly on the shaft and cause some contact issues.
  18. I'm in Iceland so outside temps are never a problem.
  19. This is exactly why the next "poor mans" amp will be based on tubes in regular production. It's a huge compromise but I've had it with sand EOL...
  20. I'm working on a few Stax DHT amps but nothing as insane as Kevin's 12 tube monster. Not going to start any new projects anytime soon though, it's time to clear some of this half finished stuff.
  21. Didn't get this from me... ecd2.pdf
  22. It's better to match but it's not necessary.
  23. BT is BitTorrent, i.e. how I watch US tv...
  24. Any 130V zener will do, any wattage and tolerance will do. I should have some LSK389's but I'd have to check. Just shoot me a PM so I won't forget. Now it's time to patch up this nasty cut I got while drilling the front panel for the newest amp...
  25. Bdent is just more expensive but the part is out of production so it's not going to get any cheaper. No sub available with the same or better specs. I can help you with 2705's as I have a bag full of them and any 130V zener will work. I got some from Mouser recently but don't remember the partnumber...
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