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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. That's excellent news!!! Speaking of offboard... say hello to the new super tiny KGSSHV's.... This is a new version of the offboard design I did for my own use. Cut down in size as far as it can go and 2SA1968 only. The power supply in the pics is a version of the BH supply as even the KSSHVk PSU is roughly the same as the entire chassis. That said, I'm putting the finishing touches on a version of the HV psu which will fit in there...
  2. Well I can attest that a Lambda driver in a HE90 shell sound pretty spectacular. My Omegas now just gather dust...
  3. It has a DC plug on the back so it has to use a switcher to generate the HV. Whether it is regulated or not I have my doubts as Stax only regulate when they absolutely have to. In the SRM-300 they were running the output devices right up to the limit
  4. Happy Birthday!!!
  5. The amp slotted between the SRM-252S and the 323S. USB dac built it... Oddly it says SRM-212 on the back....
  6. The G-lite is an excellent amp for something so bloody tiny. For Doug, I just got off the phone with my friend who has my L-2 on loan. He couldn't praise it enough with the HP-2's but he had one request, an electrostatic amp with the same basic chassis design. So Doug, get cracking!!!!
  7. 99% chance that it is made in Japan. The Chinese are all too aware of the benefits of doing that...
  8. At least it's a nice looking Beyer...
  9. Sure but something like this might do a lot more harm than good.
  10. Also, how were they used?
  11. There is a solid piece of PVC film that should keep everything out. If that fails then the drivers are pretty much scrap.
  12. I never bother to replace it.
  13. I really don't think Stax care at all about competition unless they are trying to leach off their work. It's often been stated that the SR-Omega was a reply to Sennheiser releasing the Orpheus but I've always understood it as a last ditch attempt to save the fledgling company from collapse. They had been doing a mammoth research project to look into what truly made 'stats tick and were simply running out of time. The Lambda is from 1979 and it does show its age. I guess their biggest problem is what to replace them with as if they go with the flat planer stuff we have now then a lot of the soundstage will go as well. The Lambda frame is in it self a stroke of genius as it creates a semi closed space which allows for some reflection, hence creating this sense of air. It's naturally a trade off but their real problem was always how the drivers were put together and mounted to the baffle. With the x07 series this has been drastically improved so the best way forward would be to drop the silly model distinctions and go back to 3 models and have them all black. One could be gray but the brown and green have to go... As for an improved look, what they could do is change the frame to a more done shaped structure and replace the plastic grill with metal. I do think Edifer should at least attempt a cheaper line of 'stats made 100% in China. In Stax they have the expertise to make them properly and of a consistent standard but they should not be branded Stax at all. I'd use the Stax name in marketing and such as a way of showing the heritage but that is it. It's better than some crap pushed by shills and people with very little exposure to 'stats we get from China now.
  14. It's just open cell foam, nothing really special. You could also just buy some fabric intended for speakers.
  15. I truly don't get the interest on HF over the new Jade. Just look at the prototype, they are still doing the same old stupid shit (no Stax plug for instance) and we all know it will be very, very expensive. No leather pads which makes no sense at all. Now I'm the last person to defend the King Sound lineup but at least their headphone sounded better than the Jade stock and was 500$. They also managed to make proper cables and the whole assembly is solid enough. They are also replacing all the H1's for H2's free of charge. Still I'd rather have a 207...
  16. The earpads just require some trial and error but you'll get the hang of it
  17. Happy Birthday Frank!!
  18. You can remove the elastic mountings and shorten it a bit. Just two screws on each side.
  19. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alps-Brass-RK50-Quad-Pot-/200990813525?pt=US_Amplifier_Parts_Components&hash=item2ecbfc6d55 That is some funny shit. The "alps folk of Switzerland"? What the hell are they smoking. Plus the quad was used in a lot of high end equipment in Japan.
  20. The 6P1 amp is even cheaper (less than 200$) so yeah, great to learn from. You could also modify it to take EL90's which are pretty good. I picked the bigger amp as it had a better PSU setup and I have a pile of nice 807's that will work perfectly. My only problem is with the chassis height as it simply might not be enough for all the film PSU caps I want to put in there. The 100uf/500V aren't exactly small... I'll also probably add DC heaters for the front end, maybe a CCS on it too.
  21. Happy Birthday John!!!
  22. Mosfets are fine for a CCS...
  23. On this subject take a look at this: http://www.siliconray.com/audio-amateur/amplifiers-w-case/low-price-6p3p-single-ended-tube-amplifier-kit.html So this is a fully featured tube amp kit for 241$ shipped. It uses 6P3P which is a Chinese version of the 6L6 and 6N1 driver. It is trivial to use 807, 6BG6, 6L6 or indeed 6V6 and swap the driver for 6N1P-EV or indeed 6CG7 (aka 6SN7). Now all the components included are probably crap so it's just the chassis, sockets and transformers that are usable. Good excuse to get some Koa SPR's and rework the circuit to perform better. The PSU needs work but the small Wima 10uf caps are cheap so make for an excellent input cap after the tube. Add another choke, some new caps and we are in business. All in something like this could cost 500$ with very nice parts and crush the Alo piece of crap. Hell there is plenty of space on that front panel for six TRS sockets if you think that helps... The Edcor output transformers are only 50$ and should fit the top plate perfectly. I just bought one but I'll do it a bit differently. I'll fit some Lundahl iron and turn this into a Stax amp. Might even add some input transformers and balanced inputs. XLR in, then single ended to balanced output.
  24. Yeah, it should have been done right in the first place. They really need to fix the amps though as some idiots might buy them and think they are good.... until they try the SRS-2170
  25. Don't mess with the drivers. 90% chance that you will damage at least one of them. As for King Sound, just saw this.
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