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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. I think Wachara did that at one point.
  2. Early sets are always a problem,personally I wouldn't touch an early SR-Omega with a 10' pole. That set will probably need a new cable and definitely new arc and headpad. Budget 500$ or so for that...
  3. Been listening to the KGST and it does sound pretty good indeed. It's a bit shocking how close it comes to the BH, throwing that same deep soundstage with a rock solid foundation. Now the BH is still better but this is damn close...
  4. Ari nailed it but I'd like to add that many designers, while trying to do their own thing, often make grave errors. Important factors are simply glanced over or others deemed "not important". Ari says we are crazy to run our amps on such high voltage rails (and he's right) but that's a better approach than RSA with the A-10, "who listens that loud?". Then we have the flipside where a design is supposed to be this and that regardless of how it will sound. No better example of that than then the EC Electra. The bottom line though is any designer must have a good idea what the end result should be regardless of what is being designed.
  5. Sales must be truly terrible if they try to shill here. I'd say Zeitung but it's not 100% accurate...
  6. I'd check the bottom just to be sure. Then you can start replacing parts.
  7. First thing first, you had shorts so were all of them properly isolated and cleaned? All resistors measured out of the circuit (one end lifted up)? With a short you can even damage the PCB.
  8. How much were you paid for shilling that piece of crap?
  9. You should check out "The Guard" too if you haven't seen it for some more Gleeson goodness.
  10. I haven't had enough time with this version yet but the design offers a nice middle ground between the BH and the KGSSHV. That's also why we picked it as a starting point to do a 009 amp...
  11. My hero, single volume control and loopouts!!!
  12. Yay for selling half finished garbage. Just wait for the overpriced piece of shit they have in store for the electrostatics. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard about it and they might even beat Woo and RSA for worst ever electrostatic amp.
  13. Looks good, one thing to check though, is the pot dead. That has happened once to me.
  14. Do diode tests on the transistors, that's the only way to check while in the circuit. Other than that, just change them out.
  15. Well this is up and running... I decided to scrap my old hacked KGST boards and reuse the chassis. This one runs at +/-350V and sounds brilliant. Very stable too and no heat issues with the 2.5" sinks.
  16. That's what I'll do. No sense is using that POS pot. I'd also bridge all the resistors involved with the pot.
  17. I've never seen a pot that doesn't have the wiper in the middle. The PCB has to be wrong.
  18. I used the old IBM boards back in the day and got a Thermaltake board last year. It's quite nice but doesn't like random bits of wire landing in it for some reason.
  19. Thanks for that info, much appreciated. It's nice to know that the odd baffle plate was actually supposed to be a stator. Always seemed that way to me but no way to confirm. Not sure why these drivers are in there but it looks like they came from the factory like this. There are only four wires in the cable so either it had to changed or they were always like this.
  20. The SR-X Mk3 Pro is an interesting one as it is the rarest of all Stax headphones (well save for the SR-2 which doesn't actually exist...) and sounds stunning. The 4070 is the closed Pro model so a bit special too.
  21. All 'stats can suffer from this. Simply a byproduct of the design but the 009 seems more prone than others. No doubt that is due to a mixture of the large stators and the diaphragm coating. I'd always discharge the sets when unplugging. After fairly large number of sets passing through my hands I've never had this problem. Could also be due to the weather as the swings aren't as violent as elsewhere. Here it is always cold or a bit colder or a tiny bit warmer.
  22. The basic recipe for white bread would be something like this: 1L water 1900gr flour 30 gr salt 50 gr yeast The flour should be type 550 but if you use something stronger (i.e. most US grown flour) then use a bit less. Flour is hard to pin down when it comes to exact proportions as it does change quite a bit so some experimentation is needed. The yeast is bakers years which comes in bricks so any dried variety you would need less of it. You can also add 50gr of butter to the above recipe for a better, smoother crust and and denser foam structure. Water temperature depends on what you are going to do with the dough. We use cold water plus ice chips for anything being frozen and up to 30°C for rye bread where more than half the liquid has already been mixed the day before. Never go over that though as you raise the temp of the dough by kneading it and you will have problems as you approach 32°C. For wholewheat the same recipe works just fine, just mix flour and wholewheat so for instance 1/3 wholewheat against 2/3 flour. You can go to 50/50 but then you get into trouble. Edit: Forgot about the mixing. Our pro machines operate at two speeds so for something like this we'd say 5-2 which means 5 minutes on low gear and 2 minutes on high gear. This does vary between machines and flour though so it's hard to pin down. One more thing, never add sugar to bread at least not sucrose. It just ruins the crust and makes the yeast go a bit nuts. This is fine for sweets but for bread it's best to just give the dough time to mature and let the yeast break down the flour. This means more maltose and a better taste.
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