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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. Mine have a lot of holes underneath the boards so that's a good way to go. Still the KGST runs very hot but if heat ever becomes a real problem you can cut the current to through the tubes a bit.
  2. No problem testing just the LV side of the amp alone but it won't tell you much aside from "didn't blow up". I would recommend holes for that chassis... a lot of holes. Either that or dial down the current for the CCS as it should get very toasty.
  3. No problem using the RN60D, I've used them in all my amps. The diodes need to be isolated and the right voltage but other than that just use what ever you can find.
  4. When dealing with stuff 91V zeners are good to have around.
  5. I don't see any reason to do that.
  6. Yup check the zener string. I just looked over the layout file for the PCB and didn't see anything wrong.
  7. Mikhail was entertaining. Woo has some of that same epic fail but from them we get zero creativity, just crap engineering.
  8. Some PCB's arrived today which prompted me to take this photo, how far we have come in 4 years: On the left the brand new mini KGSSHVk stereo board and on the right the first version KGSSHV mono board. Naturally to make the stereo board we had to make compromises so only the output stage is on full size sinks while the gain stage active devices and the CCS sand share two sinks for both phases. That means I had to pick a CCS type and IXYS it was just to make it easier to build. Only K170 input fets are supported but this one does have servo which the old design didn't have.
  9. Moar holes is better... Not sure what I'm going to do with the ES-2 PSU box. I'll find some use for it befitting the name on the front...
  10. Nope, he used the Plitrons but they are just stupid. Heavy metal casing and who needs two 285VA transformers for that amp? Makes no sense when one 300VA unit is utter overkill. It will get custom made PSU too with the C- built in and everything crammed into one box...because fuck you Mikhail. I don't need an amp that is that heavy and almost a meter tall.
  11. Not sleeping is what I do....
  12. Sounds plausible... In Stax news Kevin felt I didn't have enough stuff to work on so he's sending me his Single Power ES-2 to rebuild. I said hell no to those crazy transformers Mikhail used so I can come up with a whole new PSU design. Should be fun and a whole crapload of work. Also the Chinese KGSS clone came in from a loan with the volume control busted. Had to spend some two hours yesterday rewiring it completely but now it works perfectly and some people will not get it back on loan...
  13. Ditto on Zonealarm. Been using it for years just for this purpose.
  14. Good for the mono crowd...
  15. I just use what ever I have at hand. It will change now as I run down the old supply of wire and switch to the new stuff
  16. Happy Birthday Jim!!
  17. I have a few dozen of them. The same PCB also takes the TKD 4cp-601 or even the 2cp. Ditto on the dual gang RK27.
  18. It should be dead silent. Did you clean the flux off the boards? That could be creating a short somewhere.
  19. The signal passes through a lot of the other resistors too... Stick with RN60D and it will be fine. For the record, I added those resistors to help prevent attenuator issues. They can be bypassed but I'd recommend keeping them as they won't do any harm and can prevent some minor headaches.
  20. I mount the sockets to the chassis and there they will stay.
  21. That will be just fine.
  22. ...or those of us that hoarded Stax sockets.
  23. Can you adjust the balance and offset on the offending channel?
  24. The BHSE used to have the WPI sockets and only a handful had genuine Stax sockets. Mine is one of those...
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