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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. It's a bit more voltage swing on top of the overkill we have already so not a whole lot of difference.
  2. With plenty of cooling then the 400V version is feasible. Don't worry about the amp drifting because it won't. If you use external sockets then simply wire the heaters to them instead of to the board. Should clear up any issues with doing this.
  3. Stax shoot for +/-20V. If you want to roll Single Power style then shoot for -110V.
  4. It is certainly possible for a dynamic amp to destroy the headphones. All it needs is too much DC on the output.
  5. Nothing to do with mosfets in general. It's due to the TRS shorting the outputstage to ground
  6. That's the SRM-Xh but they haven't changed the PSU much if at all. Worth a try to use the same resistor.
  7. I just packed up my 252S...
  8. The holes on the 10M90's are a bit too small so you can crack the insulator when mounting. ...shit that came out dirtier than planned... Anyway, if there is any damage to anything then throw it away.
  9. It can be done, the circuit is certainly linear enough but the PSU is a problem. I could do a +/-250V that would run off 12VDC as I have the switchers for that.
  10. Sun isn't the best friend of any plastic.
  11. spritzer

    Canjam 2010.

    Bloody furries!!!!
  12. The small psu boards are my own custom units and not for public consumption.
  13. This build is meant to be +/-400V max so FJPF2145 works perfectly as the output device. Kevin handles that side so I have no idea. Should be fine...
  14. 50$ each with shipping isn't the best of deals. Speaking of China though: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. KGST and who knows what clusterfuck he's come up with for the new version...
  15. Now you just need to hook up some Stax and run them single ended from the TRS plug for the best sound evah!!!!
  16. Now for something new as this one was just fired up: This was done as an exercise by me to see just how small we could make a stereo KGSSHV board and to do one that used only in production parts. On Semi had something to say about that though... Please keep this stupidity on HF where it belongs. You don't have even the slightest clue what you are talking about.
  17. Just swap the pot for a 1K resistor. That said, the 10K pot should work but you might need a far lower series resistor. Try something like 500R or even lower. Might smoke the pot depending on how robust it is.
  18. 10K pot? It is supposed to be 1K
  19. That is pretty much the PSU the mini HV uses and all the older KGSS amps.
  20. It's all fun and games until somebody plugs in a 400V transistor. "It had the same footprint!!!" That's why only hardcore tuberollers try anything with an octal base in the BHSE....
  21. I want one just to rip it apart...
  22. Now, now Marc... attacking the integrity of Wikipedia!!??!! For the record here is the BHSE vs. the KGSSHV mini Given the gain it's hard to go much lower than that.
  23. Bigger is better for PCB work.
  24. They are mosfets but better. We will use them in the new Carbon amp for which I hoped to have the PCB's tomorrow. Just checked the tracking and they went their usual route except not going from the UK to Iceland but rather UK to Japan... Fuck!!!!
  25. Now here is a thought, build a Blue Hawaii with SicFets instead of the tubes. It has come up to make a cross between the ST and the BH in the past which would be easier to build and use some of the pentodes.
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