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Everything posted by spritzer

  1. I got 93.76Mb/s in downtown Reykjavik on the 6+ last night. 43.17Mb/s up... That's not too shabby...
  2. There was a dynamic version which used similar housing back in the day. Parts might be interchangeable... A250 or something like that.
  3. The 4070 is ported or rather slotted, so a bass reflex design. They diffuse the backwave and it will hit the ports or rather most of it. Pretty clever way of doing it...
  4. I'm not even sure the TKD's are made in this value. That could explain why Stax changed as the 6CG7's need 66k for the plate load so two 33K units per plate. These certainly would work: http://www2.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Panasonic/ERG-3SJ303V/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMsPqMdJzcrNwqYZdPaOFPtq6fsGDkePh9w%3d
  5. They are 30K/2W. Eight units in total.
  6. If they short then they could do serious damage. I think they just go up in resistance or just stop working. If so then the damage should be minimal.
  7. It is on the low side so a 10K pot has to be used. TKD makes some nice ones... Ask Justin if he has any J74's he can't match to n-channels.
  8. "Hi I'm Birgir and I shrink boards." Seriously, here is a line from an email Kevin sent me today:
  9. Anything marked B is for the BJT's and anything M is for the mosfets. The mosfets should never be used really (outside the CCS), the performance is pretty much terrible.
  10. I would order different boards so my order will always have to be separate. Mine are even smaller...
  11. I need to stock up soon on KGST boards so I could order some extra ones plus the standard PSU board. Mine will always be more expensive than the group order though thanks to my crazy standards and Icelandic customs BS.
  12. Yup, N-channel is N-channel whether it is a fet or a bjt. I would just just the That340 though. Even Kevin likes it a lot which has caused us to look into bipolar inputs for some other amps.
  13. spritzer

    Peaky Blinders

    Yup, it's very good.
  14. In that same vein, one of my bakers told me about a large vinyl swap meet here over the weekend today. "Biggie, you should go and explain to them why vinyl sounds so bad..."
  15. The prices are getting out of hand but they will come crashing down again. This has happened before...
  16. No, this one won't be released to the public.
  17. I changed my mind... I normally prefer silver but the white on black like this is quite fetching.
  18. I don't think even Antonio can make me sell this one. The heavily modified SRM-007t it replaces will be sold soon though... It's the new PSU for the KGSSHV mini. Same circuit, just new layout which is slightly smaller ,has better thermal management and is easier to build. I use these in almost everything now and it is a cracking PSU.
  19. Having sold all three of my personal KGST's over the last few months I decided to put my foot down and make one I can' be talked into selling. Use a pulled BH transformer that is 230V only (Justin might recognize this one), add a normal bias output and a lovely volume knob by Kevin.
  20. I've thought about it. I could use an extra dac...
  21. Stax were the first to make commercial electrostatic headphones, no doubt about that. There were a few designs that came in the late 60's but most are all but forgotten about now. The old Stax unofficial site was a treasure trove of these but they did also miss a few. The HR-1000 was ok but nothing special.
  22. Never used those.
  23. It wouldn't work in the Dynalo Mk2 but other than that it will work. The new KGSSHV boards have been updated with the MPSA parts in mind.
  24. Most of the Stax sets used A-T drivers so this was never really their "thing".
  25. Yup, that's why it has 500V in brackets next to it.
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