Now with it sitting in my main rack for a couple of hours it's time for some impressions. The basic concept of this amp came from me wanting to tame the SR-009 artificial top end and doing it in a cool way. End result is the continued refinement of older circuits but the changes here will no doubt migrate to the older circuits at some point. As better SiC units became available and the new SR-009 showed up it rendered this amp unnecessary but then it became clear that it could melt together the superb technical nature of the KGSSHV and the musicality of the KGST into one package. So we basically have a lot of power, with plenty of detail and a tube like sound from a solid state amp.
Now I'm using it with my modified SR-007Mk2 which have pretty much outshone all my other cans. Nothing can touch the bass these dish out or the sheer control over the entire sound spectrum. The Carbon just adds to this as the detail they dig out is simply astounding, placing instruments in their own fixed place in the soundstage which the 009 can't really do as well.
Bottom line, I like this amp a lot.