Thanks Dan,
I figured you'd know and certainly have more experience with the Qualias and the RP010. Maybe it was the effect of the DV-50 I was remembering. I just remember being very impressed with the high end detail/resolution of that rig in comparison to my Edition 9s (not yet fully burned in) on the same rig. It may also be the different reference Cd I used then, or that the Edition 9 has picked up more high end detail with full burn in. Who knows. I could even be full of it--that has happened once or twice in my life.
Voltron, I know about the fit of the Qualia and I did adjust it, but again who knows if I had it right. It was simply the one can I put on where I didn't immediately go, "Wow" with the sound. Otherwise I loved the TTVJ Millet. I was focusing on the Senn 650 and Edition 9s, and the Qualias were just a hit and run. That's why I figured I'd just ask Icarium.
All that said, I am trying to figure out a way to afford the winner of the Nautilus/Balancing Act run off. As much as I liked the TTVJ Millet, I nearly liked the Nautilus as much, and it is much more within my current financial reach.
That was quite a corner for balanced tube amps. Did either of you guys listen to the HD2? For me, that was neck and neck with the TTVJ.