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Everything posted by PATB

  1. PATB

    Balanced RS-1's

    Thanks for the info guys. I will be receiving GE's balanced RS-1 to try this out myself. So what tube combos do you guys recommend? I am thinking Ken-Rad VT-231 for gain, and 5867 (Tung Sol, Raytheon or RCA) or GE 6BL7GT for drivers.
  2. PATB

    Balanced RS-1's

    Hirsch's RS-1 has the high-bandwidth cable. Is the high-bandwidth cable required to get this supposed balanced magic?
  3. I was wondering how you made the cable. I didn't count the number of wires but the braiding looks impressive I realized the improvement last night but wasn't able to convince myself until I did several cable swaps with stock this afternoon. The difference is readily apparent, primarily in soundstage and bass impact. You brought up a good point though. The difference might be due to the cable or tubes/headphone synergy. What I need is a single-ended version of the same cable to verify. In any event, I think the balanced R10 looks promising but is at a disadvantage because you can't cable roll as easily.
  4. I may have spoken too soon on the balanced Qualia. In trying the different permutations of tubes that I have, I completely forgot the most basic of tube combos for singlepowers, which is Ken-Rad VT231 (gain) in front of Sylvania VT231s (driver). Using this tube combo with AYT999's "white" cable (see below), the Qualia 010 gains a full sound and punchier bass. The HD650 will have to take a break and go back to its box for a while.
  5. HD650 -- WOW!!!! Speakers are the next upgrade kind of sound. Tried with the Blockhead, SDS-XLR, and SDS-XLR Accent-T. Qualia 010 -- Even clearer and more dynamic, if you can believe that. However, not as dramatic change as the HD650. Tried with Dynamight and SDS-XLR. Thanks for the heads up on the PS-1 and K701. Balanced RS-1 is next on my agenda.
  6. PATB

    My HF1 Mods

    mjg, did you get the headbands upgrade? That is one of the mods I regret not getting. The Beyer headbands don't cut it, IMHO.
  7. PATB

    My HF1 Mods

    I used flats, modded senn pads, and bowls. I tried them all caused I really dig the Grado sound. Heh, the SR-225 was initially my most favorite headphone, and that is with bowls too. I switched to the modded senn pads to no avail. Anyways, I haven't had any episodes of ringing since I stopped listening to Grados. I can listen to the Qualia, HD650, Omega II, sensaphonics, etc. for hours on end and not get the same problem. In any event, I was POed I couldn't enjoy them for long periods cause I really like Grados for acoustic music and vocals (I listen to folk music a lot, so Grados rule). I will get another one (balanced PS-1 or RS-1) at some point and will use it sparingly this time (one CD a day or something). Anyways, I thought Larry's mods are definitely worth it. Elevated my HF-1s from good to excellent. And looked much better to boot.
  8. PATB

    My HF1 Mods

    I love the HF-1 stock and I love it even more after Larry put his magic on it. I had one of the first modded HF-1s (Bloodwood). I actually preferred the HHF-1 to the RS-1, if you can believe that. Alas, Grados make my ears ring if I listen to any of them for more than 2 hours. So my small Grado collection, including the HHF-1, had to go.
  9. Well, on the Dynamight, I though the black dragon dulls the Qualia sound while AYT's makes the Qualia too bright. On the SDS-XLR, AYT's balanced cables come to life. However, as much as I tried to like the balanced Qualia using different tube combos, I much prefer the balanced HD650. By a WIDE MARGIN. With the SDS-XLR, the HD650 has a much more involving sound to my ears -- big, full bodied sound without getting bloated. The SDS-XLR speeds up the HD650 and makes it a lot more dynamic than it has any righ to be be, with huge soundstage (especially with 6BL7GT output tubes) that places the concert in my listening room. The Qualia doesn't seem to change much with balanced amplification. But then again, I have cloth ears
  10. PATB

    Post your rig!

    Forgot to mention, the amp and the mini cable is just for show ! The sensas don't really sound any better with an amp unless I use a full size CDP. For portable use, I plug the sensas direct off the ipod headphone out.
  11. Dr. Gimore: Could you please give us your 2 cents on the upcoming Woo Audio Tube Amp (which is based on your design)? A tube amp for $1250 seems too cheap to pass up. The build quality looks amazing too. Pat
  12. PATB

    Post your rig!

    Here's my favorite (I log more hours on this than the home rig).
  13. I am going to try to attend the meet by working late tonight and begging the missus to let me hang around with other, much younger, music lovers tomorrow. However, no amount of money or persuasion will get me to bring the SDS-XLR to the meet. That thing is big, bulky, and heavy. I also doubt it will fit in the back of my 350Z.
  14. I will be working in the morning, then going to a party in the afternoon. Perhaps you can leave them with Leeav? YGPM.
  15. PATB

    akg 701

    Distract PFKman then reterminate his 701's when he is not looking.
  16. PATB

    akg 701

    Well, does it transform to a monster of a headphone like the HD650? Or does it sound pretty much the same?
  17. I think the PS-1 bass impact is a little too much, and the HD650 a touch slow. My ideal bass would be the quantity of the HD650 and the speed of the Omega II. The Qualia 010 is pretty close to the type of bass I am looking for, but I just need a little more of it to be perfect for my taste.
  18. PATB

    akg 701

    Anybody heard the K701 in balanced mode?
  19. Or someone who is married. Believe me, it is much easier to conceal "unauthorized purchases" in the office than at home!
  20. That amp looks amazing. Hello Office Rig!
  21. Hello everybody!
  22. Have you tried the K1000's with your iPod? Highly recommended! My setup is iPod Mini(320K AAC)=>Pocket Dock=>Zu Pivot=>Headamp GS-1(pre-amp out)=>First Watt Aleph J power amp=>Stefan Audio Arts Equinox=>K1000. Portability is not an issue. I prefer hauling my rig around in a Radio Flyer.
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