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Everything posted by PATB

  1. My SR-009 will probably fit better if I could adjust it to sit just a little lower. Unfortunately, my slider is already set to the end (topmost setting). So I am thinking of replacing the head pad with something just a touch longer. Or use an after market suspension strap like the ones used by Audeze owners. To do so, I need to remove the existing head pad. I notice that there is only a single screw fastening each end of the head pad to the frame. Is there anything else I need to worry about (e.g., is the screw epoxied in)? Thanks much.
  2. I am a little late to thread but yes I love the RS-1 very much Balance gives you soundstage, which is not much but great for a grado. The main advantage is that, at least in a balanced tube amp, the dynamics and impact are increased and the treble is controlled. The increased impact is not that great in my opinion as just hits a little too much with some songs. It feels like your head is getting pelted with rocks! However, the increased dynamics and controlled treble definitely make up for it. I have only tried the balanced RS-1 in an SDS-XLR, so am not sure if the RS-1 will respond to balanced amps in general (like the HD650).
  3. PATB

    Stax Omega 2

    I think the prices are very reasonable, especially considering the performance. You don't need any of the options (you don't need expensive headphones either ). The always ON bias is not needed as I find that keeping the entire amp ON all the time was the way to go anyways.
  4. PATB

    Stax Omega 2

  5. PATB

    Stax Omega 2

    I had an o2 for quite some time. I paired it with a blackgated KGSS, which I thought had synergy with the O2. The O2 has prodigious amounts of bass, but does not hit hard (not much impact). I say the sound is similar to the HD650 with Zu Mobius, except airier and much faster. Killer with clasiscal music! Gotta go.
  6. The "braided white cable" (BWC) doesn't muck up the 010 sound as much as my balanced Blue Dragon. Too bad I ordered the balanced Blue Dragon first.
  7. The sensas are the same regarding isolation. Most people, including myself, find the isolation not as "sound proof" as, say my E3C with foamies. However, this is not an issue for me because the isolation is more than good enough with music playing. This is actually a "feature" as you can somewhat carry a conversation by turning off the music without removing them. Congrats!
  8. Congratulations on the balanced reference! BTW, does your reference have balanced inputs? Just asking because I believe the G07 only has single-ended outputs. Rumor has it that the the balanced reference/balanced PS-1 combo is especially synergistic and you own both
  9. No sov. We are not trying to be a bad audience. Actually, I love balanced headphones (unlike you ) so I am kinda excited. I love balanced setups so much I am building a second rig for our family room. I prefer solid state for that role as it is kid safe, but this new one from Rudi has tubes (which I prefer for sound) that are INSIDE the chassis -- me like very much thank you!
  10. Didn't you and Rudi declare at one time that balanced is not the way to go? Why the change of heart? Isn't balanced only used in professional settings like a studio, to minimize noise and cross-talk (never mind that Meridian, BAT, Stax, etc. have been offering fully balanced rigs for quite some time)?
  11. PATB

    New Beginnings

    Welcome Yikes! BTW, your goodbye thread is still up in the other forum.
  12. The 10 week lead time doesn't bother me if the retermination is free, especially if you can reterminate your stock headphone cable or borrow one from you while waiting
  13. This retermination thing from the factory is silly anyways, if the fee is $50 as in the Zu Mobius. I was able to sell my single-ended Equinox at a lost less than $50. Same for my single-ended Zu Mobius. So, even taking shipping into account, it is more cost-effectve to sell the single-ended then get a brand new XLR version if you are upgrading from a single-ended to balanced rig. What PFK is getting at is that the price differential between single-ended and balanced Equinox is $100. So, even if you don't have a single-ended version to begin with, it is cheaper to buy single-ended then reterminate to XLR yourself. I asked Stefan Audio why the hefty price differential and was given the "different configuration" and more expensive connectors excuse. This "trick" does not really work with the Zu Mobius as the XLR and single-ended versions cost the same.
  14. Well, if you don't believe in the snake oil, why even bother getting an Equinox? I mean, I did a head to head comparison with stock and Zu Mobius -- all balanced, and the Equinox and stock are pretty close to begin with. EDIT: If you are referring to the Grace Five Two, based on reports, that is probably the better match for your MPX3 anyways. With a balanced solid state amp (blockhead), my money is on the Equinox.
  15. Who said it is not physically possible? Any idiot looking at it would know it is possible. However, I expect the manufacturer to do so for a nominal fee. BTW, Stefan Audio claims that it uses proprietary, patented soldering technique (so-called "Ultra-Solder Process") to build the Equinox. If you reterminate it yourself, you no longer have an "Equinox" cable. Although this special technique is most likely snake oil anyway, I wouldn't purchase an Equinox that has been reterminated outside the factory.
  16. Zu Cable will reterminate for a fee, which I believe is $40. Stefan Audi Art will NOT reterminate. I was told the configuration of their balanced and single-ended Equinox cables is different, whatever that means. As to which I prefer? Depends on the system. I have both balanced Equinox and balanced Zu Mobius. In that past, I have owned single-ended versions of both cables. I prefer the Zu Mobius with certain tube combinations and the Equinox with others. With the HR-2 and Prehead MK-II SE, I prefer the Equinox to the Mobius. The Zu is the more forward of the two and tends to go the Grado direction, whereas the Equinox enhances the sonic qualities of the stock cable without altering it that much. Pick your poison. The stock cable is so close to the Equinox that it would be prudent to reterminate that to XLR before spending $$$ on a balanced aftermarket cable. If you are not the DIY type, I am sure you can convince our friend GE to reterminate your stock cable for a nominal fee Once you hear the stock cable for a month, post what you like or don't like about it and we can talk about the next round of spending
  17. The thread is for bass impact. I lived with an Omega II/maxed KGSS for six months and don't remember any noteworthy bass impact. It has prodigious amounts of bass, yes. But impact? ----Pat
  18. PATB

    Balanced RS-1's

    I tried Tung Sol 5687's for gain and GE 6BL7GT's on the outputs and I got: soundstage. Yup, a Grado with a real soundstage. Less forward than using the 5687's on the outputs but it now has soundstage like a world-class headphone. Given that 80% of my library is acoustic (folk, Bluegrass) and Grados kick butt when it comes to acoustic instruments, this is not bad at all Now I am wondering, considering I prefer the HF-1 to the RS-1 in single-ended mode, how would the HF-1 sound balanced?
  19. PATB

    Balanced RS-1's

    I sent them 3 Day Fed-Ex, which actually cost more than USPS priority. How did I get the RS-1s first? Anyways, I apologize for the delay. I should have gone USPS instead. ---Pat
  20. PATB

    Balanced RS-1's

    Received the balanced RS-1 from GE today, along with an adapter to allow me to compare it to single-ended mode using the same setup. In my case, Meridian G08=>Cardas NR=>SDS-XLR=>RS-1. Initial impressions: Whereas the single-ended mode is not too bad (BTW, I prefer the Headphile HF-1 and RS-2 to it), it sounds trebly, thin, and peaky to my ears. Even to a Qualia user, the RS-1 is too bright (perhaps because unlike the Qualia, the treble of the RS-1 is a little harsh). Balanced, the RS-1 gains a full-bodied sound with impact. This is a night and day difference; you can hear it right off the bat. I actually love it with bowls, whereas before I cannot listen to any Grado with bowls. I even used flats with my HF-1. Soundstage is increased but you know you are still listening to a Grado. I expected balanced operation would accentuate the highs, as it does the HD650. In this case, however, driving the RS-1 balanced with a monster amp actually makes it darker. I am somewhat pleasantly surprised, but no complaints here. The highs are also significantly smoother. I will experiment more with different pads and tubes. Right now, I am using bowls with Sylvania 6SN7/Tung-Sol 5687s. Here's a pic: EDIT: For perspective, I consider the HD650 TRANSFORMED when driven balanced, in that it sounds like a different headphone. The Qualia on the other hand is IMPROVED driven balanced. It has the same sonic signature but everything seems to be at the next level. The Qualia remains my favorite balanced headphone. The RS-1, like the HD650, is also TRANSFORMED. Some of you guys may not like this as it doesn't sound like a typical Grado anymore. It is going in the HD650 direction -- kinda like the HF-1.
  21. I am the one between irond dreamer and AYT!
  22. I wouldn't say that. I personally met the two gentlemen in question and they are music lovers just like us. They just hear differently, that is all. I believe they really both think that the Zhalou is the better DAC. (Ori said the Meridian G08 bests the Zhaolu and Esoteric, so he has some credibility in my book )
  23. I was literally forced, as in "here Pat listen to this," several times to listen to Ori's Zhalou DAC on my several trips to the Orpheus altar at the Saratoga meet. Unlike you guys, I am really nice in person so I obliged every time. We compared the Zhalou to the Esoteric combo (Transport/DAC). Although Ori kept insisting that the Zhalou has better bass extension and what not, I just couldn't hear it! My ears always preferred the Esoteric by a long shot. I thought the Esoteric had a more refined presentation that is clearly evident, making the Zhalou grainy by comparison, which was interpreted as "more detailed." I also auditioned the Lavry there, and I prefer it a lot more over the "more detailed" presentation of the Zhalou. I respect Ori and Zdogg's opinions on the Zhalou, but we obviously all hear differently. The Lavry is my next source if I can't raise enough funds to afford a Meitner.
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