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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Totally agree with Al. We need to hear more from you, Frank. I like how your "under construction" looks like a totally gorgeous finished build. And Al, I like how you're thinking with February rather than October.
  2. Bryan, hope your evening with your girlfriend is wonderful. Dan, hope things work out for you with minimal stress.
  3. You said you emailed them with a bunch of geeky questions. How many other emails do you think they've gotten since getting back from CanJam? Maybe you're just not first in line.
  4. Paid for the cat's boarding and vet bill ($300), and since my card was charged today, I can officially say I bought the JH3A/16 ($726 total and a great deal).
  5. Your post confused me for a min, Matt. I keep forgetting that Fitz has another name other than Fitz.
  6. Cool, Fitz.
  7. They just seem to find me
  8. boomana

    Beyer T1

    Same. And I actually preferred the Denons to the T1, though am no real fan of any of them.
  9. Thanks, Beefy, but life's good. I'm not looking for anything.
  10. Slept in for real this time. Didn't get up until almost 10AM, which is practically afternoon for me. I lounged about, listening to music and reading, then went into work for an hour or so to see a private practice patient (gotta pay for my new toys somehow), then to Barnes and Noble to pick up a couple CDs with a two-year old gift card I found, then back home for more music and lounging. I just went and picked up my cat from the vet, and he is ignoring me 100% since picking him up. He wouldn't look at me at all at the vet, and now turns his head away from me when I call his name. He smells really nice, though, after his kitty bath. I had plans to get a lot of things done today, but I think I have more lounging on the schedule for the rest of the evening.
  11. Beefy, I remember that thread and maybe a couple other comments I made that would have led to your conclusion, so I take zero offense. I consider myself heterosexual, but have always viewed sex as just a wonderful extension and expression of appreciation for another, so lines get crossed, sometimes for years. Life's weird. I sure don't have it figured out. I've also learned that my beliefs about these things don't fit in well with how the world really works, and so, just for clarity's sake, I'm 76.856473 heterosexual, but like Shelly, except the opposite, I'm non-practicing.
  12. Picked these up at Barnes and Noble a couple hours ago after following this thread. Love them both. Thanks, guys.
  13. Jamie just called and they did apply the full value. Very cool.
  14. So that explains why I can't get any dates! I didn't know.
  15. Thanks, Dan. I still can't believe it. Didn't even listen to the 16s separate from the 3A as I had no interest, knowing the 13s are just right for me. They're going to let me use the 16s I won as part of the package deal, though I don't know what that means yet in terms of a price break.
  16. But I certainly didn't know when I wrote that little joke line that both Colin and I would win jh16s. I love that blue. I also loved the deep green adam had, though I don't remember what color he told me it was. If I wasn't getting artwork, I'd choose between those two. I picked teal for myself and am going with the cat again, though I'm also thinking of being bold and just going for white so the cat will really pop. Jerry didn't like the look of my green cable, so gave me the black one he had on his, and the cat already shows up a bit better on my 13s, but if I'm going with art, I really want to see it. I would not want to give up portability. I'd stick with just the 13s if that was your only choice, and then maybe take your time to save up for this transportable rig if you wanted it.
  17. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    You are aware, though, Jacob, that you had the cream of the crop of skinny asian bag holders available to you: a psychiatrist and classical violinist. Had you not let them smoke your pipe, I do believe you would have had to look elsewhere for such services. BTW, I've never smoked a pipe before. I don't plan on taking it up, but it was tasty, unlike those cigars from last year.
  18. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    I got to smoke Reksy's pipe and didn't have to hold his bag, though he'd temporarily misplaced it on the ground at the time, so it was probably a good thing some skinny asian guy helped him out.
  19. Nate was very protective of you, Stretch, during CanJam hours. As he was the one with your phone number, he just wasn't giving it. First, it was too early to drunk-call you from Three Floyds, and then it was too late (who ever heard of the don't drunk call after 9PM rule!). Just know that we were thinking of you.
  20. boomana

    Beyer T1

    Miguel, I can't really answer that since I wasn't familiar with either headphone I tried with it, and I have no idea what source was being used. I didn't like the T1 with it, but I was underwhelmed by the T1 with every rig I tried, and I did like the Audeze, though I only got to listen to that combo for maybe one minute, enough to make me go downstairs and really give them a try.
  21. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    That doesn't mean others aren't going to try. Oh, and absolutely love the picture.
  22. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    This is beautiful. Safe travels, Viking.
  23. Just stay away from my tiara!!! Speaking as someone who lost the official rule book on this stuff decades ago, just glad to get to know you and like you as you are.
  24. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    I talked to Pete, and he was laughing about it. I might have been the most confused of all, receiving four calls from Jacob while I was in bed, totally clueless about what was going on, as he vehemently tired to convince me about something having to do with democracy, oligarchies, abandonment, DannyB, luvdunhill to blame for it all at one point, and dissolving head-case based on the failures of all of the above and other things I understood even less. I didn't even get the Al stories, and breaking glass stories (Matt as instigator, and I'm still shocked, Shelly) until the next day. We all knew Gene would try to break down at least one door post 3AM, so that was no surprise. I did try to rescue Ed and Peter as they ran up and down my hallway (the avon lady quadrant) screaming Jude's name loudly over and over around 2AM, but that was a seemingly minor event as I have since learned.
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