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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Nice, Ken. Oh, and about my fucking frugging foul language, I lost the bet, but I'm still going to try to clean things up. It bugs me. I think rude, abrasive, foul, colorful, offensive, and downright nasty language is not only important, but wonderful. I also think it loses it's value as a communication tool when it becomes a verbal tic.
  2. I'll learn to read one year.
  3. Where does it say anything about the lettering?
  4. Welcome home, Mike. I have a Seecamp with your name on it if you're still interested. Send me a pm.
  5. Al, as I'm sure you understand, people were clearly the problem here, as I was doing just fine on my own. Fuck them. \
  6. Since the bet was to start today, I lasted about nine and a half hours. If we're talking hours that I was awake, maybe four, and if we start with counting from the time I was with people, I lasted about a half hour
  7. I sold my R10s after getting JH13s. Due to the my happiness with the jh13s and the amount of headtime they were getting, I no longer wanted/needed two high-end full-size rigs at home.
  8. I'm most fond of "Inheritance" and "Wealth."
  9. ^ Maybe I need to hear it again, as I might have just been in a mood, but I didn't really like it much at all. That reminds me, though, I ordered two CDs from their website about three or more weeks ago and haven't received them yet. Hmmmmm. Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden
  10. boomana

    New Cat

    You might want to talk with local animal rescue places about catching the kittens. They still look young enough to be socialized find good homes, that window of time will pass very quickly.
  11. Beth Rowley - Little Dreamer
  12. Hope you feel better, Dinny. I made a crazy $100 bet with a friend that I could not swear or use foul language for one week.
  13. Low/Dirty Three - In the Fishtank I can't stop listening to this. It sucks you in.
  14. boomana

    slow forum

    Rubberband Machine Gun - 144 shots of pure fully-automatic firepower! The Rubberband Machine Gun
  15. That's because the 13s are perfect C'mon, Les. You know you want some.
  16. Hah! But now you'll have to buy tickets to a game to show off your new wardrobe.
  17. Ryan, they seem to be about two to three weeks off schedule based on what folks are reporting, but I'm really not sure.
  18. boomana

    slow forum

  19. boomana

    slow forum

  20. Well, since I only have this cd, I can't be a complete copy cat, but....
  21. I like to play Yahtzee with my mother and drink tea at the kitchen table, though she's rather aggressive with the dice and it can be quite frightening at times. The cat usually joins us for a round or two, but he doesn't like tea.
  22. An oldie, but oh so goodie.
  23. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    Great pics! Thanks.
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