Well, I'm literally sitting here with a hot hard-boiled egg on my eye per doctor's direction. Corner of my eye's been pretty tender, nothing much, the past couple weeks. This morning, it just plain hurt. By mid-morning, I felt like the pressure was unbearable and it wouldn't stop watering so went off to the eye doc. He freaking lifted the lid, poked around. I don't seem to have an infection, but we both agree there's something hard, painful, and very there just above my tear duct. I have to wait to see a freaking specialist and can't get an appointment until next week. Due to history, I'm betting on yet another cyst, which is really annoying considering the location and the fact that I want to rip half my face off right now. I can handle pain, but not this eyeball, and now nose bridge pressure. The egg does make it feel a little better, even though I'm quite aware I look insane.