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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Yup, guys. Stay safe and indoors. All the stupid, bad stuff happens when you think you need to wander out.
  2. Just catching up with this thread. Justin, all those logos are horrid compared to what you have now. Jacob, congrats getting through the test. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm just boring lately. Let's see.....got a flu shot....did laundry....ate....slept........gonna ride by bike on a Computrainer this afternoon as it's too windy for real riding. That's as exciting as I get.
  3. Happy belated. Hope it was a nice day1
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Love ^ and the zoo shots
  6. Looks like a good day for good guys to be born. Happy birthday, all!
  7. Exactly!
  8. ^ blech. Mom got out of the hospital today, and other than being tired, she is feeling good. It's a good day.
  9. Thanks, guys. It's been a regular old Monday in the workaday world, but with the huge gift of my mother getting out of the hospital. Life is good. I'm going to treat myself to a nice dinner and call it a day.
  10. Shelly, good news on the no need for surgery, even if you have to get a new fav lift. Congrats on the Pinnacle's arrival! As for me, I just spent two hours getting less than six miles down the road on a planned long ride. Scary nasty weather. I'm really disappointed.
  11. ^ This. Have a great time, guys!
  12. ^ Glad she's okay.
  13. 373 + 0 = 373 Never came close. Don't know why. I always thought I'd be good at marriage/long-term partnership. Best I can figure is am more of a hangout buddy type than girlfriend/wife.
  14. This. And this!
  15. I like my black bhse. It's purdy. Colin, congrats on the apartment! I learned today that Ivan likes hot fries. What a stupid cat!
  16. Hope your pains heal soon!
  17. Mike, that sounds like a really tasty dinner and a good time.
  18. I've not wandered into this thread in awhile, so I don't know if this has been posted before, but..... omg.
  19. Happy birthday, Wayne!
  20. I was practically living on it when it first came out. I had to quit cold turkey. Wonderful evil place. Haven't logged on in months and won't again.
  21. Yay Travel Team friends!
  22. Happy birthday, Amos!!!
  23. Happy birthday!
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