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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Egad, man. You look terrified. Are they scary? They look pretty.
  2. Both LaRocco and Storm took money ($500ish) for promised products, never delivered, and basically cut off all communication with customers. I don't really know the specifics on Storm, but since I'm one of the ones who paid for a Diablo, I know that up to 50 units were sold to the tune of $515 (I think...don't really remember) with promises that they would be ready "soon." That was 25 months ago, and still nothing but occasional excuses, promises, and teases (pics), mostly via Duncan at ipastudio, who more or less spearheaded the Diablo plan, and to whom we actually sent our money. I don't think this is a case of intentional fraud, but the results are the same. I think with Storm, Ken Law just basically took the money and disappeared, and though it looks like a couple people in Austrailia got the dacs, are still trying to say that everyone should be happy and wait, and that's about it.
  3. boomana

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j02k9t4rP50&mode=related&search=]YouTube - Fred Astaire[/ame]
  4. His site's homepage also features mentions of the Diablo and Pandora...two of the more notable gear scams currently going. Maybe he's an admirer.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, Tyll. Can you have him charged with theft...or something? Here's from one of his ads: PS. I am on my 50th post now, so I can legally sell stuff here, however before these rules were implemented I sold a Go-Vibe 5 to Goorackerelite in November of '06, so I can assure you that I am not a scam artist I guess it's the same as when someones says, "but honestly,......."
  6. I like my funky orange light Rockhopper mini3 with the 600s, but not so much with the 650s. I got used to the way the 650 bass sounds with my home amp, and it's hard to hear it lose that nice tight attack.
  7. Some regular favs: Okay, there are waaay too many fav albums to post, but these are some I listened to today that are always around me and I've loved for years.
  8. Doesn't he own HP2s? Those had to cost him something.
  9. I miss having a cat. Where's your question, Puppet Master? I'll ask one: Should I get a nice lazy shelter cat or pain in the arse, but undeniably cute kitten?
  10. I'm not hearing the lower end that everyone keeps blabbing on about. It's certainly not missing (and a little loose at that), but the mids just take over. I agree that its predominately the upper mids, but the lower mids are only recessed in comparison. It's still the tone and lack of space between notes and instruments that bothers me most. I could live with everything else. Okay, no. That's a lie. Nevermind. So markl just posted a mini review of the D5000s. Other than he credits them with way more bass than I heard (am I a basshead and just don't know it ), and needing more burn in (wtf?) and power than makes sense (Thrice's Beta, my Extreme P., and Gene's assorted amp stash aint slouches), I agree with many of his impressions. The funny thing is that he slants his comments as positives, whereas I took many of the same impressions as negatives. So there it is. I'm now abandoning the Denons for good, and putting them in their box as there's nothing more I want to hear. I've given them a fairer shake than I would most cans I disliked instantly. It's back to some R10 love. Gonna find me a big, ole messy symphony, sit back and enjoy. Spoiled brat signing out.
  11. Well, this is what bothers me. There are too many people who report same, so other than hearing what I hear and knowing it now with the headphones on, I'm open to the idea that my ears are broken. I'm also surprised that the differences between the D2000 and my memory of both Thrice's and agile_one's D5000 are much greater than I expected. Those were at least balanced headphones, with decent tone, imaging, etc. etc., just nothing special imo, and way over priced. These don't seem like they came from the same maker. Maybe the Silver Dragon wasn't the way to go....but still...I just got off the phone with one of the FL crew who reminded me that I'm more or less a spoiled brat, so there's that too, which, knowing me, could account for much. Re mids: they are definitely way out front, annoyingly so, on every track I've listened to so far. It's like you want to push them back into the can. I've never experienced that before.
  12. Yup. Think about it. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
  13. That's a nice amp. Joe, PsychoXZ or YZ or whatever had one. I think he sold it to Justin about a year or so ago. I almost snagged it up, but he beat me out to it. Congrats. May it make all your music new again.
  14. You're right! That I would never allow! I've also never had that problem here, so I don't know of what youz guyz speak.
  15. Well, that might not quite be fair. They are bad in different ways. The Ultrasones had decent separation, and far better imaging, but then they had that damn metallic sheen, and unnatural tone to the upper mids and highs that did not go away with 500 hrs of prerequite burn-in. I know you disliked the recessed mids, but that didn't bother me like those highs...horrid. Then Denons certainly don't have recessed mids (to the contrary), but the tone is so off, it makes music I love unlistenable. There are things I like and dislike about every headphone I've heard. The only other time I've had such negative reactions to headphones was with the Shure SE210s and SE310s (not with the 420s or 530s) for similar reasons. Why does the trumpet sound like a guitar? Why are they all blending together? Ugh.
  16. I don't care how they sound. I'm a klutz. One look at that picture and I see myself jamming that tube into my ears. It would be almost sure to happen, so no thanks for me as well.
  17. The D5000s still sound significantly better than the D2000s, but since I've only heard this recabled pair, I can't say what the stock sound may be. As for the Ultrasones, Earl, I think you, me, and Elephas were all alone there in the Ultrazone for awhile, pegged as enemies in a sacred land. That was freaky. Do you remember how everyone ganged up on poor Elephas, straight out attacked you, and decided, in a group decision, that my pair must be broken since I couldn't possibly hear things the way I did? I, at least, liked them enough to wish they were better, but they weren't and had to go. They were certainly better than what I'm hearing with the D2000s. I'm listening now out of my main rig: Exemplar modded Denon 2900 and SP Extreme Platinum with secondary power supply. I've switch up the tubes twice and the best combo is the Bendix 6080s with a KenRad black glass driver up front. I've got on Arvo Part's (fav composer!) Lamentate, which I love as much as any piece of music. They sound better the with my bedroom rig, with the mids smoother, notes less top heavy, and better balance throughout, but still, there is poor resolution, and piss poor imaging. Bah. And I still don't know what people are talkng about re bass. It's there, but any of my heaphones, except the K340 (about equal here) have more and better bass. Even the K1000s have more bass. Or maybe, like my Ultrasones, I have a broken pair.
  18. Oh. Maybe that's my problem. I just like headphones. Maybe I need to bitch-up.
  19. Also, although it's been a few months, the D5000s sounded in no way as bad as these. I just didn't understand all the raving about them (Senns, RS1s, K701 and others kill them), and thought they were over-priced, but they at least sounded decent.
  20. I question the same, but also agree with Reks that there's no way these went from the goodness I've been reading about to the crapola I've been hearing. One good thing: I got to appreciate my K340s again. I haven't listened to them in awhile. I'm relistening to Kaki now with them. What a difference!
  21. If these were mine, I'd give them to you free of charge. As is, the owner actually likes them, and so I must send them back to NY. I am disappointed. I was hoping they'd fill the full-sized, closed headphone, not expensive enough to worry about taking to work void I have in my collection.
  22. Based on the fact I posted my dislike of the Denon D5000s rather loudly (though admitted that they weren't bad cans) on head-fi, I received a few offers to let me listen to the D2000s. I finally took someone up on that, and for the past two days have been listening to a Silver Dragon recabled pair. From what I read, the 2000s were to be similar to the 5000s in sq, which made me think that they might be worth the bucks. I also read that they were comfortable, which has its own value. I now do not understand what people are hearing. I haven't yet tried them out on my main rig, as I've been kicked back here in bed the past couple nights with a Denon DCP-100, my Thrice-tweaked Heed Canamp, an assortment of headphones for comparison, and a stash of xrcds and regulars that I know well. First off, these cans are not comfy or I have a weird shaped head. The cups angle so that they do not rest flat behind my ears, and are heavy, with the weight on the headband becoming bothersome after only a short time. I could live with that (my K340s are equally heavy, but seal well), except for the sound... Egad! What are others hearing? How can these be touted as something good? The tone is so distorted, and mids thrust so far forward they make me cringe. I have on Kaki King right now, and all I hear is twang that is smushed into more twang--a solid block twangfest instead of music. The notes have no resonance at all, and there is no space, and no air. Listening to Sara Vaughan, her voice lost all depth and beauty and was pushed so far in front of the rest of the instruments, they disappeared. Pianos sound like toys (Waltz for Debbie), and saxaphones sound like guitars (various Coltrane cds). The bass is not nearly as present as I'd expected, and is sloppy. Just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I tried the same tracks out with R10s, HD600s, and K340s. Nope. Only the Denons presented the music this way. The mids on the K340s were similarly forward, but still sounded right. Anyway, I have them for two more days, so in case it's just the worst case of synergy ever, I'll test them out with a few other sources and amps. In the meantime, have any of you spent time with these headphones?
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