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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Yay! jp#s has arrived out of guest-lurk mode. It's about time!
  2. There's some bias here, some more pointed than necessary, but so be it. I personally have zippo against Ray, own one of his amps, and if he came out with something I liked for a reasonable price, I'd get it, though that doesn't seem to be happening. I listened to the Apache at the Florida meet, have heard the balanced Beta on two occasions, a balanced Dynamight multiple times, and quite a bit of balanced headroom gear from the old Blockhead to the latest as far as ss goes. As I said in my meet impressions, the Apache did nothing for me, and I tried with with R10s, 600s and 650s. Not bad; just nothing. I also have no affection for the Meridian. If it pleases you, that's great, but it's difficult for those of us who have heard it, and don't share the same opinion to not put the differences in the pot when you're talking about headphones heard from that rig. I'm not a D5000 fan, but I've heard it from a few different sources/amps and I didn't experience it as you did. I am a L3000 fan and same deal here.
  3. Hi, PhOrk. In that case, since you're drinking and posting, there's a whole thread for you here: http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2428.0.html
  4. only if surrounded by a blue aura.
  5. I had the same impression at the recent Florida meet when I heard them for the first time, which actually surprised me, as I think I was expecting them to sound like a high-end version of the 2500, and although I had problems with those headphones, I liked the bass. Plus, I'd been hearing about "angels licking my ears" from one usually reliable source (though he's since sold them) enough to make me think I'd at least like them, even if not enough to buy them. The bass was simply oppressive. I tired them with Mike's Cosecant/Woo5, and then with a few of my sources/amps, even trying the Diablo, as it is pretty bright, with decent detail, but nothing helped. I don't know if I'd even like them with movies. Thrice, what were you using with the Edition 9s?
  6. boomana

    slow forum

  7. This has been my experience exactly. I bought the 600s thinking I was going to choose between them and the 650s, but the 650s sound stunning in my main rig (I prefer them over the 600s there), but not so hot with anything else: sorta foggy, especially in the bottom end. The 600s sound dang decent even with my PRII, SR-71 and Canamp as a bedroom rig. I ended up keeping both. I also think it's why so many amp builders use the 600s as opposed to the 650s at meets.
  8. That's what I was thinking. Not good.
  9. Your both super duper cool but Edwood has an irrational fear of vegans that must have manifested while wearing 444s. There's no other explanation for it. I do feel better about it knowing these things.
  10. Things are starting to make sense to me now about both of you
  11. I remember reading some head-fi thread that was going on about the number four being a bad thing in some Asian cultures. Just think about it. Your headphones might be triple cursed.
  12. Nah. Gotta be at work in 6 hours. So, I was just emailing the guy I bought the sub from on audiogon and was thinking that if head-fi lost a lot of posts, that includes feedback, both good and bad. Could suck in many directions.
  13. Those little carrots and hummus. Not bad, though a baked potato with lots of garlic, spinach and salsa would have been better. Too lazy.
  14. [me=boomana]shrugs back then wanders to the kitchen looking for a snack[/me]
  15. I'm gonna start making my Momma's Day list out new. Can we insist the new folks list their gear so I'll know what to ask for?
  16. Wow. Go to work for a few hours and things changed around here. Hi, everyone.
  17. Then also no to 501s and 990s. No. Enjoying them is a separate matter. Oh, and welcome to head-case, Kevin (sorry, I didn't see it was your first post).
  18. No. Simply no.
  19. How long do you think to use this meantime amp? If only a month or two, why not borrow someone's something, even if not ideal. If you're talking longer, I get it.
  20. Okay. That makes sense.
  21. What's a clitmouse?
  22. I can't wait to read Nate's response to this
  23. That's probably why I could get on from my phone, which is Verizon.
  24. I use, or in other words, I have no idea what any of that means (I chose the dog smilie rather than the kitty one just for you Reks)
  25. Safari's now fine as well. Was probably the DNS server thing.
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