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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Fungi, you can pick up 580s on ebay still for under $200 (I think). If you end up not liking them, you can sell them for only a small loss.
  2. Stick with the simple things, Billy. PrettyPrincess is perfect.
  3. My intuition tells me that not seeing them is a good thing.
  4. Perhaps Reks will change your name for you again. PrettyPrincess has a nice ring to it.
  5. Grawk's been fueling up in the music listening thread. Let's have a war so you can go and die!
  6. Exactly. I was thinking the same thing, and let's face it, there's nothing any of us has said there that really means diddle in the big wide wonderful world.
  7. Consider it a fresh start. I always hated those guys that started threads saying, "Look at me, I've posted 500 times!" as if it were anything other than confirmation of idiocy.
  8. I let him borrow some headphones awhile back. He's a good guy. I looked around, though, and don't seem to have the info anywhere I can find.
  9. Given his history of cocaine usage, I would think a boatload of painkillers, a least the good ones, would be contraindicated. Next thing you know, he'll be forging scripts.
  10. Congrats on the Zana Deux!
  11. Since they have the 1/4, what are you reterming to, 1/8? Why? I can't think of a single amp with a 1/8 that can come close to powering the 340s. It would be a waste. or did I miss something? going 4-pin with a tail for a speaker amp? now that's good!
  12. Too much cocaine? Explains a lot.
  13. I don't think there's an e in tonsils.
  14. An excellent question, and one that has no perfect answer. Just start a thread in any one of those areas, then ask more questions around answers you get. If you haven't noticed, most threads tend to evolve or even go way off topic, and I don't think anyone would mind talking about what amps go well with certain headphones in a headphone thread, or visa versa, etc. And welcome, fungi, even if your name is rather...uh...
  15. I was able to get at least the opening announcement for CanJam (that would have been a pain to reproduce), and my feedback, minus the last two sales. Thanks, guys. I certainly wouldn't have come up with that on my own.
  16. That's how dumb I am in computerland. Thanks again. I'm going to try it now.
  17. At least some things will start out right
  18. I may have his address and phone number somewhere.
  19. Yeah, but I don't really think that even those who pretty much hate the guy on business levels would wish this on him or head-fi. No one is that much of an ass here (close, but no). Mike and Aaron (you the only head-fi mods here?), you better get ready for a shit-storm of whiny "I want my post count back" crap and angry bitching that will eliminate any productive reconstruction. Head-fi is currently overrun by self-serving know-it-all brats, and they won't be caring about the needs of people like Justin or Alex or those who are facing real losses, and they'll probably be vocal and stupid right out of the gate.
  20. Thanks, Justin, but I emptied my caches trying to figure out why I couldn't get on here the other night. Maybe some of the other CanJam guys can pull something out of their computers.
  21. You beat me to it. The exact word, and it's not one that pops out daily in my brain. He's neither right nor wrong, but it seems he's looking at popularity as a frame for his thoughts on fidelity, which make his points bitter more than accurate. To think that there aren't as many people as before interested or trying to accomplish the same goals he names as his own is to be, well, a curmudgeon, and an inaccurate one at that; but if framing his views around the emergence, in force, of everything he's against, and the commercial power it wields, then everything he says is true. I do agree with him when he more or less says that people now want a personalized audio experience, and aren't as interested anymore in agreeing upon an ideal of accurate reproduction, but focusing instead on what is pleasing to them. I found this quote telling: I've been thinking a lot about the dumbing down of audio appreciation lately (convenience vs. quality, economics vs. appreciation), and those thoughts started that whole inane Disturbing Trend thread as well as another on head-fi (now probably erased). I doubt it's any different than in the 80s, except that the digital age and age of convenience hadn't yet taken over completely. I can see why he feels its all going down the wrong path.
  22. Hey, some of you banned guys haven't yet been banned.
  23. Well, I'd probably have no feedback if in 2006, except buying, but that's nothing compared to what will be lost, the good and the bad of it. It's really messed up, and I do feel bad for Jude. Dang, all the CanJam planning stuff, and threads gone...eeeek!
  24. California has changed you this much in this short of time?
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