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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Here's a pic I took with my cell phone: He's lying on the tar-side of his belly, but you can see the blobs on his tail. He smells like tar. I've been on the phone all morning with every local vet and the earliest appointment I can get is Thurs! and no baths until three days after vaccination, that's assuming all his tests come out okay. I'm going to call around to see if anyone lost him. He's definitely a housecat, totally kicked back, and not even trying to get out the door. He didn't spaz out last night in the car (very weird), and once inside, calmly checked things out then headed straight for the kitchen. He hasn't tried to claw up my furniture, or mess with anything. I tried to put him in the guest bedroom last night to keep him sorta contained until I'm sure he's bug free (I didn't see any, and put Advantage on him anyway--nasty smell mixed with the tar), but he figured out how to open the door and I woke up with him stretched out sleeping on my legs. He already seems to have an objection to the dry food I had around (to feed the stray guy in my neighborhood that led my other cat astray), and stares up the fridge longingly. Too bad he doesn't know there's nothing in there he would want. He has a very raspy meow, but isn't a gabber; just when made noises to him, he responds.
  2. Damn, Reks, I'll keep a spot open for you where I work.
  3. 106 and still going strong! Happy Birthday to you!
  4. Happy Birthday! May your day be wonderful!
  5. Well, I found some batteries and took some pics, but now have no idea where the connecting thingy is. The last time I used my camera was at the last Florida meet, so lord knows if it even made it back home with me. Oh well. I'll figure it out tomorrow. He has six toes.
  6. I work in a residential facility of nine apartment buildings on a golf course and spend much of my day walking around annoying the patients. Many stray cats live on the golf course and come around mooching at night. They are almost all feral and impossible to tame. We know them all and the patients have names for them. Today, a cat I've never seen before starting following me around from building to building. I'd go in one for a hour or so and he'd be waiting for me outside the door of whatever apartment I'd been in and follow to the next one. I go in the office and he'd be waiting outside again and start meowing whenever I appeared. He must know a sucker when he sees one for he ignored most everyone else. This went most of the evening, and when he followed me to my car tonight, he just got on in like a dog, and rode on my lap all the way home. I've had cats my whole life, and never had this experience before, especially cats in cars. Anyway, I seem to have a cat now, which definitely wasn't my plan. He was obviously someone's house cat at one time and is extremely affectionate and mellow. He either escaped or got thrown out, but he's pretty beat up, skinny, and with tar covering his belly and big blobs of it on his tail. Fortunately, I could find no fleas or mites. Other than that, he's a handsome orange guy, I'm guessing about 10 months old. I gotta try and get him to a vet tomorrow and get all the tests and figure out how to get tar off a cat. My last cat, and the best cat I've ever known, was killed on Easter. She was a feral cat, and I could never make her an indoor one. I still miss her horribly and haven't wanted to get another. I'm a little freaked out as I'm not ready for a pet, and I really don't want the responsibility right now, but this guy has already settled right in, eaten, located the litter box (I never got rid of my other cat's things), and is trying to clean himself while lounging on the carpet. If I make clicking noises, he runs right to me. He is on the floor next to me now, purring wildly. I think he's mine. Egad. I only hope his tests turn out okay. If I can find batteries for my camera, I'll take a pic.
  7. Much better!
  8. Perhaps the op thinks this is funny and edgy, but it's really one of most immature asshole threads I've seen. I could care less about the haha religious slam, but I object strongly to the stupidity that thinks posting it here is clever thing to do. I'm not deleting it as I think others should see it for what it is, but I am locking it as not worthy of further commentary. T Monk, please refer to the no asshats rule in the General Announcements forum before choosing to be clever again. [img width=54 height=60 alt=No Asshats]http://www.head-case.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=491&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=806dd146ddf88929022d391d756da62a
  9. Pretty's too new on the scene, though her contributions have been stunning in every thread. My vote definitely goes to kitty. No one else has expressed with such simplicity the complexities of thought and emotion that make head-case the great site it is today. Kitty ftw!
  10. With the new trick turning them into these:
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. What strange sites you visit. I, for one, have already been dead twice, or so I was told. I'm certainly not going to worry about a little bacteria on my headphones, but I won't forget to tell my hypochondriac brother all about it. Maybe I'll call him now.
  13. Since this thread was already dead, I'll kill it again with this totally irrelevant post: One of my favorite memories comes from a dinner party at a wealthy person's home back in the 1970s. I wasn't invited to the party, no kids were (we were about 16 at the time), so we were hanging out in the basement of the home, playing pool and doing all sorts of bad things while the party sedately continued overhead. Oh wait...background: My friend's father was a well-known psychologist, primarily through his published research and his work at the University of Michigan at the time. There had been an "important" international conference at the University, where esteemed colleagues traveled from around the globe to attend and ended up at this diner party at his home. Back in the day, people would wear tuxedos and gowns to such a dinner. A chef was hired, servants served multiple courses, and a chamber group was hired to play during dinner. All very polite and proper. /background So, we're hanging out in the basement, playing pool and doing all sorts of bad things. Phillip, my friend, had a big Macaw that lived in a cage in the grand foyer of the home. All of a sudden, in the midst of this very sophisticated party held to impress the world's top psychologists, the bird, named Chumley, started squaking as loudly as only a Macaw can, "Fuck the world! Fuck the world! Fuck the world!..." and wouldn't stop. Then he started shrieking "Phil-lip (accent on the second syllable)" to add to our joy. We all scrambled to get out of the house as fast as possible, but I would have loved to been a fly on the wall upstairs when Chumley started up. From the safety of the basement, it was simply the best.
  14. Hah! I do like that car, but I wouldn't even want an expensive car (not that I could afford one) as I'd always be worrying about where to park it, how to protect it, blah blah blech. I probably won't go for a convertible either as it would just mean my already messy hair will be even messier. That, and the higher insurance rates will probably kill it for me. I'm probably going for one of those little Scions: cheap and you can throw a bunch of stuff in the back. That's my kind of car. I do want a tt (turntable ), but, as Mike knows, I've been talking about getting a new car for a few years now. I should just do it, though I really like having no car payments, and talking about it is more fun than having to go out and get one.
  15. Stop it. You are evil. I need a new car, not a tt. It will be my mantra for 2008: Buy a car, not a tt! Damn hard, though, since I don't care at all about what I drive as long as it gets me where I need to be.
  16. or this:
  17. Yup. slwiser, that's quite purdy.
  18. No, my friend's in Puerto Rico until right after the New Year. I do want to give him the option of returning them, if he wants, unopened. If I buy them, I'll get my own. I gotta say, though, it's getting real hard to just have them here looking at me, begging me to give them a quick listen...just for a minute or two...no one will know... ...arrrrgh.
  19. darkless, I'm hoping to get my pico late next week or early the following one. I'm both curious and hopeful about how they will sound together. I'll let you know.
  20. True, but this guy was such a well-meaning lunatic, and a flaming queen to boot, I liked him immensely.
  21. I'm a huge Anthony De Mello fan, though fandom is not the right vibe. Some crazy-ass Jesuit priest in a Hawaiian shirt turned me onto him years ago. In the words of Ken36, good stuff.
  22. Damnit, don't tempt me. I need a new car before a tt...but then again...my current ugly has run exceptionally well for 11 years...
  23. Are you talking about Johnnyboy? I don't think he's selling yet.
  24. ATH-ESW9 Update: I've had these for three weeks now, and have about 30 hrs listening in and no extra burn-in hours as I really don't care enough to be bothered with that stuff. I was up all night last night due to drinking only one little cup of coffee late at work, and anyway, spent about five hours with a selection of portable amps, sources and cds spread out on the bed. Result? This is the happiest audio purchase I've made since my R10s. Mind you, I'm not comparing them to my home headphones at all, but that's not why I bought them. I wanted closed, comfy, semi-portable, decent sounding headphones that would work well with most genres of music I listen to regularly. I really can't see me looking for another to fill that need now. I originally had problems with the upper mids, but am not so bothered now (if I had to get picky, I still find fault here in slight recession and etchy tone) and amp choice has made a difference. I also originally found them too laid back for rock and 80s-early 90s hardcore, but that was before I really did any listening time with the mini3, and PRII. Damn! Great kick and drive. Drums especially sound stunning. I'm selling my Diablo (if I can ) and SR-71 based on last night's listening. Ran through a selection of symphonic classical and some heavy choral works, and though I'm used to more refinement due to home system, it was pretty easy to settle in and just enjoy. I could listen to acoustic folkey/blusey stuff with these headphones and be perfectly happy forever. Small combo jazz also sounds great. I'm going to spend a couple weeks actually writing a real review with amp/source comparos and use words that might mean something (or not) to others, but for the meantime: Unamped: yeah okay, but not really after listening with. Best for everything I tried: Denon DCP-100/imod > LaRocco PRII (8620 version): full, smooth, but with a nice kick, and best overall balance. Best transportable set-up I've ever heard. Denon DCP-100/imod (could tell no difference) > mini3: more mid and treble energy, still a great kick in the bottom end, a bit brighter. I could live with this. These headphones have really nice extension on both ends, and really good balance. Headstage/imaging is mediocre at best, but for what they are, I don't care. Good detail, and separation for the most part, though I'd prefer a bit more air. Ah well. For those who were touting the Denon 2000s as the best mid-priced closed, multi-purpose headphone, these are so much better in every way, except maybe headstage, but the ESW9 sq squashes them, and they're pretty as opposed to the ugly Denons, and I like pretty things. That's all for now. I'll get back with a full write-up in a couple weeks. It's just nice to be more excited about a headphone three weeks after buying it, so I wanted to say something. If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty judgmental and snotty about things (even if I'm wrong), and I haven't had this experience in awhile. Loving it.
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