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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I was a R10/SinglePower fangirl until yesterday when my amp died for the third time in a horrible hum....
  2. Okay, I'll stop now, but it's kinda fun:
  3. Edit: added nifty blue quote box like Dusty and Reks
  4. I'll have it with me at MOA. You can check it out and we'll chat. I actually like the amp more as time goes on, but I've got too much stuff, and what I've already heard of the Pico tells me it will do me just fine. I'm keeping either the PRII or the Canamp as a bedroom amp/transportable. Can't decide. It will depend on which headphones I decide to sell.
  5. Poor guy wants headphone advice, posts a fairly detailed request for help, and all you guys see is the last line on naked girls. Not knowing your amp choices, I got nothing specific for you. I like the 701s, but didn't like them until I heard them recabled and balanced, though I had agile_one's single-ended recabled pair for a few weeks and they sounded really good, with fuller bass than I expected from previous listening, out of my SP Extreme. The 880s are brutal in the treble to my ears, but if you're not sensitive that way, they might be okay for what you want.
  6. Mine shipped today. I'm pretty excited. I'm gonna sell off my portable amp stash after MOA along with my Lector, maybe my Canamp, maybe some headphones, and other stray stuff I've accumulated. Going to keep the Pico for work/portable and work on my home system.
  7. Spending my Barnes & Noble X-mas gift cards: Plus an oil change from Jiffy Lube
  8. Didn't Al say we'd have a K1000 room? I'm very interested in checking this out.
  9. I've been messing around with positioning today. It's a bit tricky, but when you get it right, what a difference! These are starting to grow on me.
  10. John, what happened to your commitment to not buy any audio gear in 2008? Broken so soon?
  11. Or you can have that mini meet at your place, Mike, to show off your new speakers, etc. I can bring the Exemplar.
  12. boomana

    slow forum

  13. Happy birthday, guys!
  14. I agree, but my wallet will be happy.
  15. Interesting. My vet did both nose drops and two shots. It's a small office, less than one stoplight from my house. I've known the main vet for ten years as I've always brought my cat and a bunch of strays (cleared, cleaned, fixed and given away). She's pretty great and always gives me service for practically free on the strays that don't end up being mine (I've never had more than one cat at a time). There's always been a change-over in techs, though. I don't know if it's just the nature of the job or if she can't hold on to people. I guess she decided to take on a partner, but this one seems fresh out of school or else, like tkam said, is in the wrong line of work (maybe both). I might look into getting another vet. I'll have to investigate.
  16. I blame the vet techs. They hurt him at the beginning by grabbing him hard by the scruff for too long without needing to, and then, when needed, they wouldn't hold the whole cat down. They had on the giant gloves, had his face covered in a towel, had him by the scruff, and were pinning his upper body, but how do you give a shot to a frenzied cat in the hind quarters without holding the whole cat down? Stupid. The vet should have also known better, but she walked into a scene where he'd already destroyed the counters, and was screaming, growling, and hissing as loudly as he could. She was afraid to stick him in his muscle, so kept jumping back when he squirmed and kicked, hurting him even more with each attempted shot.
  17. Now that he's rested, he's showing his personality. He likes to run into you and do full bodychecks, trying to corral you back into the kitchen or just for fun, like playing bumper cars.
  18. Well, I seem to have lost the connecting thingy for my camera, so I have to get another. I have to say that I'm very proud of my boy. He damn near destroyed the vet's office yesterday and terrified the two vet techs and a new vet. I almost had to have him quarantined for ten days because he hadn't yet been vaccinated for rabies, but the whiny bitch who deserved the attack wasn't actually hurt, though claimed she was. Round One: my very mellow cat is out of his cat carrier, hanging out on my lap with dogs coming in and out and the vet's cat even rubbing up on my legs. Bumpers (cat's new maybe name based on later story) is happy, cozy, and just checking it all out with no fuss. I take him back to the horrible stainless table, and he's now scared, sniffing around, starting to pant, but okay. In walks stupid vet tech #1, who, as soon as she hears he's a stray, gets all afraid and puts on the giant gloves and just grabs him by the scruff hard, even though stupid vet tech #2 isn't even in the room yet with the thermometer. I kept telling her to let him go until they were actually doing something, and he's giving all the warning signs, but she's too stupid to listen. So, he's now afraid, hurting, and trapped...not good...and starts fighting. They don't even have that thermometer in his butt yet and he kicks, flips, flails, escapes, jumps on the counters and knocks a bunch of stuff off, wailing horrible cat sounds, and basically spazing, scratching, trying to get away. I grab him and pin him on the table, and stupid vet tech #2 wraps him up in a towel and sticks him in the bum. End round one. Round Two: A new vet I've never met (been going there ten years) comes in. I get Bumpers back in my lap, after the indignity of the butt probe, and he's growling but fine. Then they decide to put him in a cat bag for his shots, which is basically a straight jacket for cats with lots of zippers. Not good. They get him in all tight, but he's pissed. The vet tries to give him shots, but the vet techs won't hold him right, and even in the cat bag, he's kicking, twisting, and screaming, so that everytime the vet sticks a needle in, she can't give the shot and the needle goes flying on the floor because she keeps jumping away from him every time he kicks. I keep saying, "Lie on the damn cat. Pin him!" and they're telling me to get away, totally afraid of him, but they've already stuck him five times without success. He's screaming and fighting (I'm laughing) and the two dummies are already holding him down and covering his face, so they finally let me just pin with my body, and in five seconds they give him both shots. It was quite the scene with him yowling, dogs barking all over the place, stuff from the counters all over the floor. You should have seen their faces. It was beautiful. End round two. After that, I have to wait for test results, and he's back in my lap all chill, but stupid vet tech #1 claims he hurt her, so there was a whole mess with that until they saw there was no marks on her at all. Blah. Blah. The bitch is trying to claim this even as some old lady in the waiting room with her cat is petting him and he's purring. I've scheduled him a bath at the same vet as payback for their stupidity next week. I love my new cat. EDIT: his tests came back fine. He's got parasites and worms, but that's it.
  19. Well, I finally got to open up my Christmas gift, the baby Stax, from my now ex-semi-boyfriend. I'm listening to them now and don't much like them: no weight to vocals, saxophones sound like toys, tones are off, but damn, snares and cymbals sound great! They're surprisingly comfy since I expected other, but you have to mess around to get them placed just right to sound okay. I'll play around with them a bit, but so far, I'm not hearing much that would make me want to keep them.
  20. boomana


    and then there's that....
  21. If you look at all those rolling sigs lined up, they look like they're racing
  22. boomana


    dc, as far as I can surmise, jude's objection to head-case at this point in time is strictly personal and a hold-over from what brought head-case into existence in the first place, and since a lot of strong opinions that aren't exactly favorable toward head-fi get voiced here freely, I can't see his opinion changing anytime soon. As some have pointed out, however, most of us are active members on head-fi. Heck, I strangely seem to be up for head-fier of the year, and Nate was nominated. We're both mods here. Tyrion, immtbiker, mods there, are active members here, and as you've seen, you know or recognize most of us already. Most of us like head-fi, but moved over here looking for something more satisfying in terms of content and expression. I don't think it benefits jude to exclude head-case from mention. If it's a fear of losing members , I can't see it happening as many wouldn't be able to handle the...er....atmosphere here, and those who can, end up frequenting both. I actually think it would be better for head-fi if he did allow mention for a variety of reasons, but I'm also firmly in the camp that since head-fi is his creation, he gets to choose what he wants to allow whether I agree with his reasoning or not. I think it's a shame, but so be it.
  23. Hi, dc! Welcome to head-case!
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