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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I actually bumped into these headphones while buying a cute blouse online. The company also makes vegan bags. http://www.karmaloop.com/products.asp?ProductID=35012&VendorCode=BOO
  2. What won't kill you, will only make you stronger, my son.
  3. Yep, there's no walking allowed on all that open land. Gotta live on hooker row to get a 58.
  4. Got a 58. I like walking around in my neighborhood. It's a bit of a strange thing. I'm four homes off a main road lined by hooker hotels, and well, hookers, but my actual neighborhood is quite nice in a working class sort of way, and very quiet. Nice place to walk about.
  5. Understood I don't have mine yet, but hopefully soon
  6. Congrats, Todd. Will be curious for your impressions while I wait for my own O2 rig.
  7. Scarlett's breasts are really quite nice, but just think how they'll be in twenty some years. Throw in a kid or two and/or some plastic surgery...ugh. R10s are nicer in the long run.
  8. Is this what married life has done to you?
  9. I picked up on a few classical selections in the B&N sale last week. Don't know how long it's lasting. Makes it easy to give nice presents too.
  10. X3. I tend to favor excess when possible.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. I'm not aware of any around here, but maybe in some of the larger cities. Back a million years ago, when I was doing my dirty street girl and squatting thing in NY, the Hare Krishnas used to feed us in the park twice a week. The food was surprisingly good considering they basically brought huge pots of cheap rice and whatnot.
  13. Sublime in Ft. Lauderdale. http://www.sublimeveg.com/home.html It's rare to find any kind of strict veg restaurant anywhere, but then most are hippy-dippy, and not very good. Sublime is a really nice restaurant that I've never had problems taking my non-veg friends to, and I can actually order everything on the menu, including the desserts. Plus, it's chef-driven (if that's a word), meaning the menu changes all the time. A couple guys at CanJam had some take out, but it was already a bit cold when I got back, and not the same thing. Other than some local ethnic restaurants (Sublime is about a 45 minutes away from me), it's my favorite restaurant.
  14. Hi, diebenkorn. Welcome to head-case! I personally don't listen critically much at all, just take time to notice what's to notice from time to time, so I can't be of much help. Are you interested in studio work, audio engineering or something? It is a real skill to have. Just curious. Wasn't aware there were "golden ears" cds around.
  15. Nice picture. Congratulations! May you have many years of happiness.
  16. The guy who won the UE raffle was that guy Oliver, who partied with us (Fl crew) in Tampa then disappeared until CanJam. I know because he bought my Minibox and told me when we met. I guess he just doesn't feel the need to announce it. Anyway, thanks for reminding me that I still have to get money from him and forgot to do so.
  17. Just got off the phone...and...UE11s
  18. I'm jealous. Very.
  19. Hi, Terry. You selling that already?
  20. I have both an imod and a pico. I'm selling the imod. Hope that helps answer you question.
  21. I really enjoyed jp#s Omegas, and think they are work exploring. I'm also quite fond of my Cain & Cain Abbys, but they really need a sub.
  22. Have a great birthday!
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