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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Hi, Blackmore. Nice to see you here.
  2. He is G-man on head-fi, board spammer extraordinaire, formerly known as Guatam, but I guess the name wasn't gansta enough for him.
  3. G-man is on a three-day vacation so he can lurk, read, and decide if he wants to participate in this forum.
  4. If you continue to post, you'll most likely be kicking yourself out. I, for one, am completely ready to give you a vacation already. One more inane comment, and you're done for a least a week. If others want to make the permanent, I'm for that plan as well.
  5. Asshat post #1 out of 2 posts total. Please read the forum rules before posting again. G-man, Guatam, or whoever you are, I will make it my personal mission to ban you if you insist on adding more.
  6. Too late. You are now my personal pet-project. Start spamming up this board with your drivel, and you won't get past 10 posts. Otherwise, welcome.
  7. I've done nothing significant or meaningful today at all. It's glorious. Think I'll take a nap.
  8. Great pics, Tyll. Nice to know you know how to celebrate!
  9. Have a good one!
  10. I listened to and liked both the Sleeks and the Klipsch's at CanJam (preferring the Sleeks), and am a long-time Ety fan, but after spending time with both the UE10s and 11s (universal) at CanJam, DC, and then again at home (thanks, Dan), I'm going to disagree your statement that multiple drivers are more about marketing than about sound. Done well, which UE does in at least these models, they make a significant different in sq. On a side note, after three months of impressions dramas (two sets rejected, blah blah), my UE11s should be home with me in a couple weeks. The weird thing is that I have no idea what they're going to look like. After obsessively emailing changes re color choice for three days, I got sick of myself and told the artist to do whatever he felt looked best while using the cat in my avatar. I'm now both excited and very curious.
  11. Nice. Welcome!
  12. Poor Mike.
  13. Happy Birthday, Tyll! Hope it's wonderful.
  14. Just remembered that I'm old enough to have things I wore when I was younger become popular again. When tie dye started showing up a few years back, I was horrified, and same for "flared" jeans, or wide-legged sailor type pants, some skirts, and even peasant dresses. I'm not exactly good with clothes or anything close, but the one fashion rule I've lived by, and has kept me safe from PTSD harm, other than no labels, is that you should never wear anything you wore during puberty. It's just bad all the way around.
  15. boomana

    slow forum

    ^ yuck.
  16. When I was in middle school (early 70s), it was extremely uncool to be brand-conscious. Levis and Wranglers were okay, but that's it, and we'd actually take the labels off our clothing so as not to be conspicuous. In high school, I remember Calvin Klein jeans being around, and they did make my butt look good, so I bought a pair or two. That's about all I remember. What's funny is that attitude from early days is still with me. I absolutely will not wear clothing or accessories with obvious logos on them, and feel embarrassed for those that do, except for maybe some sports clothes. There are a couple brands I now buy and look for only because they fit me well every time, but that's about it. Never really paid attention beyond that need.
  17. Looks like you're finally getting everything set up beautifully, Indra. Now get busy taking pics!
  18. Mod wars! You ban me there, and I'll ban you here. EDIT: but since we seem to have to go hundreds of miles to actually meet face-to-face, even though you live near me, I concede that I'd miss you. Perhaps we can negotiate. You warn me (sternly is okay), and I pretend to pay attention. Wait! Weren't you the very one who let cj in here?
  19. Grawk's a liar. It's part of his charm.
  20. Welcome, and nice to have you here.
  21. Yup. I had Dan's woodied and recabled pair alongside my stock pair for a couple weeks. If I'd stop being so lazy, I'd be sending pm's right now to get them some NH care.
  22. and so you chose "Dr. Pork" instead. Interesting.
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