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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I think your avatar might be a little too complicated, but if it could be done, it would look great on black. btw, there are some cds that sound really bad with these and waaay too bassy: so far, most Stones and Zeppelin are out.
  2. That's a nose! Everyone knows you don't put lipstick on a cat's nose, at least not when sober.....geeez
  3. If I could do it again, I'd go for the cat on clear.
  4. Okey dokey. Sorry that I have a lousy camera and I can't hold it still anyway, so doesn't matter much.
  5. Here's a weird thing re changes: The first day I had them, I was listening to itunes and using the pico with the macbook and reading headcase. I entered the chat room, and that annoying female-ish "welcome" voice when you enter sounded, well, like a guy's voice on female hormones. I wasn't expecting to have it come through the music, I completely didn't recognize it at first (what the hell was that), and then didn't like at all what I was hearing once I figured it out. I logged in and out a couple times to make sure I was hearing what I heard. Today it's back to sounding like a female voice, though with the lower tones slightly more present than with HF1s or even with UE11s sans pico, giving it a fuller sound. It does not sound like a male voice anymore, hormones or no, so although I can't account for the changes, I'm going to say this one is not my just getting used to anything. There's a definite difference for the better, even if some might disapprove of my sample choice for audiophile impressions.
  6. Yup. I'm 100% happy with these straight from an ipod, which is good, since that's why I bought them. The bass freaked me out a bit when using the pico as a dac/amp on the first couple days. There was a fullness to the lower midrange and mid-bass that felt almost syrupy and too much, but then every other tone came through so cleanly and sounding pretty damn accurate, it was confusing. I didn't get this bass emphasis straight from the ipod, and preferred listening that way in the first week. I don't know if I've just gotten used to the sound with the pico, or if the UE11s actually changed slightly, as others have reported, but they don't seem bloomy at all now, though that was definitely my first impression, and I was fully planning to report that I wish I'd gotten the 10s instead. I stopped listening to them for three days after slightly injuring my left ear taking them out (do not rip them out quickly...no no no), and upon using them again, they now sound just right to me, like live music, especially with the recorded live music I've been using to get a sense of things. I really can't account for the change, but don't much care to bother. I seriously wouldn't change a thing about them now, and am now very glad I got them over the 10s, though outta the box, I was thinking the opposite. I've been using them straight from an ipod, ipod with pico, and macbook with pico. The pico cleans up the midrange edges a bit, even when just as an amp, and I will use it anytime I'm not moving around, whether as an amp or dac/amp. I'm also happy with the UE11s right from the ipod. One unexpected advantage is that I don't feel the need to turn the volume up to get a more visceral take on things. Everything sounds wonderful, even at a whisper volume. These are just side-shot, notice-what-you-notice impressions, and I really haven't been doing any purposeful critical sessions. I have to send them back to get the left monitor adjusted, as a couple spots need to be reduced to get a better seal and more comfy fit. I don't want to send them back, even for a couple days. I like them that much. When I get them back, and assuming the fit will be right, I'll listen more carefully and post impressions after a bit. In the meantime, I really consider these one of my best audio purchases ever.
  7. Enjoy your day!
  8. Congrats Pete on a beautiful daughter and wife!
  9. I'm a day late to wishing you a happy birthday, so you'll have to celebrate twice. Have a good one!
  10. Okay, this has nothing to do with an Olympic competition, but they were doing one of those those little side-interest stories about Kung fu and the Shaolin temple, and this guy was doing an handstand, but only using his index fingers. A two-finger stand! That was as amazing as anything else I've seen.
  11. Yay, Matty! Happy Birthday to you!
  12. Happy birthday to you
  13. There's a Hurricane Vicky this year, not that I'm wanting it, but if things gotta go down in one....
  14. Although I'm a fan of the ESW9s, they are on the warm side of things, not bright, though Vorlon1s pair sounded much brighter than mine, which was strange to all of us who heard the two pair together, so who knows. They had more treble energy, that's for sure. Not sure they're what you'd be looking for.
  15. Very cute picture, Nate. It's about time we got another glimpse of little beauty girl.
  16. Don't take it personally, Ken. I do like the hat
  17. We're not getting too much on this side so far. This morning the winds were up to about 60mph, but that died down around noon, and now it's just a steady rain. Matt and Gene are both on the west side, where, if there's going to be any real impact, Fay is supposed to hit. Supposedly just a Cat 1, but those rains can still be vicious. Thanks for the wishes, guys. Hopefully there won't be a later need for same.
  18. Happy birthday! Hope your day is wonderful.
  19. Yup, yup to everything, though I'm not so sure about the W5000s, and would definitely put R10s on that best closed cans list. Re HFI-780s, they are possibly the worst headphones I've heard. I did get the chance to hear the ALO modded pair at CanJam, and though the highs were smoothed out a bit from the stock pair I heard, and they did sound better out of whatever Rudistor amp I was listening to at the time than with other amps I tried, I still think they are a horrible way to spend money unless you hate music. Here's an old wreck of a thread that has a few impressions tossed in: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphones/3153-ultrasone-hfi-780-a.html
  20. I think he chose that particular horror, or that's my guess, and, no, I don't think he's recovered.
  21. Reks is akin to a Shakespearian fool of profound inanities, but all pretenders to his throne are really starting to irk me.
  22. Is this thread becoming embarrassingly stupid, or am I just being too sensitive this morning?
  23. I've heard none of the above headphones for awhile, so I don't want to comment on what I really don't remember, except to say that the D5000 is probably the better choice if those were your only three choices in the world, and you were talking sound quality only. It's not a bad headphone at all, but for the price, I felt it didn't measure up to others. I've pretty well stated my opinions on the D2000. As for the ESW9s, if you're comparing them to good full-sized headphones, they, too, don't measure up to the really good ones, but they are really enjoyable headphones, and I'm still amazed that for their function (closed, portable) they sound as good as they do. The ESW9s did sound great with the Minibox E+, but right after I sold that, I sent them to grawk for an extended visit. He's still has them, but no pico. I'm in no rush to get them back, so won't be able to answer your question for a least a few months.
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