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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Uh...I have yet to set it up \
  2. Hey, I'm sure not a professional engineer, but taking the lead from trail blazers in the area of fast-forward claims, can I be an engineering student without having studied a thing? I could someday, you know.
  3. No longer have the coffee pot. I'm safe.
  4. boomana


    You've been so agreeable lately, Smeggy. I hardly know you.
  5. boomana


    Okay, I'll stop now.
  6. I have absolutely no good advice for you, but I did notice that your artistic skill have improved greatly since the days of crooked smiles and bad noses on bald heads.
  7. boomana


  8. boomana


    You might want to spend some time reading around to get a feel of things before posting a lot of random stuff.
  9. boomana


    Welcome to head-case. I know your user name, but not really much about you. Are you planning on giving us a reason to dislike you?
  10. Reksy's just cranky lately. The smell of decomposing moose in his basement is hard to take day after day.
  11. I had the same coffee pot as in the picture at work.
  12. Stacy, I'm going to try and be helpful, and you'll think about things or not. These are examples of things that frustrate many of us, just from your website alone: This is gobbledygook. You're making things up that you think mean something, but they mean nothing at all. If you aren't making things up, please answer these questions: What do you mean when you say a dock has good extension? Compared to what? Which docks have less or more extension for you to be able to make such a claim? What do you mean by "the presentation of copper"? When I think of copper's presentation, I think of the copper roof my childhood neighbors had. It presented as green. What do you mean by "this dock is for those who appreciate air"? What's your definition of "air"? What's your definition of "staging" and how can a dock give me that? What the heck is "classic detail"? What do you mean by "open" (is that the same as "air"?), and what do you mean by "smooth"? Okay, I can't even begin to imagine what you were thinking here: "alleviate perceived issues"? WTF? This is just trash. How can all these docks possess such identifiably diverse qualities? Which headphones did you use to test, and when you used different headphones, did Dock Whatever always improve staging? I'm not going to get into the outlandishness of some of your claims, but you need to be able to back up your statements if you're going to sell things to people. Since you're clearly trying to make these words sound good, as opposed to conveying accurate claims to anyone with a bit of experience, you might want double check the words you choose, as well as spelling and grammar (yes, I know the site's in construction). If you want to receive any credibility, please remove the claims that you and your friends are professional engineers. That's purposeful lying for monetary gain, which is criminal in spirit, if not law. Please clean up the pretend audiophile language. It's embarrassing, not impressive. I'm willing to extend a benefit of the doubt to you that since the site is not yet finished, you haven't thoroughly thought things through. However, if you believe your cables possess these qualities, and if you are genuinely confident that all your cables do as you have claimed, and stand by your statements, send them to me for testing. I have very revealing headphones, and a few other docks and cables with which I can compare. I would report a full review as accurately as my ears and vocabulary allow in describing what I hear, and would offer praise if praise is due. This is a real offer. Feel free to respond here or by pm.
  13. boomana

    Custom IEM's

    If you want customs, and you like the ER4s, why not get custom tips for them? I may have an old pm somewhere on head-fi that has a detailed list of good choices. I'll check if you're interested.
  14. I promise that no one wants me near their neuronal interconnections today or designing ics on any day. On the good side of things, however, I sought out some reparative therapy for myself this morning with a massage, pedicure, manicure, a nice meal while lounging, and a good dye job. I feel like the Tin Man, Straw Man, Lion, and Dorothy in the Emerald City: stuffed, buffed and feeling fine.
  15. According to a box of business cards, I'm an Addictions Therapist supposedly utilizing Attachment Disorder Reparative Therapy. Ironically, last night, I had to leave my own group for a minute because I couldn't stop laughing while a 60-year-old patient presented her timeline. My professionalism is highly suspect on a few levels, but my god, she was funny...really really funny.
  16. Does anyone else hate the phrase "everyone is entitled to their own opinion" when used to dismiss the opinions of others with which one disagrees? Morphsci, I understand your line of thought, but my experience has been that it does no kindness to anyone to allow any individual to continue in self-deception. If fact, it's a twisted and, therefore, evil kindness to attempt to soothe what doesn't deserve soothing, ignore what's been given to us to see, and excuse what is inexcusable. That this is being presented in a group manner is the result of -=germania=- posting in group settings. Reality is what it is, and whether pleasing or not, I like it.
  17. It's an example of your lack of basic common understanding to conclude anyone here hates you. In fact, it's a cop out to assume any such thing: if you can toss off criticism and frustrated venting as hate, you don't need to look at the reasons behind our collective reaction to you or accept responsibility for your part in things. Does it make you feel more secure to label reactions to you as something they are not? You'd be missing a valueable point. Are you so lacking in humility that you can dismiss an entire group's opinions as unfounded? If so, you'd simply be confirming our conclusions. Many folks here have gone out of their way to be helpful to you on head-fi, and many would, myself included, give you a break if you didn't continue to abort attempts at following help, if you chose to gain knowledge as opposed to profess knowledge you clearly don't yet own, and if you assumed a modicum of humility rather than, at every turn, finding ways to congratulate yourself on mediocrity posed as achievement, including your bra size. I'm going to assume that you mean head-fi members such as skylab or headphoneaddict when you refer to "respected members of the audio community that are not so blinded by their personal feelings." I have nothing against either, but I'd question your own biases in choosing reviewers. Don't throw stones until you look at your actions a little more thoroughly. Don't minimize what's near criminal (lying about creditials for purpose of making a profit) and think intelligent readers won't notice. Although it's amusing to see you can "muster" a excuse (hard to post admitting you're wrong) and call it a formal apology, I wouldn't call it any such thing. If you want to start over here fresh, you need a different attitude. You want to gain some respect, think before you post, assume that you know less than most people on this site, whether it's about making cables, building amps, evaluating sq, or getting along with people, and start those changes now. EDIT: and for the record, I, too, know less than most people on this site. That's a big reason I hang out here.
  18. Here's the page that pisses me off: Since when are undergrad students, asking for homework help on headphone sites and posting pictures of post-it art as an example of work experience, professional engineers? More ego-laden b.s., but this time it's purposeful lying in order to make money off folks. Isn't that what con men do? Base criminals?
  19. Some more shots: http://www.head-case.org/forums/audio-accessories/3509-swt61s-beautiful-work.html Steve, be safe and let us know how you are as soon as you can.
  20. Luminette, this isn't some random dogpile, though that can happen around here. -=germania=- has earned a degree of disrespect through months of babble on head-fi, where she has shown only ego-laden fluff and irresponsible and/or inaccurate commentary on audio gear. This is passable foolishness if someone is young and a fool, but she has now become a MOT, and I suspect that fact, with her soon to be launched website, is the only reason she registered here. Gloves are now off. Stacy, think carefully before you post a single word. The folks on this site, unlike many on head-fi, know when you're talking out your ass even if you don't. I strongly suggest learning the meaning of audio terminology before using it here, actually knowing more than you do about cables before trying to sell them, and not mention building amps at all, unless you like receiving extremely honest and unpleasant reactions. Otherwise, welcome to head-case. Oh, and if you feel the need to casually mention your "8th letter of the alphabet" tits again as some sort of personal achievement or selling point for lord-knows-what, there are really only two ways to go about it successfully: 1) post pictures, or better yet, a pictorial spread to amaze and impress the reading masses with the fullness of your lack of sense and/or 2) use in a self-deprecating, but honest way: "If only my common sense were as big as my tits." See? That's easy enough. If you need further help on the matter, just let me know.
  21. My goodness. I wander off to work for a few hours, and show up here after a longish pita day only to find tales of a missing basement-buried moose and butt monkey debates. Work seems suddenly quite tame.
  22. Nope, that free-floating hatred came from the rest of the day. Watching the convention just brings it all into focus.
  23. I remembered that I hated people, at least at first and on general principle.
  24. :prettyprincess::prettyprincess:
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