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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I'm too busy and tired to be crazy, but those are really cute shoes. Looks like both my esw9s and esw10s will sit at the post office until Friday, which is the first time I'll be free to go pick them up. Ah well. Something about patience being a virtue or somesuch nonsense should be in my mind about now, but that's not what I'm thinking at all. It's really something more like this:
  2. Dang, I'm late again. Happy birthday, Biggie. Hope you had a good one!
  3. Nice! I tracked my order last night and it looks like I missed delivery yesterday Hoping they do Saturday delivery or I'll have to contact the post office to have them hold it until next Friday when I'll have time to pick it up. :(
  4. and then there's Mike
  5. Congrats on the HF1s. I'm quite fond of them as well. As for Floridians and guns, I dunno. I grew up in Michigan with guns, think they're fun, like knowing how to use one, like being able to carry one if I need to, and am non-violent by choice and nature. I'll go out of my way to avoid any situation that might warrant using one, but I would if I had to. It's been my experience that people who are against guns have never been trained to use one well, and...
  6. Deal
  7. I'm late, but you can always celebrate for a few days, right? Happy birthday!
  8. Already have a subscription to Women & Guns and they have a nice forum as well, though not as informative as some of the larger, more established forums. I met up with a couple today at the range because I asked a question on a forum about two different guns. As it turned out, the wife owned both guns, they live near me, and so I got to mess around with a whole new stash. Still ended up preferring my new toy to all. uh...that bathing suit is rather unattractive
  9. Don't worry. You know how hard it is for me to let go of gear, so both the ESW9s and 10s will be in Tampa. Dan's sending me his ipod, and I'll be sending all back to Dan after Tampa so he can have a listen.
  10. I dunno. Just dead. One was barely used (a free nano that came with my computer). One was an old ipod photo that Vinny turned into an imod for free, so I gotta send it back that way. I've been either really busy or really lazy lately, and listen to cds or with my computer at home. Dan's sending me his ipod for now, so I'll have something to try out. I'm pretty excited. I should have new headphones today or tomorrow, and just bought a new gun. When I get my UE11s back from UE next week, I'm going to wear them under my muffs at the range, and listen to some good tunes. Life is fun!
  11. bah, who needs new computers I just bought this: :)
  12. I just remembered that I only have two broken ipods, which stinks because I really won't be home this weekend to try them out, and don't want to lug around cds and a pdcp What's funny is I just realized that I had zero problem dropping $500+ on headphones I don't need, but resent having to spend money to fix and/or buy an new ipod when I'd rather spend my money on other things I also don't need but want.
  13. Well, my ESW10s were shipped on Monday. I'm hoping to have them today or tomorrow. That would make for a very nice weekend I see that the price, at least on bluetin, has already gone up over $50 from when I ordered mine (about three weeks ago). That's too bad. Hey, Dan, send me back the esw9s for a bit so I can compare, then after Tampa, I'll send both the 9s and 10s back to you to try out.
  14. Happy birthday, fellow Libras! Hope you enjoy.
  15. Did my gun pictures scare people off? No one's posted in this thread since last week. Well, I had stress-filled, crappy birthday in the middle of the week, so today I treated myself and bought three hours of private instruction at the range, played around with different guns than last week, then took a CWL class and qualified (super easy since it's only at 12' and a blind midget could get a nice grouping), sent sent off all the paperwork (they have a sheriff come in to do the fingerprinting, and there's a notary on staff). That was fun. Was supposed to go to dinner, but plans are changing for tomorrow. I might just be a bum tonight and do nothing at all BTW, other than me in the CWL class, they were all lawyers, except one lawyer's wife, who was nuts, and showed up in high-heeled sandals.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Happy Birthday. Hope you have some fun this weekend to celebrate!
  18. It was a long day at work, but really nice to come home to find these warm wishes. Thanks, folks.
  19. Sorry to hear that. It really is too bad you couldn't meet in person. I know I'm awkward on the phone, even with people I know well and talk to regularly. Face-to-face is really the only way to communicate well, especially with something as important as an interview. Their loss.
  20. Actually most don't fit my hand, which is on the smaller size. I tried out quite a few on Sat and Sun, and I'd say only about 6 felt right, the others not so much, though I could explore grip options if I were really serious about one. I'm trying not to get serious about one Years ago, I messed around with a Sig 225, but didn't try out any Sigs this weekend. I did sign up for some private instruction next weekend, though. Maybe I'll try some then. The local range has pretty much all the standard brands and models available, so I'm lucky that way.
  21. Most don't as they don't fit my hand. The only other guns that I'm looking at are the Kimber Ultra CDP II .45ACP and the Springfield XD SubCompact. both of which I can handle. On one hand, I'm not looking for a carry weapon, and really want something for fun, but on the other hand, I see no point in picking up a gun that would be used just for fun if it didn't allow for self-defense if ever needed. Both those guns would be very fun and could be used for self-defense. Both are also really affordable. But that Nighthawk (Lady Hawk model) is steps above those in performance and in how it just plain feels to hold. There's only the problem of a couple thousand dollar difference. Anyway, I'm not buying a gun any time soon. They're just fun to mess with and think about after a long day.
  22. ugh.
  23. Oh, on the good front, though, yesterday, I went to the range and had some fun. On the maybe not so good front yesterday, I became totally enamored with this gun, like it was made for just me alone. Would have to sell some major headphone gear to get it, but.....
  24. It's 10:25PM and I've been on the phone with one patient's lunatic extended family since 7:30M, as well as half the morning. I'm now listening to some nice music, and tea sounds like a good idea. Thanks. Minus the nice music part, see above, except stretch it out over a whole day.
  25. Day from hell. Knew it was coming after yesterday's events, but still.......ugh.
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