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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Happy birthday, Ken!!!
  2. It's hard to have sympathy when the photos look so beautiful. Of course I say that white sitting in a t-shirt on my patio and drinking coffee.
  3. Vorlon1's pair of esw9s had the characteristics that you mention. I ordered mine in the pre-order when they first came out, and I think Rob ordered his about 7 months or more later. Don't know if that could account for the difference or not, as I've only heard those two. My old pair were not as bright and had a tad more lower-mid emphasis. Also, mine did not change in character at all after the first 30-40 hrs where there was a very slight detectable difference, mostly in the mids, or at least that's where I was able to notice changes. The EWS10s have a much tighter bass.
  4. happy birthday
  5. Beefy, I have both, but my ATH case along with the esw10s are currently visiting out of state. If you can wait a few weeks, I let you know.
  6. Yup.
  7. boomana

    Edition 8

    Yup, those are pretty fugly. Reading that, that's the first time I head anything about the Edition 9s being limited. Huh.
  8. Careful, I have yet to choose yours, and I have far more experience in bad music than you.....oooh....I could regift that cd I got from the head-fi exchange two years ago: a scary bad Japanese "rock" band.
  9. I know some folks like the original lunchbox, but I've not heard it. If you're going to get 650s, I'm going to say use your receiver while saving up some money and taking time to do a bit more research into what's available. Also, if you're looking to try the Senn sound, why not consider the 580s or 600s? They tend to not be as picky with amps as the 650s, and you should be able to pick up a used pair fairly easily and for less money than the 650s.
  10. Reks has it right: don't listen to idiots about the 650s. Those idiots probably didn't pay attention to people who repeatedly told them that the 650s need at least a decent source and amp to sound as they should. They've most likely got them connected to a portable amp and a bad sound card. It's evil, I tell ya. Anyway, forget the Denons. They really aren't as good as people say. They're not gawd awful, but certainly not worth the money. What's the rest of your system, and are you budgeting only for headphones? Do you already have an amp/source etc? All that will make a difference if you're looking for recommendations.
  11. What's interesting is that I just noted that the date of those trose49 threads coincides with the time he was ripping off jdimitri for $1000 and claiming money problems. A head-fier owes me $1000+ and couldn't (/wouldn't) pay me back.. - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio He seems to be quite an active member on that gun forum. hmmmm. soooo tempting.....
  12. Nope. PPS Owners Forum - GROUP BUY for PPS NIGHT SITE CONVERSION What's terrifying is that he claims to actually carry. That ego coupled his lack of judgment and a gun..... JOJO's NICKLE PLATED TEFLON PPS UPDATE - WaltherForums
  13. ^ if you can find one, I say go ahead, but I'll add you to the list of this one if you want, and so say.
  14. ^ I bumped into Trose49 on a gun forum trying to organize a group buy for night sights, which, according to others, didn't even fit the gun. oh....and don't forget oicdn for a like situation....ugh. Hate hearing this stuff. Go get 'em, Mike.
  15. Mike, congrats on your beautiful new amp. I just couldn't resist pretending it was mine for one night.
  16. Yup. It's gorgeous, and yet another reason why I deserve it and not Mike. I end up with all his gear anyway. Nate is just supporting his process.
  17. Some of you may remember me gabbing on about getting an office rig. Well, we're moving into the new building next week and I'll have the space for one finally. I was planning on waiting awhile, but as Mr. Nate Maher, Nugget Audio's kingpin, had this little beauty sitting around with nowhere to go, it's mine now! I think it was originally meant for Mike, but since he's slow to answer those pms, he just plain loses out and now he'll have to wait for the next one Purdy, huh?
  18. cj, there's being stubborn and then there's being a fool. Right now, you're being a fool. Why send the amp off to mikhail and wait possibly months when there's a shot that there's nothing wrong with it? Figure out a way to test it here at home before you send it off into the Colorado void. If you don't, you 100% lose the right to complain anywhere on this site, including the chat room, about any more problems. In fact, I don't even want to hear anything more about this amp other than you're taking someone up on the offer to help test it out.
  19. Happy birthday, Gene! Hope your day is filled with things to please you.
  20. Ken and Vincent have been added to the first post.
  21. Cheapo practice stuff: CCI Blazer - 115gr FMJ 9mm. It's $7.99 a box at Nachez Shooting Supplies. Even with shipping it comes out under $9.00 a box, which is more than $1.00 per box cheaper than anything around here. I also picked up a couple hundred rounds of Speer Gold Dot, and Corbon Pow'Rball and DPX to play with.
  22. John, aren't you supposed to be camping in Yosemite right now, freezing your ass off?
  23. Happy birthday to you!
  24. ipod touch and 1000 rounds of ammo.
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