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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Yay, Mike! I can come your way tomorrow if you want to go shooting.
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Hope you had a really nice birthday.
  4. Happy birthday to you!!!
  5. Wowza, Ken. Really glad you're okay, or will soon be. Mix some good music into your healing process.
  6. Have the bestest of birthdays, Stephen!!!!!!! and happy belated b-day to diebenkorn also.
  7. Congrats, Mr. Voltron. Happy listening to you.
  8. boomana

    slow forum

    Nah. I just had a vision of poor Knuckles slaving away with searches on the web everyday just to keep this thread alive. btw, did you notice I stepped away from numbersixsixsixer's idiocy before going in for blood? I'm getting better. I shouldn't have entered that thread in the first place (I've been good for months now), but I got pissed when he attacked your credibility. Actually, it's Monkey Man's voice-of-reason post that shamed me into silence. I'm back to lurking.
  9. boomana

    slow forum

    Ah. That makes sense now.
  10. Was that three years ago already? That was most definitely a fun meet.
  11. boomana

    slow forum

    Knuckledragger, you're quickly becoming like that guy on head-fi that does nothing but post in the music game thread all day long.
  12. boomana

    slow forum

  13. As you were typing that Jin, I was wondering what headphones sound like IF they need thicker pads.
  14. Drama queen....er...king.
  15. Happy birthday, Jeff!
  16. Wow, Ken. Keep up updated. Hope you're feeling better soon.
  17. Your dogs are big, slobbering wimps. My cat, Ivan the Terrible, could take both of them with one paw.
  18. I am definitely not a deadhead, though occasionally listened to their music back in the 70s.
  19. Florida meets are guaranteed successes, even if no one outside of Team Florida agrees. Tell your cat she loses.
  20. yup and definitely yup...please refer to the bizarrely accumulated skill set section. I worked damn hard at being crazy. Now I work damn hard at pretending I'm not. So far so good on both fronts.
  21. No sarcasm. That was a real thank you, and I really feel quite fine right now. As you said, I just had to let it out
  22. I feel much better now. Thanks. Actually, I love my job, and have a bizarrely accumulated skills set that makes me particularly well suited to handle all of the above. Go figure.
  23. Oh, and what's worse than crazy people? Crazy people's families. I'm really really tired of crazy people's families and crazy people's attorneys and crazy people's trust officers, and crazy people's fucking p.o. officers, and crazy goddamn therapists that make crazy money off of keeping people sick and dependent upon them so they can keep billing them for years and then want to tell you what your job is because you're busy trying to get the crazy ass patient to just get their fucking life together and out of therapy....oh and the fucking crazy psychiatrists that are crazier than the crazy people......etc. In other words, I've been on my best behavior all week long while dealing with all of the above. Come to think of it, I've been the poster child for patience and professionalism. It's unnatural.
  24. I worked 15 hours without a freaking minute break. I'm really tired of crazy people. I say in the ocean with them all!
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