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Everything posted by boomana

  1. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    No no no. Though grawk has demoted me from Queen to Princess status, I'm going to pronounce and stick to a no room moochers decree this year.
  2. boomana


    I bought one for that reason alone!
  3. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Thanks, Ken. If I were getting in earlier, I might take you up on that, but I'm arriving after 9 hours of travel, and it will be way past my bedtime with the time difference. I'm coming in early on purpose to sleep in, rest up, and get ready for big fun. See you on Friday!
  4. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Al, I'm flying into LA. If I were coming into SF, I'd really want to have one more day for travel, and that just wasn't possible. As is, I'll be in on Thurs evening, can rest up for Friday activities, do the Sat meet, and fly out on Sun at noon.
  5. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    I also just booked my room. This year, I got a king-size bed so I'll have no room moochers. Last year, Wayne and Stevieo somehow ended up as my roommates. That's not happening this year.
  6. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Just booked my ticket
  7. Yes, you can (grawk taught me and he doesn't even own one)! Just press down and hold over the area that you want to edit. It gets larger and you can move the little line thingy where you want it to go. I was hating the keyboard. Now I'm just disliking it.
  8. What are you getting?
  9. Happy birthday, Zach. Enjoy!
  10. boomana

    slow forum

    Okay. That's kinda cool, though a weird way to spend a lot of time. I like how the cat tries to help out.
  11. Have a great day!
  12. There are fake esw9s all over ebay. Where are you getting yours?
  13. Beautiful amp, and I really think you'll enjoy the headphones. You can pick up a nice hard case for them from audiocubes. I have found it more than handy.
  14. I'm going to agree here. They might be slightly more than your budget, but well worth it if you can swing it.
  15. Broke down and bought a 16-gig iphone. I think I'm going to like it.
  16. Happy birthday, Duggeh. Enjoy! Re both big boob gals, those gotta be painful. eeeek.
  17. When I was deciding whether to keep the 9s or the 10s, it wasn't as easy a decision as I thought it might be. The 10s are technically the "better" headphone, but my version of the 9s (again, I've heard another with a different sound) had a wonderful, slightly gentler sq, which I really enjoyed. I already own headphones that offer me that (Senns, R10s), so I chose the 10s, but I could have been happy with the 9s without a doubt.
  18. I'm pretty sure the one at the NY meet is Justin's amp.
  19. I think he's using the O2MKIIs.
  20. Nice making me jealous, Nate.
  21. Thanks, Todd!
  22. Enjoy! Awaiting pics and impressions, especially of my soon-to-be new amp. What source are you using?
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