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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I having the technical knowledge of a dead mouse, I can only be envious of such a meet. Looks like you had fun, and am looking forward to impressions and more pics.
  2. Right, but the deal shouldn't include screwing over employees that didn't work in August and receive the paycheck then. There are some pretty definite labor laws with any state contracts. You might want to check these out, especially if your contract isn't being renewed.
  3. manaox2, contact a union rep. Even if the union isn't strong or even viable in NC, they might be able to help/direct you. Teachers get paid too little already. You should not have to work for free for 11 days no matter what.
  4. Those 10 minutes are what I saw. They weren't horrible, just a bit....raggedy. Varlamov definitely held it together.
  5. I only caught the 3rd period of the Caps/Penguins game, so my comments are a bit unfair, and though I'm pulling for the Caps, I gotta say that the Penguins looked good, looked like the better team out there. Caps defense looked raggedy. This is going to be an interesting series.
  6. And that's the way it is.
  7. I did nothing, and I was good at it.
  8. Round 2 starts tonight! Detroit vs Anaheim - Wings in 5 Chicago vs Vancouver - Canucks in 7 Boston vs Carolina - Boston in 5 Pittsburgh vs Washington - Caps in 6
  9. Donald, did anyone welcome you to head-case? If not, this thread serves. Welcome. See you at CanJam.
  10. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    I just think it's pretty cool that you're coming all the way from Japan.
  11. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    whatever in plane tickets some more in hotel food can be mooched hanging out for two full days and nights with friends I rarely get to see = one of life's rare pleasure moments. Absolutely worth it!
  12. The last few mins of the Canes/Devils was wild. Canes came from behind with under 5, then win it with less than a min left. Caps swung back after a lousy, non-playoff looking 2nd period to take it. That was serious fun since I hate the Rangers. Going to have a great second round of playoffs, west and east.
  13. Happy birthday! Or happy later-than-your-birthday!
  14. Well, there's gab about making fighting illegal in hockey coming around again. Though I don't like to see anyone injured unnecessarily, maybe this is just that trend: Major suspensions for errant sticks and elbows and fists and words and....
  15. but...but...but...it's playoff hockey!!!!! I have just had my nap and am ready for the late games tonight. Though battered an bruised, go Flames!!!!!
  16. I want the Devils to get squashed
  17. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Right, but he can carry when he chooses there.
  18. Though it's only nearing the end of the second, it doesn't look like the Devils showed up. Same with the Rangers earlier today. Weird.
  19. Congrats on getting them back after a seemingly weird amount of hassle. Enjoy!
  20. Because there's nothing more to say about the HD800s until more people actually hear them?
  21. Now you can go to real prison if you choose. Happy 18th!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Detroit can, but will they? The Jackets haven't challenged them too much, and when they pulled out all the stops last game, they scored 5 goals fast against Osgood. I'm hopeful, but we'll see.
  24. Caps were wild and good tonight. They turned it up a few notches, and the Rangers couldn't maneuver nada. That last goal by Ovechkin was gorgeous. I'm expecting the Flames/Hawks game tomorrow to be pretty wild as well. I'm rooting for the Flames, but when the Hawks are on, they're so damn fast, and the Flames are coming in banged and tattered. We'll see.
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