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Everything posted by boomana

  1. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    He likes the muscle men.
  2. Happy birthday! We'll all help you celebrate at CanJam!
  3. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Does this mean you're coming to CanJam?
  4. Go Wings!
  5. Happy birthday!!!!!
  6. no comment.
  7. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    He can get that in Chicago.
  8. I have a bad feeling that I'm going to like it a lot.
  9. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Billy's been strangely silent about this year's CanJam. I think if he were planning on coming, we'd be hearing about planned hottub parties by now.
  10. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    I had my rig set up at CanJam last year and left it. It was hogged by postjack much of the time, so it was safe. It was also set up near people's rigs I know (nate for one), but there were no problems. I think the first international had some hair product issues with a couple high-end cans, and people leaving cables danging to be tripped on or caught up in the chairs. The way the rooms are set up this year, as far as I know, it should be even more manageable. If I'm not mistaken, your rig will probably be in the high-end room, which will automatically be a bit safer, due to the fact that all the gear will be watched out for pretty carefully. I think John was talking about having volunteers in each room to help out with things, but I don't know if that's actually happening. I wouldn't worry about it. Put a sign with instructions (including no hair products allowed) and enjoy. I'll be glad to watch over your rig for a bit if no one else steps forward. I was concerned about bringing my R10s because there wouldn't really be a home for them, and I would need people to take care of them, or basically take shifts using them how and where they wanted. If I had a table, I'd do as I suggested above, and go about and enjoy what else was there.
  11. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    How you can seriously ask that question with your avatar looking at us is just too funny.
  12. The Wings better figure some things out by tonight. I'm not sure if Rafalski is going to be back in and I'm pretty sure Draper is still out. Not good. The Ducks were reading every move, and the Wings weren't, or so it seemed. It's too bad the ref cheated them out of that last goal to tie, but they're weren't looking like the Wings of the Stanley Cup over the past couple games anyway. Blech.
  13. I'd be okay with that.
  14. Except I wouldn't trust him to return them. Iirc, he seemed rather attached to my rig at last CanJam.
  15. Justin, I told Frank Cooter I'd bring the MK1s so he could have them with his rig. I imagine yours will be busy. If no one in LA ends up bringing them, I may, but I would seriously want some trusted folks to be willing to babysit them. Of course that pretty means that they'd be yours to walk around with until you handed them over to the next trusted person. Not a bad deal.
  16. Maybe. I'm already bringing O2s, and was trying to travel light. I'll consider bringing them, but since I don't have a rig, I'd really need one or two people to be willing to watch over them for me. Doesn't anyone in LA have R10s?
  17. naaman, I strangely see no R10s on the gear list. You might have to make it to a Florida meet to check them out.
  18. You're a decade too late. Dough butt is the way I roll (pun intended) these days. Posty:
  19. Is he coming? From his last post, it doesn't look like he is.
  20. Happy birthday to you! Hope you have a wonderful day.
  21. boomana

    slow forum

  22. In that case, I might be giving it a listen on my plane ride home. Just don't tell Justin.
  23. Actually, aixzi, I am a little bitch, and not a middle-age man, but none of that matters. Why not ask your friend to communicate with us, rather that spitting up on this forum. Since he's known most of us for years, I think that's the way to go.
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