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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Not the case at all. I'm overly sensitive to harsh trebles, and am not fond of claustrophobic soundstage, though consider that a forgivable flaw if outweighed by other favorable factors. I know I'm having new toy love syndrome, but I really like these, and as others have said, the mids are wonderful, and the bass quite nice.
  2. I'm currently on a flight from Los Angeles to Milwaukee to Atlanta to West Palm Beach. Leaving 7AM, arriving 10something PM. :palm: at least there's wifi
  3. I'm really enjoying mine, and like postjack said, the mids are so yummy. Fell asleep last night listening to them. If I could wear them on the plane right now, I would. I'm wearing my esw10s at the moment, but thinking of selling them.
  4. Thanks, Andy. I look forward to checking them out in the next two days.
  5. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    found him
  6. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    He didn't answer my call.
  7. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    I'm here! Haven't seen anyone else yet, though I did grab a bite to eat in the rather expensive hotel restaurant and looked around a bit, but it's probably for the best. I really need a nap.
  8. Reminds me of the last Mayberry meet....the disturbing part, not the man-stains, though these events tend to progress, and it was bound to happen some time.
  9. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Blech. Bad weather in Atlanta. Still sitting in West Palm Beach Sitting with delays.
  10. I thought about packing for canjam. I still haven't started packing, but I did do some laundry. Why did I book a plane leaving so early in the morning tomorrow? What kind of crazy person does that?
  11. Lidstrom, Datsyuk, Ericsson, and Draper were all out. That's huge. A lesser team would have been wiped out by a highly motivated Blackhawks team. Definitely speaks to Detroit's depth, but they'll need their big players to win the cup series. Ericsson will definitely be back for game one, and hopefully, Lidstrom and Datsyuk can get healthy fast. We'll see.
  12. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Leaving for the airport in 7 hours.
  13. Yay, Billy.
  14. Wow, thanks, but unless you have the small one's, there's no hope they'll fit my pinhead. I've tried, but have to hold them up on my ears to hear anything. I suppose I can be happy with the arrival of my bhse and the HF2s right after canjam. I shouldn't be greedy, but it would be tremendously fun to sit around for a couple weeks and play with these new toys all at once. Glut and excess does have its place.
  15. Yah, unless tyll received 15 orders in the last two weeks, which is possible, I won't be in this run. I only ordered two weeks ago.
  16. Didn't you hear it at grawk's meet?
  17. :prettyprincess: wait...I wonder how many they're a getting in the first shipment.
  18. I think some people dropped out. Not sure if others have stepped in, though I would think that after it's heard at CanJam again, at least a couple people might realize how good this amp really is.
  19. boomana

    CanJam 2009

    Al, I just emailed a scan of my license to you. Did you get it?
  20. Frank, your earlier post worried me a little as I remembered visiting you at a high school to pick up an amp. I suppose the current job pays significantly better. I'm not going to ask about benefits.
  21. Happy birthday, Brent!
  22. It would look really nice with a silver source.
  23. I like the green jacks with the silver and blue.
  24. Today: new glasses, a scarf, lipstick, oil change, tire rotation, and a cookie.
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