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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Well, my opinion just changed somewhat. Like Kelvinz, the right side has developed a clanging, sorta something loose and sounding like distant christmas bells when wiggled badness. Since the only place I've had these headphones since taking them out of the box is on my head or in my hands since they arrived a couple of hours ago, this sucks.
  2. It was good meeting you as well. Not so sure about you.
  3. Okay, after only one hour of listening with an less than optimal rig, I love these headphones. Allowing for new toy syndrome and all that, I'm still pretty sure my overall opinion won't change much, even if it gets tempered by comparing to my other rigs.
  4. After having customs, I really can't see going back to univsersals except for using at the gym, or as Nate has said, mowing the lawn (not that I do that) or somesuch activity. The sq improvement is huge. I never used my iems around the house before, but after getting the 11s, I often chose/choose them just as I would another headphone at home, especially if I don't want to be just sitting in one place. The sq changes their usage for me.
  5. So this sounds so good with the pico and HD800s, I really need to move to my main rig and see how these 'phones really sound.
  6. Nope, I haven't even opened those yet (two Art Blakeys, my man Stan, and Duke's Big Four xrcd), but I'm about to. Really impressed by the HD800s and so far I haven't gotten out of bed (was up 'til 6....eeek), so am listening only with the pico and lossless on the 'puter. One more cup of coffee and I'm going to wander over to my main rig.
  7. with HD800s Reksy, did you ever listen to this?
  8. Mine just arrived and are on my head now. Tested for creaking and other unhappy noises. Fortunately none, but damn they smell....er....not great, but then I hate new car smell also.
  9. You are now the enemy. I missed the first three games due to CanJam priorities, but game four should be rocking. Pens can't afford a repeat of last year's game four loss, and Draper and maybe Datsyuk are back in. Go Wings!
  10. I didn't and regret missing it. I also didn't hear the Neko dac, which was on my list to get to
  11. Dusty wins for the most random selection of avatars!
  12. Happy 21st birthday to you!
  13. Is that a lizard eating a watermelon, Dusty?
  14. bah, it's 3AM and I only read thread titles coherently. uh....not heeding the pm never works out well, though if you buy everyone drinks at a real bar sometime, that might sway some folks, but not all.
  15. I'm too poor now to buy anything for a long time.
  16. avatar and title look perfect to me
  17. Wayne!!!!! I'll trade you some $40 headphones for your HE-90s.
  18. One of my biggest surprises at CanJam was how good the HD800s sounded with and ipod and the new millet portable, since you know how prejudiced I am against portables, amps and sources, with the other flagship Senns. Maybe the pimeta will be fine. I know I'll be plugging mine into the pico tomorrow.
  19. Very nice on HF2s
  20. and I'm jamming out to Don Byron's Tuskegee Experiments with macbook>pico. Nice drums, great for clarinet. Very fun 'phones.
  21. It will be a few weeks before any of us have the final custom product, so if you wanted to be cautious, and why not, I'd wait until then. I don't think iems can replace a good home set-up, but I also think my UE11s are better than many mediocre headphones, and I liked the universal 13s better than my custom 11s. I know of at least 6 head-casers that are getting them (me, tyrion, jp11801, vpi, edwood, iron dreamer) and I don't think any of us are going to say they're better than they may be or visa versa. Who else here is getting a pair?
  22. Damn, Al. Those look great, and I'm sure sound better. Congrats.
  23. Almond and chocolate Pocky bought in LA. Had some strawberry cream Pocky earlier. Very tasty.
  24. That doesn't sound right at all. Send them back.
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