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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Well, I pm'ed les to see if he wanted to get together for a mini meet. I would like to hear this amp, and he lives really close. So far, no response, but between me calling him a crank over there (I actually like the guy), and his being banned from here (I missed that one somehow), I wouldn't blame him for thinking it wasn't a good idea.
  2. Congrats, Dan.
  3. Things do not seem to be going that well in Audio-gd Phoenix land, at least not with the first few people who have their amps.
  4. boomana

    slow forum

    Very funny, danny.
  5. @ Duggeh!
  6. No real need since it might be best to knock yourself out on the way down.
  7. Dinny, what the heck is in your avatar? I've been trying to figure it out since you switched. It looks like a door opening onto ramp of some kind. Basement?
  8. I actually rather liked the little portable he made (don't remember which) that NightWoundsTime had. Only heard one desktop model once (CanJam last year) and remember nothing about it.
  9. I'm really sorry to hear this, Al. Regardless of all Mikhail's fuck-ups, I love the way your amp sounds, and you of all people don't deserve this, not that anyone does, I suppose. Horrible. Fracking Mikhail.
  10. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear David Happy birthday to you (please imagine pleasant singing voice)
  11. boomana

    slow forum

    Might have to watch it a few more times. I'm still grinning.
  12. Head-case wristbands.
  13. Thank you to blubliss for turning me on to this.
  14. Yah, sorry, Stretch. I've been on those family vacations before. Not fun, but one good thing about kids is that they seem to get over things fairly quickly. What may be hacking and puking today, may not even be remembered (by them anyway) tomorrow.
  15. We aren't talking this Friday, are we? I know mine won't be ready by then. Next Friday? Hopefully, but I'd be talking about the following Tuesday or Wednesday for a roadtrip.
  16. I'm not sure when mine will be ready (design not yet finalized), you might not want to wait. I'll see what I can find out, and get back with you.
  17. Well, I've participated in that thread, so I suppose I'm part of that machine. I do find it ridiculous to call it an appreciation thread, especially since the op hasn't even heard the universals. I've since learned he's a high school student, so that explains a lot. btw, Justin has the ES3X and is in line for the JH13, as far as I know, so that's one person who may eventually be able to answer your questions.
  18. Mike, I'm thinking of driving up to get mine only due to potential fit issues, which I had with the UE11s. If I have a problem, I'd rather be there and have it seen right then rather than trying to describe it in back-and-forth emails and sending things and getting things and trying to describe in email again and sending and receiving and... I think yours will be ready before mine, though, but if you wanted to road trip with me, that could be fun.
  19. But their hair is covering their ears! geeez.
  20. Nice.
  21. pfillion, where did you hear that? I heard the week of the 22nd from a couple different people. I'm sure not first in line, but expect mine sometime soon after that.
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