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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Your post does not inspire gun lending, alex. I'm concerned.
  2. As much as anyone. So I just emailed Brittany, and asked that if they hadn't yet started mine, to hold off. I'm not quite sure Adam can pull off the artwork on mine, and I like it too much to have some sloppy version of it staring back at me every time I look at them. I want to see a couple more pictures before I decide.
  3. Birthday's seem to run in batches around here, but this one is yours! Happy birthday to you. Have a great day.
  4. Actually, Les, we'd be more likely to want to shoot your guns than ban you for them, but I'm speaking for myself again. Welcome back. Sorry the mini-meet isn't going to work out for you this time, but maybe later.
  5. raffy, I'm also hoping. It's supposedly finished except for the front panel on the power supply, which had to go back to the machinist. Something about needing another screw. I dunno. Justin said it would delay things about a week, which means I should have it next week if we're working with actual weeks. If were talking about Justin weeks, I'm not sure what it means. I've personally been okay with delays up to now, but now it's time. I should definitely have it by mid-July, and if not, I'm going to be pretty cranky.
  6. Dusty, I meant I was having a hard time just listening to it as a song when I was busy thinking about Cohen and White instead. Guess I wasn't too clear. right now on hf2s (really beautiful):
  7. Weird combination of Leonard Cohen and Jim White. Kinda like it, but having a hard time hearing it as a song on it's own. Does anybody else what I'm talking about?
  8. Damn, I haven't thought of them in years. Fun band, though their music always reminded me of keg parties in the Spring.
  9. Hope you're having a wonderful birthday!
  10. Happy birthday, Justin. Hope you're out doing something fun.
  11. Have fun, folks! oh....and Al, too.
  12. Well, this is supposed to be what mine will look like, though the rose (not pink) should be more of a tint and almost clear. I'm a little concerned now after seeing the lady. The hair runs into the wings, and the wings don't seem too defined. Hoping some of that is the pic.
  13. Ya. I wasn't really digging the size and placement of the white flying lady. Luckily for me, the artist (he can say who he is if he chooses), sent a picture of how my M&P kitty should look on the shell. Hoping Adam gets it right.
  14. Thanks, Pars. I'll sleep well tonight
  15. And they sound good.
  16. Not only ugly, but this: "They are not poisonous, but possess an irritating, foul-smelling anal spray as a last-ditch defense." Thank goodness we've only snakes, alligators, and palmetto bugs around here....oh....and ants. Lots and lots of freaking ants.
  17. I do like them quite a bit. I liked them enough at CanJam to give them a serious try, but the deal is that I have too many headphones. I'm already going to sell the 600s, and maybe the esw10s. My goal was always to have One killer estat rig: O2 One killer dynamic rig: R10 One or two fun phones: the recently acquired HF2s and 225 cover that, and they're keepers One killer portable: JH13 One gym phone: UE11 Though it feels really strange to kick out such a wonderful headphone, it's the only one I can see going. I think I secretly wished they could replace my R10s, and I could convince myself to sell them, but they don't. There's just no room for HD800s, and at $1400, I'd rather buy music or fund some adventure someplace. I'm going to give it one more week.
  18. Glock hate is fun. Actually I've got nothing against Glocks, except they don't fit my hand as well as my M&P, which is pretty much exactly like a Glock....but better So, Les has responded, and though I don't know if we can coordinate anything, hopefully, I can hear the Phoenix in a couple weeks.
  19. Other than the balanced part and the HP2s, we have almost the exact same headphones. I did sell my K340s and my old boss stole my SR60s awhile back. My temp list: Sony R10 Stax O2 MK1 (though I'm working from memory. Justin, get busy with that amp). Senn HD800 (not sure I'm keeping) UE-11 Pro Senn HD600 Grado HF2 ATH- ESW10 Grado 225s (n_maher special edition) Yuin PK1 Senn PX100
  20. I like Les. He's cranky, nudgey, obsessive, and vocal, but I'd take 10 of him over half the people posting over there daily. Maybe if I said we could go to the shooting range, he might be more interested in the mini-meet. He has some nice guns, minus the Glock .40. I think he's ignoring me.
  21. Happy birthday to you!
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