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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Does anyone other than tyrion (who's not saying much), and jp11801 (who's not saying anything), and pfillion have them on this site yet? I'm interested in some reliable impressions. I think jamato, who hated them, is now having sex with them and can't be counted on. Pale Rider says they have better width and depth of soundstage and better instrument placement than the HD800s, which I'm having a real hard time believing since the 800s are on my head right now. Everyone else is just gaga. Who knows, maybe I will be, too, but since I have no idea when I'm getting mine, I can't help but be curious at this point.
  2. They are a limited edition of 500. There are probably under 100 left based on yesterday's report. July 31st is the last day you can order, if there are any left by that time, which is doubtful. As for impressions, do your own homework (egad, man). I'll only say that I think you'll find that many, if not most, of us who have them prefer them over most in-production Grados, with a taming of the negatives while keeping the Grado house sound.
  3. No, it doesn't. I like my pico a lot, but no no no to pico and K701s.
  4. But blaming Les is so tidy. I like it. but but but....a lawyer! Do we really need another? I suppose a second West Coast attorney could be handy. Al could easily find himself in trouble with that crew he's been running with and need help. Okay, welcome to head-case, parhelictriangle. No need to warn you about thin skin.
  5. We used to build pipe bombs in our dorms to blow up things in the nature center late at night, but never considered bazookas. Funny how none of that seemed dangerous back then. Also funny how we never thought building pipe bombs might be considered a bad thing by anyone. How times have changed.
  6. Since I bought NoNoNoNoNoNo's YH-100s, I'll be able to compare them when they arrive.
  7. Carl's 701s sound wonderful out of my rig, with as much bass as pleases me and with punch. YMMV. And I agree with those who say this re K701s: moar power, recable, and long burn-in (and I'm not a burn-in believer in general)
  8. Crappy, have you even heard the HF2s yet, let alone with a pico dac and gilmore lite? I'm just wondering if I should come down and beat you over your freshly sutured noggin over this. You should know better. I'm perfectly happy with my HF2 with the pico amp/dac and my macbook. Is there a better combo out there? Maybe. I don't much care right now. I'm really enjoying these.
  9. Yup. Though the way I read it is that there are enough Head-F1 cups for 500, so there are 500 F1 cups and 20-ish (how many were there?) pairs that were done as they were supposed to have been done. Evil Nate. You could always sell the cups. As I'm listening to mine now, I still think they're worth it, F1 or FI.
  10. Alex, haven't you figured out yet that meets are only 30% about gear? Gear should never be the deciding factor. For shame. I thought we taught you better.
  11. That was the special trose49 amp, the one he was bragging about right before he ripped off some poor kid for a lot of money and disappeared from the forum.
  12. Welcome, thread.
  13. I think we're are all pretty much outside of the "cool" zone, except, of course, for Gene. Mike's dogs are kinda cool. Justin, if you're reading this. Will my amp make this meet? Please.
  14. How did that happen? Happy birthday, old guy.
  15. and I think that post should end this thread. If someone else wants to open it, fine, but blech.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Yup....and the fireworks have just started up again now that the rain has stopped.
  18. Four pages of sink pee talk, and poop in the shower to boot. Just wow.
  19. I wonder when I'm getting mine. UE11s were amazing last night when my neighbors decided that 2:30AM was the right time to start playing with all the fireworks they'd forgot to use when passed out earlier in the evening.
  20. Well that's probably not going to happen for a bit, though you do get to choose how you handle it.
  21. Nice write-up, John. Thanks for making me want to try it out.
  22. Let's blame Les. Isn't he the one who made the stink about engraving in the first place? Though a bit far-fetched, it's still not out of line to consider Grado went with another engraver, possibly to address the concerns of those posting at that time, and maybe grabbing a lower bid while exploring options, thinking win-win. I personally think it's fucked up that they just sent them out, hoping for the best, like no one would notice.
  23. Happy birthday!
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