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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I'm lucky. The fit is excellent, and they're extremely comfortable. I'm really not much into having things stuffed in my ears at all, but I've had them in my ears since 3:30 today, and am only now starting to feel a little claustrophobic. I'm just messing around listening to a little bit of everything, and not listening critically at all. Live shows sound like live shows. Studio recordings sound as they are. Love the sense of space and instrument placement. Detail is superb, but not at the expense of body. Tone is dead-on, as far as my initial impressions go. Drums and bass don't get muddied up together. Real decay (wasn't expecting that). Etc. Very loose ideas so far with either a old nano (don't even know what generation, but at least two or three more have come out since) and no amp, or a pico and my laptop. I posted in the What Are You Listening To Now thread that I had my first OMG moment with these, with the first track on Gilad Atzman's Exile where it starts in with the low bowed bass, and then Reem Kalani's powerful voice just knocks a hole in the middle of your chest. Had a very visceral, powerful reaction, almost like one of those horrible adrenaline rush-and-drops that happens right after avoiding an accident at 80 miles an hour. It wasn't pleasant, but the song wasn't meant to be pleasant. Very cool these little iems just put it right there. I'm very very happy.
  2. First OMG moment with JH13s in the opening track. Reem Kelani's voice just ripped through, like a hit to the chest. Real physical reaction, though almost scary.
  3. Mine just arrive at my door 10 minutes ago. They look great (I was worried), and though I've only listened to two songs, I've got to say, I'm pretty blown away (just like I said I wouldn't be). Can't believe I have to go in for a meeting right now. I don't want to take them out of my ears.
  4. boomana


    Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM) 80gb Zune $149.99 with $5 shipping.
  5. I'm laughing at myself on how stupid I can be. I've had zero problem with waiting for these since CanJam, but now that I know they'll be here tomorrow, I'm all irritated that it's not today.
  6. Just got my email saying they were shipped. I should have mine on Thurs.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Well, if you ever decide to, you can always send your old ones in to have impressions made from them, since you have the perfect fits with left and right, even if with different iems.
  9. Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds - Yahoo! News
  10. With pleasure. Nate, happy anniversary! Glad you had a nice weekend.
  11. Sorry to hear that, Larry. I've got my fingers crossed. If I have fit problems, the right earpiece is perfect on my UE11s, and I can get an impression from that, but I never got the left one right after sending it back twice. It seals perfectly, but irritates both a bit on the outside and inside in places I can't quite describe well enough to get a proper adjustment. It makes wearing them for any length of time (more than one-two hours) a wee-bit painful to very painful, depending on things I don't understand.
  12. Okay, I need to stay out of this thread and over at hf until I get mine. I'm not all grown up, as Dreadhead put it, and am really hopeful mine come in the next few days.
  13. And here I was thinking what a freaking brilliant, wacked-out, mish-mashed, trippy pairing, and for that reason alone, a must-have cd. Sad to say, I'm crushed that some producer didn't lock those two in a room and say, "See what you can come up with, boys. I'll let you out of here in two months." Still, I will investigate.
  14. Bob Mould and Christian McBride? New album? How did I miss this? Must investigate.
  15. Since I don't think he even goes that far, I'm wondering what the Sherpas are really lifting. no wait....I really don't want to know these things at all.
  16. ^ I like that.
  17. Yay, Al! It's a good team.
  18. Peter those look great. Mine are shipping out early next week also.
  19. Les, we're a fairly tolerant bunch of anything but total b.s., but don't fuck with people here. And, yes, jp11801 can fuck with you. Reread your welcome pm for explanation.
  20. I misread that at first. I thought you said you studied for your polygraph next Thursday. That would have been interesting.
  21. That hail is pretty wild for July. As for me, I'm just trying to get the house ready today for possible visiting family come Sunday. Here's from yesterday: That's me, Mr. Slacker, Mr. Slacker's brother (visiting from NY and DC), HighLife, and tyrion having dinner at Kiko Japanese Restaurant in Plantation. Nice to see friends, eat good food, and Mike paid
  22. Well I just talked to Jerry and mine will be shipping out on Friday or early next week.
  23. That picture was really funny with just the play 'em off kitty. Now it's as boring as this thread's becoming. Talk about signal:noise.
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