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Everything posted by boomana

  1. jin, thanks for the offer, but I think it might be a tight squeeze. I just ordered this one: Hearing products for hearing professionals :: Westone
  2. What are you guys using to carry your JH13 around in? I was using the little case for my UE11s, but then I keep getting confused and take the 13s when I want the 11s (gym), and then I switch them back, and end up taking the 11s when I mean to take the 13s. I need a better mini solution to throw in my purse, not the jumbo case they came with.
  3. Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a good one.
  4. Just catching up with this thread again. Congrats, Al on getting your amp back up and working. And to Steve.......
  5. The new Shure SRH840s are probably about as good as you're going in to get in your price range. They run about $200, but according to Carl Seibert, you can get them at headphone solutions for $159.00 with a code. The Sony V6 is an old stand-by I like, though other people don't like it much at all. It's cheap, at least. I had the Equation RP22X, which is supposedly the bass-heavier version of the RP21. It's an okay headphone for the money, but heavy. They also made my ears sweaty after a short period, which I'd never had before. I don't know about other. I heard the 840s at CanJam, though they were decent, but congested (as are almost all closed headphones). On HF, you said in one thread you were 17 and could only pay cash. Is this true? This limits your options and ability to get deals on prices. If so, I'd think that would limit you to what's available in stores near you.
  6. Really nice, Larry. Just curious why you didn't go for a black cord? I really have to find a camera to take pics of mine.
  7. Cute dog, weird looking people.
  8. If you look at the teeth marks on the right, it does look exactly like packing tape.
  9. Biggie, post the pics so that she can't pull this crap on anyone else. People need to be able to see for themselves, and read comments like those in this thread so she can't do this to anyone else again. She seems to truly believe her shit doesn't stink, as they say. This needs to be outted big time. Pics and technical comments asap.
  10. Biggie, you need to post those pictures in the thread over there. This isn't about public shaming, but about accountability. Based on a series of unbelievably lengthy pms, mostly unrelated to your issue, she has zero sense of it until it's hammered into her skull multiple times. She's is going to fight as long as she can to blame this on shipping, and unless she's more or less cornered into accepting responsibility, you won't get your refund.
  11. Happy birthday, Dan!
  12. Right now, the only headphones I may prefer over the JH13s are R10s, Omegas, O2 MK1s, and HE90s.
  13. I switched from the ipod or macbook/pico, and tried out my Exemplar Denon 2900 and Denon DCP100>pico>JH13s. Anyone want to mess with your head? Go get a K2 HD cd. These JH13s are like drugs. I see why John is really starting to think about building a home rig around these. Though I think the Pico Slim would be an amazing little amp, based on my short audition with it and my 11s at CanJam, the JH13s respond so well to source changes, I'm thinking more that direction first.
  14. I can hear the exact placement of every piece of drum kit while still hearing the other instruments perfectly....and it's still cohesive...damn
  15. Yesterdays is where I started. By the time I got to Chamber Mates and I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm, there was just a build up of wow. Calling Justin. Pico Grande time.
  16. Yes.
  17. I'm far too private for such public display. On a side note, I used to live a few blocks away from Katz's Deli in the Lower East Side.
  18. I found a negative! You really have to take them off to eat. JH13s and crackers do not sound good together.
  19. Just been listening to Paul Chambers' Chamber Mates and I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm from the Mosaic Select 5. I'm really having a hard time believing I'm getting the sound I am from and ipod touch>pico>jh13s. I'm cautioning myself as I type to not feed that mysterious hype machine, but the only real thought that's been running through my head is that there is nothing, sq-wise, I feel is lacking, nothing I would change. I can't stop listening.
  20. Happy birthday, Neil!
  21. Well, orange isn't silver, so you're not just being bitchy. If you're willing to part with them, I think you should call them up and see what can be done. How's the fit?
  22. Dang, you're right. I was just looking at the orange lady.
  23. Peter, I like how they turned out. What don't you like about them?
  24. I'm going to have to find my camera first....and...uh....er.... it may take awhile. Organization of small objects in my home isn't really a part of my skill set. I may try with my iphone later, but I know it won't be able to pick up the detail in the art well at all, which would be a shame since it turned out great.
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