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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Maybe give your ears a good swabbing with a q-tip before inserting your iems, and see if that helps. I actually keep q-tips with me, but I did that even before I had iems. I just like clean ears.
  2. Happy birthday to you!
  3. And mine has arrived! Too bad I have to head out for the afternoon, but I'll have plenty of time later today and tomorrow to listen to it.
  4. Nope. I've worn mine for many hours, and accidentally slept in them a few times, including all night last night. I also wear mine to the gym where I sweat a lot. Though maybe one of the docs can step in and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think your canals sweat, and the outer lining has modified apocrine glands that produce ear wax rather than sweat. If you have a good seal, you should have no moisture in your ear, unless you had some there before (taking shower, swimming, etc.).
  5. Happy birthday to you, Ian. Have a great day!
  6. I'm off work on Wed. and Thurs. That's plenty of time to catch a cold for Friday.
  7. Bullshit or not? So, I came across these posts, and have been wondering about this guy (now has loan program for these, and seems to have a fuzzy connection to the new US President of German Maestro, Ray Windso). I've always known him as an obnoxious K701 pusher, but since he's started a loan program with these, I'm wondering if these posts are pure shill skills, or if there's some truth to what he said, since I've seen no comment about them in the meet impressions threads.
  8. Congrats on the new kitty. One's enough for me.
  9. Got my tracking number today, and expect my bhse on Wed.
  10. Eeek, Al. That's scary. Good thing she saw the car coming. Greg, turtles are weird pets. I had a two as a kid, Larry Csonka and Shelly.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. I was taught same as others here.
  13. My day started at 8AM with patients fighting because one had pissed on another's toothbrush a week ago, ejaculated into his milk, and spit in his Gatorade two days ago. The offender thought this was all perfectly reasonable as "I don't like the dude." The police were called in shortly after for an unrelated event, and then things started going downhill. It's 7PM and I'm going to bed. Sometimes that's the only healthy response to the world.
  14. Flying back to Florida today, I was listening to grawk's tapes of the Smile At Half Mast shows of Gov Mule, and was just asleep enough to really believe I was at the show until I was rudely (okay, not really rudely) awakened by two flight attendants who were hovering over me as I was not responding to their verbal directions and they couldn't see my iems.
  15. That would be my advice as well for your budget, and I'm one of the few around here that like the K701s.
  16. I've not heard that, but I can't imagine it unless it was a re-mold for the original purchaser. Then again, other than for some financial crisis, I can't imagine anyone wanting to part with these, so might not be a bad thing to offer afterall.
  17. You are lying to yourself.
  18. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and I gotta get my thunder somewhere,
  19. Monkey, I'm not sure about your comfort issues with the UEs. Mine were fine once I got the fit right, and painful before I did. I have a good seal, but no pressurized feeling except when putting them in and taking them out. I can only think it's a fit problem with yours, unless you're unusually sensitive, in which case, nothing will feel right. The JHs use the same material as the UEs as far as I can tell. I was lucky and the fit was perfect first time around. I've accidentally slept in them all night a few times now, and other than rolling over and yanking the cord once (NOT recommended), they're very comfortable. I had the 800s here alongside the JH13s. I prefer the 13s for tone, especially bass, as well speed, imaging (instrument placement is amazing), and they have a bit more punch/attack than the Senns, which are more polite. The "soundstage" of the 800s seems larger, but who cares. Depending on the recording, I swear I'm right there if I close my eyes. Though I'm not yet ready to give up my R10s and O2s, I can see myself doing so in the future. I do plan on building a small home rig around the JH13s, and if/when I get around to it, I'll consider what I want to do with my other gear.
  20. Hope you're having a great day!
  21. I like it. Can you give an idea of its size? Also, I think a place for the cleaning tool is important, especially if there isn't going to be another case.
  22. Why in the world would you go there? It was depressing in the 80s. It was depressing in the 90s. I can't imagine ever choosing to go there.
  23. Vorlon1 gave me a couple of her cds a couple years ago: Gorgeous voice, but cheesy jazz music selections.
  24. Was supremely stupid and out too long in the sun and heat today with no water. Sick sick sick. Bad sick. Still think I want to die. I'm typing only so I remember I have fingers, tell people how much I hate Florida, and advise others never to do this.
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