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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I was actually going to recommend a couple songs from 10,000 Days as great for cardio, but I see now that I have it all wrong again. Recommendations anyway: Right In Two, and The Pot. You'll like them for running fast, Monkey Man.
  2. If Dan hadn't closed the thread, I would have after this comment. Seriously, keep this stuff at head-fi. If you have a trumpet in the room playing a particular song by one person, it sounds like a trumpet played by that one artist. If you have a recording of the same trumpet playing the same song by the same artist, it should sound as close as possible to that trumpet playing live for you. It shouldn't be brighter, with more trebley details, and the low-mids shouldn't be puffed up to make it sound fuller, than it really is etc. The trumpet should sound like it did live. That's tone. That's the standard, even if only an ideal. You may, on the other hand, prefer your trumpet to sound all sparkly or fat sounding, and that's preference and completely, happily, subjective. Heck, you may not even like the sound of a real trumpet. That's fine too. There's nothing wrong with liking what you like, but there are standards that are pretty easy to identify if you've been around live music a lot, or have been in the studio a bit and know the recording process from live to the ipod in your back pocket. I don't have golden ears by any means, but to toss that it's all subjective crap around here is the ultimate bs.
  3. Dusty, I don't have a particular sound signature I like more than others. I can't stand sloppy bass, and have a well-known sensitivity to treble, but that's about it. If the tone is off, the headphones suck. If the bass isn't clean, it destroys the music. I do appreciate being able to hear details and accurate imaging, or at least get close. I actually prefer liking things, and there are a lot of different sounding headphones that suit me well, including many budget, mid-fi, and high-end headphones I quite like, even if I prefer one more than another. The D2000s are not likable in that the tone is off and the bass is sloppy. I've really tried listening to them a few times, and I don't see how others can like them. I think the new Shure 840s are much better headphones, though they suffer from the same congested sound and poor imaging that most closed headphones do. I think the older ESW9s (I remain convinced they fucked with the original sound based on differences I've heard and what others have also reported) are better headphones, though they have fairly lousy imaging and too much emphasis on low mids (the newer ones have more treble focus from the two I've heard and also mid-bass emphasis). If you have a particular sound that you like, fair enough, but I also think that there's something to be said for variety while at the same time having basic standards for sound reproduction. Since when does having standards (accurate tone, decent balance, fast enough to provide detail, no bass bloat or shrieking highs, and decent imaging) mean someone's biased? Towards what? Good music?
  4. Yeah, I got it. Did you get the part that you're acting like a jerk? I'd far prefer a friend who knew nothing about audio gear than a friend who thought it was cool to publicly make fun of people who didn't.
  5. I'm far from offended, but don't go playing martyr. If you like your headphones, stick with them, enjoy them, spend your money and time getting and listening to more music, but don't come here making fun of others who have simply not had the benefit of sometimes years of good gear and honed listening skills. I don't like the D2000s and will tell you flat-out, but I wouldn't make fun of you for liking them like you did with your friend and the Bose Triports. I would never start a thread about you, even if no one here knew you. Your thread is trivial, but it's not fun at all. It's a public cheap shot at a friend for no reason other than to feel superior. Very uncool.
  6. You call it bias. I call it good hearing. And you're right that it doesn't matter as long as you like them, which is why I've not posted in any of your threads here until now. But when you come in here posting these juvenile crap threads about how your friend doesn't know how good your gear is, looking for our empathy and strokes (why else start a thread?), it's time for a reality check. You make fun of your friend for not having the sense to like your gear. I'm just saying maybe you should think twice before doing so.
  7. The D5000s don't suck. I don't like them, but they're decent closed headphones. The D2000 is just way too flawed in ways I can't tolerate (as opposed to flawed in ways I can). I think the D2000 fills the need for modestly priced, closed, home headphone, and there really isn't much available in that price range, so you're kinda stuck with these or the even worse Ultrasones (the only "popular" headphones I dislike far more than the D2000s are those god-awful HFI-780s horrors). I'd still prefer a decent set of iems if I needed the isolation rather than get the Denons.
  8. Rather than trying out a cooler-than-thou attitude re your friend, have you considered that he might be on to something? When it comes to the D2000, I agree with his assessment, and yes, I've heard them now a few times, both recabled and stock, and with a few different amps and sources. They suck.
  9. Happy birthday to you!
  10. I tell ya, it's because my brain is degenerating. My letter recognition skills are kaput. Title fixed.
  11. This isn't a fun fact for me: Obese People Have 'Severe Brain Degeneration' | LiveScience
  12. Had a majorly sucky day, which included but not limited to purse being stolen, car being broken into with windows smashed, injuring ankle at work, blah blah blech. Now have no money, no id, no open bank accounts..... but on the good side had my JH13s and phone in my hand at the time. Thanks goodness for that.
  13. That was my evil twin.
  14. Welcome, and congrats. I can't imagine you'll be anything less than thrilled. I'm pretty much using mine straight out of my iphone or ipod, or with my laptop and pico amp/dac, or with a portable Denon DCP-100. Haven't tried anything else yet. A few of us are getting together in about three weeks, and I'm hoping to try out some other amps. Oh, and you don't have to **** out "fuck" here. Not that I use such language
  15. Very cool pictures, Nate.
  16. Life is pretty dang good: 12 hours of drama-free work, 20 minutes interval training, quick shower, food, and bhse/O2s.
  17. Not so young anymore. Happy birthday!
  18. Fitz is a ninja. Your dogs don't have a chance.
  19. I know Ron. He's a Team Florida guy. It was an real review.
  20. Nope, not yet, but can I use that as an excuse to miss work tomorrow? Re the bhse: all I will say for now is that it was worth the wait.
  21. I moved all the lovely ear wax gab to the office topic forum. I know it's rare around here, but back on topic to the JH13s......
  22. boomana

    slow forum

  23. boomana

    Perfect songs.

    Egad. I could list a lot, but since I'm listening to this one for the third time in a row right now, I'm going to say the live version of Little Feat's Willin'. I love that song. EDIT: and since I have itunes on shuffle right now, I'm going to add John Prine's Angel from Montgomery, Neil Young's Old Man, Nick Cave & the Bad Seed's And No More Shall We Part, and Tom Wait's Clap Hands.
  24. Don't let any vomit splash up into your ears.
  25. Happy early birthday!
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