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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Happy birthday, deepak! I wish we'd known this weekend. We could have done something especially obnoxious in your honor.
  2. That's sad and not. I hung out with him a bit at a two-week writing program at a Buddhist college back in 83 (?) 84 (?). Back then, he was coked up, spazzed out, and a bit of a drama queen diva. I did like Catholic Boy a lot, and Basketball Diaries was great back in the day. He was definitely a unique, interesting, and very talented guy that kinda self-destructed like so many. I haven't even thought about him in years. RIP, Jim.
  3. that's just beautiful
  4. I came home and promptly passed out. Time to unpack now and clean guns. Great weekend.
  5. I'm big on hearing before putting money down, but since it seems your choices are limited as you're wanting to hear before you buy, I'm not sure any suggestions we might make will make any difference to you. If I were you, I'd try out a few things, choose what you like best and be done with it. BTW, I'm not a fan of crossfeed in headphone amps: unnecessary and gimmicky.
  6. Well, I just sold my lovely ESW10s, so I'm officially off Team AT, though it was fun for a minute.
  7. Range Master Vpi (Jeff), me, cetoole (Colin), nikongod (ari), MexicanDragon (Brent), justin. Voltron (Al) was taking the pic. EDIT: oops, I guess Nate beat me to it. BTW, I love my new gun.
  8. imho, they were just okay: a bit chewy and a tad too sweet. I think the fact that others were either drunk or very hungry had much to do with their appeal.
  9. Yup. We're about to head out to the range.
  10. on the plane now
  11. Doug and I are people watching in airport and eating bad food. We should be meeting up with Mike in Atlanta. I checked both my bags, so I'm hoping all goes well. Brent, the Baer made the trip.
  12. Packed, but if I don't have time to go get a TSA lock for the big suitcase, it will have to stay in the trunk of my car.
  13. I'm staring at my suitcase and wondering why it didn't magically pack itself overnight.
  14. On the Florida impressions side, Duggeh and I both suck at Rock Band.
  15. So Duggeh got my headband issue all fixed up for me, and now things are just perfect in O2/BHSE land.
  16. He has one. The BHSE, believe it or not, isn't powerful enough for them.
  17. Just got off the phone with Jaime from JHA and tips are on their way.
  18. Just got two pair of universal JH13s (blacklight version....yes....that's what the post-it said), but no tips. I just sent an email to Brittany, and will try to call later, but if you have tips (I don't), bring them.
  19. Went to the funeral of my boss, who was a mentor and friend for 14 years, a wonderful man who died in a motorcycle accident a couple days ago. Cried and laughed a lot. Came home and went to bed at 4PM. Now it's 4AM and I'm awake. Gonna vacuum up the cat hair all over my house so Duggeh will think my house is always this...er...tidy. I'm really looking forward to just hanging out with good friends this week.
  20. I've never heard of them. Dusty, put the CD on your ipod and bring it to NC this weekend. I'm not a big progressive rock fan, but I'll check it out.
  21. boomana

    Beyer T1

    Steve only posted that, not because he likes saying "Tesla," but because he likes talking about his penis. But since we know that about him, it's okay. Now that that's done, I'll admit I'm curious. I'm not a Beyer hater at all. I wish the 880s treble weren't so brutal, but otherwise like them. I also liked my Darth Beyers as fun phones, and they're definitely comfy as I could ever want. I'm not in the market for new headphones, but that's never really stopped me before. We'll see.
  22. Lordy. If I messed mine up, they're going to stay messed up. I have no idea what you're talking about. So, I've now spent some good time with this amp, and with both the APL Phillips I got from tkam and the Exemplar Denon. Right now I'm preferring the Phillips with the O2s, with the Exemplar having a ever so slightly softer tone, which makes the headphones seem a bit too polite for much of what I'm listening to right now. I'm pretty excited with what I'm hearing, and I get totally immersed in just listening. The only problem I'm now having is with the O2s. I might have to replace the headband. It really is too loose for my head, and I'm holding the cups to my ears to get the best sound, and that's no fun. I'd mangled the headband into a shape that kinda fit before, but after taking them to CanJam, the big noggin people stretched it out again.
  23. I sometimes try to pretend I'm just visiting. Al, the pics look good, and if you don't like the silver, you can send them back. Maybe someone will have a camera at Dan's mini-meet and I'll finally post a pic of mine. Glad you like the way they sound. They're very addictive.
  24. the stuff?
  25. Happy birthday!
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