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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I have no doubts.
  2. I'm so proud of my hc men. A simple hello thread from a brand new female member has inspired the most concentrated effort of penis and vagina posts in hc history.
  3. With the rare exception, there are no thread or post deletes here, and your edit window is only a few minutes. It's a good idea to think before you post.
  4. Doug, can you email a couple of the best Ivan shots and a couple of my JH13s when you have a chance? Also, Mike and Al, I still owe both of you money. Let me know what's what.
  5. Penis discussions are not required reading.
  6. Hi Gatto. Welcome.
  7. That's where I'm at now. I spent the last two hours just loving my new rig: APL Phillips/BHSE/O2 with Duggeh headband mod. I'll probably play around with tubes in a few months, but right now I'm getting used to the sound, and enjoying listening to all my cds as new again.
  8. Eeek. I only know about 15 of those songs and not too many more artists. Guess I'm getting old.
  9. I lived in Manchester in 1982, worked at a restaurant named Grabbers where the bickering owners lived upstairs, came down in their bathrobes and fought with each other all the time while the chef enjoyed demonstrating his authority by flinging meat cleavers at the wall behind you if you were late picking up a plate. Fun times. It's a gorgeous area, though. I lived in a big run down farm house right in the middle of nowhere (probably developed by now), and when the leaves changed colors in the fall, it was truly awe inspiring. I left when I realized there was nothing really to do there but drink...so I moved to Newark
  10. I spent the last day of my vacation paying bills, doing laundry and looking for my work keys, which I just found with less than one hour to go. I don't know whether I should be impressed with myself for finding them, or worried about myself for putting them where they were found (linen closet).
  11. Ironic or entirely predictable? That said, I do like both the Apogee Mini-DAC and Beck, and someone owes me a new bra.
  12. Quite often the reaction of those hearing an excellent amp for the first time. Did you use the same headphones all those amps you rated? It's not like they're one size fits all.
  13. Who are you and what are you selling? Nothing against MOTs here at all, but you got to be up front with it.
  14. Happy 40th birthday to you! Hope you have a wonderful day.
  15. The magenta looked great on you. Someone on hf posted a pic of a light gray pair he got. They didn't look good at all.
  16. I wasn't very impressed with the pair morphsci had at DanJam, though I understand it didn't have the foam other pairs have, which should make a difference. I liked what I heard at CanJam better, but memory is a weird thing, and I'd really like to hear these again another time.
  17. The red on Al's looked great.
  18. I was guessing. I guess I was wrong. COLOURlovers :: Color / 41BEBE / gred I like that color a lot, but on my monitor it looks like turquoise, which was my second color choice.
  19. Nope, but you can pick pretty much anything you want. I asked for a rose pink, not a pink pink, and that's exactly what mine is.
  20. kinda like a champagne color
  21. I'm happy with mine, but I've seen more that I didn't like than liked.
  22. Nice picture of my boy! Yes, Ivan just loved Doug. It was kinda weird. He's a friendly cat, but he took to Doug the second he walked in.
  23. The demos I took to Kure Beach were supposedly blacklight versions. I don't think the clear one was, but suspect the deep magenta was made for that. Not really my thing, but the color looked good, and definitely better than the ones in that Sleek pic.
  24. Technically you're right, since grawk's an admin and not a mod here, but if you include him, I think the number is four. What the heck is a Sansa clip? I'm guessing mp3 player. Do I get a cookie?
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